Tamsoft/4 Goddesses Online

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You'll need pretty strong weapons to beat this game, right? If you've got work to do, don't hesitate to call me.

Tamsoft won early access to 4 Goddesses Online from a festival lottery and joined the beta test shortly after.

She has chosen the Blacksmith as her class within this game. Her skills in weapon production are utilized to their fullest degree as she strengthens the weaponry of other adventurers.[1]



Tamsoft's figure remains the same in other spin-offs. She now dons a pirate mixed with a cowgirl like outfit. She wears a red bandana decorated with some hexagonal patterns. She keeps her hair tied using a Tamsoft logo. A white piece of cloth wraps around her chest. Her outfit consists of a black and blue open leather jacket, brown leather gloves, jeans and chaps held up by a black belt with a metal donut-shaped buckle. The belt also holds her wooden hammer. Red ribbons are wrapped on the shoulders of her jacket.


Tamsoft is a girl eager to master the art of Blacksmithing. She works quickly and has a great reputation. Tamsoft is someone who respects and wants to protect tradition and uses archaic words sometimes. However, she is open to new things.


Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online

CPU checks out the Gion Blacksmith. Blanc recognizes the owner of the blacksmith and greets her. She wonders what she is doing here. The owner notes that it has been a long time. Neptune asks Blanc if she knows the owner. Blanc explains that the owner helped her out a long time ago. She never expected to meet her in this game. The owner introduces herself as Tamsoft and her occupation is a Blacksmith. Vert says it is their pleasure and notes that a great thing about playing online games is meeting people that you know in real life.

Rom is shy around Tamsoft and asks Ram if she is safe to talk to. Ram assures her that she is as she is Blanc's friend. The twins decide to introduce themselves to Tamsoft. Tamsoft also greets them and notes that it is difficult to tell the two apart. Neptune then asks Tamsoft since she has a traditional Japanese vibe, if she specializes in sword smithing. Rom excitedly wonders if she can improve her katana. Tamsoft tells them to bring in the materials and she will upgrade them. She is not limiting herself to swords, she can do guns as well.

Uni can't wait to see the extent her guns can be customized. Nepgear notices that Uni has stars in her eyes. Tamsoft notes that they need strong weapons to beat this game so they should not hesitate to call her. Blanc promises that they will and are happy to see her.

In Gion Blacksmith, Tamsoft has run out of materials. She pays a visit to the Chaos Factory and asks IF and Compa for some lively ores. IF does not know what lively ores are but she does have Blacksmith materials available for sale. She asks Tamsoft to take a look. Compa welcomes Tam-Tam. Tamsoft tells Compa she does not need a nickname. Compa decides to call her Soft-Sotht, Soft-Sot, Sofpht but can't get the word right. IF tells Compa she can't use that as an alternative. Tamsoft does not want to trouble Compa and allows her to call her whatever she wants.

IF asks Tamsoft what specifically she is looking for. Tamsoft wants cheap materials for practice. She is paying out of pocket so she accepts any quality. IF tells Tamsoft to give her a minute and she looks for some materials. Compa asks her how her blacksmith is operating. Tamsoft explains that she has a lot of customers but she feels that her quality is lacking. She wants to raise her skill level. Normally, when she messes up for practice, she can break her failed work back into materials for reuse but when dealing with a client. She only has one chance.

Compa admits she would not be able to handle such stress. Her hands would get sweaty. IF returns and suggests that she sell her failed works. That is more profitable than recycling the items. Tamsoft can't sell people failed work. A failure is a failure. IF finds that Tamsoft has quite the professional attitude. She asks that if Tamsoft has made any cool items while practicing that she come back here. IF will buy it off her. IF hands Tamsoft some ores with a little extra as usual.

Tamsoft thanks IF and promises to come back soon. Compa thanks Tamsoft for her business.

Later in Gion Blacksmith, the Planeptune sisters and Uni arrive. Neptune calls for Tamsoft and asks if she has a minute for something they have to ask about. Tamsoft asks what's up. She notices that Neptune is excited. Tamsoft asks if something big happens. Neptune explains that a player they met had a weapon... and... um... She asks Nepgear and Uni to explain the details. Nepgear asks if calling it a laser-esque sword would give Tamsoft a good idea of what it is. Uni admits she did not get a look at it in mid-battle but it had a charge function. If one gathered energy and it could release powerful attack.

