Dungeon/4 Goddesses Online/Tetyu Temple

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Tetyu Temple is a dungeon that is unlocked once the candidates are recruited.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once.

Note 1: The number beside the treasure items on the table indicate the point on the map where they can be obtained.
Note 2: The green number beside the treasure chest are locked treasures. They can be unlocked with the use of a Mysterious Keyring. However it will use the Keyring.

Treasure Locked Treasure Gathering Points
1) Fairy Feathers (Pink) [x1] (Accessory) 1) Demon Headband [x1] (Accessory) Crystal Fragment
2) Fruit of Respite [x2] 2) Fairy Feathers (Blue) [x1] (Accessory) Pure Water
3) Fruit of Light [x2] 3) Halo Bulb [x1] (Accessory) Crystal Ore
4) Fairy Feathers (Light Purple) [x1] (Accessory) 4) Tetyu Holy Water [x3] -
5) Potion of Protection [x1] - -
6) Crystalline Water [x2] - -
7) Elf Ears [x1] (Accessory) - -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
  • Shutolmate shows up as a boss in the altar room with the quest Deep Purple
  • Chaosroid is available as a boss with the quest Guardian
Name Drop
Living Dead Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Fruit of Respite, Old Bones
Hob Goblin Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Sharp Stone Blade
Knock Tortoise Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Crystalline Water, Light Shell
Metal Dogoo Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Seed of Leanverde, Squishy Membrane
Big Metal Dogoo Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Raw Monster Fluid, Fruit of Beginnings, Spongey Membrane
Gremlin Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Sharp Stone Blade
Large Shell Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Light Shell
Big Red Dogoo Monster Hide, Monster Fluid, Raw Monster Fluid, Fruit of Light, Spongey Membrane
King Gargoyle Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Great Wing
Blitmate Monster Armor, Tetyu Holy Water, Broken Sword Point
Shoutolmate Monster Armor, Monster Equipment, Tetyu Holy Water, Hard Helmet Fragment
Chaosroid Monster Equipment, Tetyu Holy Water, Camoflauge Cloak


When the party first arrives in Tetyu Temple without getting all the Sacred Treasures. Noire wonders why Neptune is here for that reason. Neptune was curious as this dungeon was unlocked after they got a Sacred Treasure. Blanc urges them to find the Sacred Treasures. Neptune wants the cool things here that they can miss. Vert tells Neptune the choice is hers. They can look around and earn money in the ruins.

The party has made it to an altar in Tetyu Temple. Bouquet appears and welcomes them. Neptune is happy to see her. Vert is glad that fate has allowed the two sisters to reunite. Bouquet tells Lady Vert that she is not her sister unless she is remembering that incorrectly. Vert tells Bouquet to not be so formal with her as they are quite close. Bouquet admits that they do know each other but...

Neptune notices that Bouquet is not as awkward around Vert. Noire wonders if Vert has a brainwashing ability where she can insert herself as someone's sister. Vert tells Noire not to say something so horrid. Only love can accomplish this. Bouquet decides to explain that this is the altar where they will offer the Sacred Treasures to release the Goddesses. It is the closest place in Alsgard to the Divine Realm. Due to the recent increase in monsters, less and less people have been making a pilgrimage here. Their presence pleases the Goddesses.

Neptune wants to place the Amethyst Glass, the Sacred Treasure they have right now. Noire doubts anything would happen as they only have one. She remembers needing four for anything to happen. Neptune thinks that is fine and offers the Amethyst Glass anyways. Blanc notices that the atmosphere has gotten more reverential. Rom notes that it feels like they are in the Cathedral. Ram wonders if the Goddesses are here and watching. She calls for them. Neptune thinks that can't be case as they need 4 for them to show up.

Purple Heart's voice can be heard. She gives the Chosen Ones blessings from the Goddesses and the party acquires the Source of Life. Nepgear is shocked. Neptune recognizes her voice. Uni can't believe that they were really watching them. Bouquet reminds them that this altar is connected to the Divine Realm. An offer of a Sacred Treasure allows them to feel the presence of the Goddesses.

Noire understands and never really expected anything to happen. Uni really wants to meet the Goddess based Noire soon. Neptune is happy the trip was worth it. They are all more pumped. Nepgear encourages them all to do their best. Vert promises as the older sister of Bouquet she will gather all the Sacred Treasures. Bouquet wishes them good luck in their journey.

