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Dungeon/Re;Birth1/Lowee Snowfield

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Lowee Snowfield is a dungeon in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 that is unlocked in Chapter 4 and can be found in Lowee.


Note 1: There is only one hidden treasure per pass. To acquire more hidden items, you must leave and reenter the dungeon.
Note 2: The gathering points are numbered according to the image on the side.
Treasure Hidden Treasure # Gathering Points
(Item Change OFF)
Gathering Points
(Item Change ON)
Plan: Hero Drink C (Item)
Plan: Silver Anklet (Ornament)
Orange Pigment (Material) 1 Silver Ore (Material) Symbol Encounter Lv.3 (Idea Chip)
Plan: Nep Bull C (Item) Snow W (Processor Unit) 2 Night Moon Grass (Material)
Frozen Scale (Material)
Ice Skeleton (Material)
Western Game Lv.3 (Idea Chip)
Eject Button (Item) Plan: EXP Up 3 Herb (Material)
Ice Skeleton (Material)
Black Box Set (Material)
Dream Dolphin Tail (Material)
Healing Grass (Material)
- - 4 Healing Grass (Material)
Silver Ore (Material)
Black Box Set (Material)
Dream Dolphin Tail (Material)
Silver Ore (Material)
- - 5 Herb (Material)
Healing Grass (Material)
Dream Dolphin Tail (Material)
Fighting Lv.3 (Idea Chip)


Common type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Frozen Skull Ice Skeleton (Material) Snow S (Processor) ----
Lowee Soldier Iron Fragment (Material) ---- ----
Gold Lizard Frozen Scale (Material) ---- ----
Violent Good Girl Black Box Set (Material) Low-Grade Ribbon (Vert's accessory) ----
tPad Out-Of-Date Pen (Material) ---- ----
Plaid Dolphin Dream Dolphin Tail (Material) ---- ----
Ice Whale * Monster Lv.3 (Idea Chip) ---- ----
Mekidrygar * Large Medal P (Key Item) ---- ----
  • Enemies marked with a * require the "Add Enemies: Lowee Snowfield" plan active.

Scripted type

Name Drop 1 Drop 2 Drop 3
Ancient Dragon Old Dragon...Orb (Material) Memory Increase - 1024MB (Key Item) ----


Chapter 4

After the escape from the Basilicom of Lowee, the group run through the Lowee Snowfield to escape the chasing Lowee guards.