Tamsoft finds this interesting. When she gets the chance, she'd like to smith one herself. But for their information Tamsoft is a relatively new Blacksmith. She does not know about all of the weapons. She apologizes for not being much of a help. Nepgear wonders wonders if that was a rare weapon. She tells Tamsoft there is no need to rush and to update them if anything happens. Neptune notes that Nepgear and Uni can't equip swords. She asks if them if that is just for their collection. Nepgear reminds Neptune that she can equip and as long as she can see it in action, she okay with that. Uni is the same, she would be happy just having around.

Tamsoft laughs and notes that they've taking a liking to it. She tells them that she will look out for it. Tamsoft asks them to drop off if anything happens. She would like to see this weapon in order to sharpen her skills. Tamsoft reminds them that she needs the right amount of materials and bells from them. Uni guesses that means materials take precedence between all else. Neptune assures them that drop rates don't affect her. They will collect all the materials while they are completing the story.

Tamsoft has just recently acquired the Amethyst Glass. She has been doing blacksmithing all this time so it is nice to to actually follow the main story for once. Bouquet appears and explains that this has nothing to do with Tamsoft's mission but she asks for a bit of her time. In their last conversation, Tamsoft mentioned words that Bouquet does not have in her dictionary. Bouquet would like Tamsoft's help with her feedback.

Bouquet asks what does "teyandei" and "inase" mean? Tamsoft has 200 or less characters to respond with. Tamsoft explains that "teyandei" means "what are you saying?" while "inase" means "cool". Bouquet creates a new category to store these words. She asks Tamsoft if it is okay to say these words are obsolete in colloquial language. Tamsoft thinks it is sad to see them that way but admits that they are a little old to some people.

However, Tamsoft will never let these words be forgotten. Bouquet thinks that is wonderful and will archive their conversation. Tamsoft wonders what "archive" means. There are so many new words these days and she just can't keep up. Tamsoft thinks it would be a good idea to look at a dictionary when she gets back.

CPU defeats Demon King Jester. They return triumphant to Wishuel so Tamsoft and other shopkeepers decide to see them return. Tamsoft is amazed they finally did it. She hopes that her work was able to help them out in some way. Nothing would make her happier. Nepgear assures her that the weapons she strengthened helped them take out strong monsters and thanks Tamsoft for everything.

Plutia congratulates everyone. As a commemoration for beating the boss person, she will host a special sale for the next 10 minutes. Neptune is surprised she is going to do it right now and only for 10 minutes. She really does move to the beat of her drum. Peashy is confused, they are congratulating Neptuna. Is it her birthday? Plutia explains that Neppy and the others won against a big meanie. Peashy is impressed with Neptuna's achievement. Neptune laughs and thanks Peashy.

IF thinks about commemorative sale. She asks Compa if they should do one at their shop. Compa remembers that their items are priced at the lowest possible price. They would end up in the red if they have a sale. However, this is a special occasion so Compa decides to do it. IF declares in competition to Plutia, they will have a 30 minute sale. Nepgear notes that everyone has gotten to the shop business.

Later, Neptune clears her throat and welcomes the player to the customary "Thank You for Playing" Corner. CPU, Bouquet, GM and the Goddesses say a few words. Purple Heart passes back to Neptune.

Neptune thanks Purple Heart and now that their party members have... Neptune takes a look around and sees all her other friends and wonders where they came from. IF notes that they get to do something like this. It should be alright if they say a word or two. IF and Compa say their piece. Tamsoft asks if its okay if she can go next. She has something she would like to say as well. Tamsoft tells the player, she will keep working on the player's weapons. There may be more powerful enemies lurking. She suggests that they sharpen her blacksmithing skills together.

The other shop keepers, Uzume and enemies all say a few words. After that, Blanc thinks that should be everyone. Vert notes that if they were going to include everyone, they will have to bring out minor characters and the eggplant lady. They would not finish until sunset. Neptune agrees and they are just in time for pudding so she wants to end it here. Neptune concludes the Thank You Corner and tells the player to do their best and take of them from now on.