Neptune is ready to head back. Noire reminds her to pick up the Sacred Treasure. Neptune is glad to have the reminder as she would not want anyone stealing the Sacred Treasure. Blanc tells them if that is done, they should head back and find the rest of the Sacred Treasures.

Later, CPU returns to Tetyu Temple with all the Sacred Treasures. Vert asks if it is possible for the Paramount Pair to interfere with the revival. Blanc thinks the monsters wandering inside the temple could be their troops. Neptune remembers that Bouquet said that the Paramount Pair were still gathering their forces. They are still waiting in the wings. Noire tells Neptune they do not know that. They don't know who will show up but they should proceed carefully.

CPU makes it to the Altar of Goddesses and Bouquet welcomes them. Vert is glad to see Bouquet and asks if she is feeling okay. If Bouquet needs any special care then she should let Vert know. Bouquet admits that she does not remember what happened last time. She asks what happened. Noire asks if she really can't remember. Nepgear explains that they reported a problem and and error occurred during her analysis. Perhaps her memory around the time was reset.

Bouquet understand that they are referring to the case, the GM is currently investigating. Either way, Neptune feels a lot better seeing Bouquet alright. Vert too is relieved. Bouquet asks them to forgive her for worrying them. Neptune is ready to awaken the Goddesses. Bouquet asks them to place the 4 Sacred Treasures in the altar. Blanc thinks they should set it down in order. Neptune prefers putting it all down at once. Vert agrees with Neptune but wants them to do as pairs of sisters.

Neptune points out that Vert would be left out but realizes that Vert may be after her sister. She refuses to let Vert take Nepgear. Vert tells Neptune she misconstrues her words. Nepgear will pair up with Neptune and her partner will be Bouquet. Bouquet is shocked and she is a NPC. There is no way she can take part in the story for the players. Vert eases her concerns as she is just placing her hand on the Sacred Treasure. More importantly, she is a friend who progressed the story with them. Vert wants to revive the Goddesses with her. Bouquet understands and asks everyone to stand by the altar.

Nepgear would have been fine with the older sisters handling this part but she is happy that they can do this together. Neptune finds her sister being in a good mood so cute. Uni realizes that she does not spend too much time with her sister outside work. They have baked sweets together but that is so rare. Noire asks Uni what is wrong as she is spacing out. Is she nervous? Uni denies this as placing things on altar is a cakewalk. She's fine.

Rom is excited and tells her sister to be in the middle. Ram feels squished as there are three of them and asks when they are going to place the Sacred Treasure. Blanc tells her to be patient and wait for Neptune's signal. Vert tells Bouquet that this is fateful. The first mission the two complete together is the one where the Goddesses will be revived. Bouquet is determined to try her best. Vert laughs and tells Bouquet not to be so stiff. Neptune tells everyone on two, they will offer the Sacred Treasures.

On two, everyone offers the Sacred Treasure and Neptune is in awe. Bouquet reports that the door to the Divine Realm has opened. The earth and Divine Realm are connected by a rainbow bridge. Blanc ponders what is on the other side of the gate... Bouquet confirms Blanc's thoughts that on the other side is the Divine Realm where the Goddesses reside. Noire knows that this is just an event in the game but it does feel like quite the accomplishment. Vert thinks it is still too early to celebrate, they need to meet the Goddesses. Neptune agrees and everyone goes to the Divine Realm.

In the Divine Realm. Neptune is awe. Purple Heart tells the Chosen Ones have done well to come this far. They have been waiting a very long time for the day they would meet. Neptune is impressed with "me". Neptune understands the audience might not understand but in the other games, she actually transforms to Purple Heart. Black Heart reports that right now, the evil they sealed is trying to revive again. They cannot stop that on their own and asks the Chosen Ones for their help.

Noire agrees to help them. They are even ready to do battle with the Demon King himself. Noire thinks talking to her character that looks like her when transformed is kind of strange. Uni thinks this is really Noire. She wonders why she is crying. White Heart asks the Chosen Ones again if they can entrust the fate of this world to the Chosen Ones. Blanc assures White Heart they can. Rom's eyes sparkle as she comments on how pretty Blanc is. Ram tells her sister that they should make some wings and pretend that they are Goddesses. Blanc tells the twins that they are already Goddesses.

Green Heart understands their intentions of the Chosen Ones. Green Heart believes they will see this through and with the Goddesses' return to earth, they will provide the Chosen Ones with more protection and greater power. Vert thanks the Goddesses. If the Goddesses are controlled by the AI, Vert hopes to have a proper conversation. Vert is impressed so far. Nepgear thinks it would be nice to talk to the Goddesses like they have talked to Bouquet.

Black Heart notes that the Demon King's power is great but if everyone is united in battle, they have a chance in victory. White Heart urges everyone to gather their strength and defeat the Demon King. Green Heart tells them the time for the final battle is soon. It is time for the Goddesses to descend to Alsgard. Vert notes Bouquet will be looking forward to meeting them all. CPU's firepower has increased and Neptune thinks the Demon King is nothing compared to them.

Purple Heart laughs and she promises on behalf of the Goddesses that she will show them the power of the Goddesses. Nepgear thinks it is expected that both Neptunes make a great combo.

The Goddesses all return to the altar. Bouquet welcomes everyone back and notes that it is such a honor to behold the countenances of the Goddesses. She asks them to please put an end to the evils in this world.

Purple Heart thinks Bouquet has done well to guide this world as the Royal Geist. She wants her to continue her good work. Bouquet promises that she always will. Neptune wants to say something too. She tells her "other me" that they should do their best. Purple Heart does not understand what Neptune means by "other me".

Blanc tells Neptune she shouldn't have to say this to her but their narrative is not going to make sense to the in-game Goddesses. It seems to be case so far and Nepgear tells her "older sister" not to worry about it. Purple Heart has no idea what she means by older sister. Nepgear apologizes and explains that she just looks like so much like her. It will be a hard habit to break. Purple Heart thinks in any case they have descended safely upon earth and they will always be by the Chosen Ones' side. They should fight together from now on. Neptune and others agree.

Eggplant Hidden Boss CPU recently acquired an eggplant. In the Guild, a well built gentleman calls everyone around to tell them about something strange that happened a while ago. The gentleman explains that he saw a suspicious duo head towards the altar with one of them saying chu chu... He thought they were trying to offer the Sacred Treasures but then he heard a scream from the altar. The gentleman ran to the altar to check on the situation. All he found were two people beat up and collapsed but the gentleman could not find any sign of monsters.

Neptune feels like she heard of this before and this bothers her a bit. The gentleman then explains that he has gathered up all the Sacred Treasures but now he is afraid of going near the altar. He asks CPU if they can investigate for him. Vert finds it difficult to believe that the Goddesses would attack anyone. She believes that this could be the work of a monster that only shows up at specific conditions. The gentleman explains that he already asked someone else to investigate but they found nothing. Regardless he is still suspicious. Neptune assures the gentleman that they will figure out this mystery.

CPU heads to Tetyu Temple and reach the altar. A mysterious voice asks them to leave twice. Neptune asks Noire if she said something. Noire tells her she did not say anything and suggests that Neptune is just hearing things. Nepgear believes she heard something as well. It almost sounded like a ghost. Rom shivers at the thought of a ghost. Ram is nervous as well but she tries to assure her sister that ghosts aren't scary at all. She will take care of them. Blanc assures the twins that as a Priest, she is suited to exorcism. She will send any ghosts back to the afterlife if they attack. Neptune feels like what Blanc said was familiar. She thinks Iffy said something similar when using her special attacks.

The mysterious voice warns them that those carrying the... to leave. Nepgear notices it this time and alerts everyone to it. Uni wonders if this is some sort of event. Vert believes the voice is telling them to leave. Nepgear understands that they are in the ruins so perhaps an ancient ghost is haunting the place. Roms gets scared. Neptune looks for the ghost but she notices no walls or TVs around. Vert thinks if an event is to occur at any point, it should be at the altar.

The mysterious voice warns again that those carrying the eggplant. Blanc wonders if this has anything to do with the eggplant that they have received from the old lady. The item could be event trigger. Vert deduces that the players that the gentleman saw must have had eggplants with them. This resulted in them being attacked by this monster. Nepgear realizes that her sister hates eggplants. Perhaps this is reflected on the Goddess modeled after her. Neptune wonders if that means if they carry eggplants close to the altar, the Goddesses will get angry and something terrible will happen. Neptune always knew the eggplants would bring catastrophe. Neptune urges everyone to erase the item right now.

Uni reminds Neptune that they don't really know if that is truly the cause right now. She believes Neptune is just trying to find an excuse to remove the eggplant in general. Ram tells Neptune that she and her sister eats their eggplants and vegetables without issues. Rom adds that she loves mild mapo eggplants and smiles. Vert praises the twins for being such good girls to eat their vegetables without being picky and pats them. Blanc laughs and recommends that Neptune should learn from her sisters.

Neptune gets upset and explains that she does get enough nutrients and happiness from her pudding and she does not need to eat eggplants. Nepgear suggests to her sister that she can have a slightly more balanced diet. Vert agrees and thinks it would be a waste to destroy the item they have obtained. The eggplant can serve as some sort of material as well. Blanc thinks however they choose to deal with the eggplant is fine but they should report back to the gentleman.

Noire agrees as she does not want to get into a fight with the Goddesses which may turn out to be a hopeless boss fight. She thinks they should stay away from the altar with the eggplant. Vert agrees and leads them back to the city. Neptune whines and just wants the eggplant destroyed.

CPU returns to the guild to report to the well-built gentleman. He is glad to see them safe. Neptune is glad to see the guy from before. She reports that when they went to the altar, they heard a strange being telling them to leave. The gentleman is glad that his suspicions were correct and asks for the conditions required to find this monster. Nepgear explains that it is an eggplant. The gentleman is confused. Nepgear explains that there is some sort of guardian that stops people from bring eggplants to the altar.

The reason for that is likely that the Goddesses hate eggplants. The gentleman is glad because he does not have any eggplants with him. Now he can offer the Sacred Treasures in peace. He thanks CPU for investigating this for him and gives them the Eyes of Nagia. He hopes they will meet again someday. The gentleman leaves.

Neptune wonders what they should do with the eggplants. She wants to throw them away. Vert notes that if they return to the altar with the eggplant, the guardian may not be so forgiving. Neptune is upset as that means they still have to carry the eggplant around. Vert explains that from her experience, the drop from this kind of boss is good so they should prepare to fight it. Neptune catches the glimmer of excitement from Vert's eyes. While Neptune likes a fight with a strong boss, she feels bad for the Goddesses.

Back in the altar at Tetyu Temple, CPU hears the guardian and he tells them to leave. Noire wonders if it is just her but the tone of his voice is a lot harsher. Blanc believes it is because they ignored his warnings. Neptune agrees with the guardian. Eggplants will contaminate their inventory and turn it purple. Vert wonders if they continue to stay here, a boss fight will occur. This piques Vert's interest. Nepgear does not want to upset her sister too much. Rom knows that eggplants are good and wonders why the Goddesses don;t like it. Ram bets that Neptune and the Goddesses only hate the eggplants because they have never tried it.

Neptune counters Ram, she has tried it and she wishes she never did. They should just destroy the eggplants. Rom believes the Goddesses will learn to like it if they try so the twins approach the altar with the eggplant. Blanc tells her sisters to wait. Ram tells the Goddesses she will offer this eggplant. Rom puts it on the altar with a schwing. Neptune yells in vain to stop the two. A rumble is felt followed by a bright light stunning CPU. Blanc wonders what just happened. Vert is infatuated by how mischievous and cute the twins were just now. Neptune tells Vert this is not the time for her infatuation.

Neptune alerts the party to some strange noise. Ram thinks this is weird. Perhaps, they should have cooked the eggplant first. Nepgear does admit that even if the Goddesses liked eggplants, it would be tough to eat without cooking. Nepgear then quickly remembers that the twins are on the altar and asks them to come back quickly. Rom tells her sister that something is approaching and she begins panic.

The guardian arrives and is upset they have the gall to carry the abhorrent vegetable of vengeance, Deep Purple to the altar. They are fools to be afraid. Neptune barely contain her laughter at the Guardian's naming choice. Noire tells Neptune to quiet down so they don't aggravate him any further.

The Guardian gets angry at CPU and wonders what is so funny. He will deliver the judgement of the Divine World and charges in. Noire tells Neptune she has made the guardian angry so she must take responsibility for this. Neptune thinks that the guardian who hates eggplants and her are on the same side. Vert tells Neptune, the guardian does not feel the same. Vert feels like the guardian is a powerful enemy so everyone should be careful.

CPU manages to defeat the guardian. The guardian cannot beleive that he lost and retreats. Noire is tired but is glad they were able to make him retreat. Blanc never wants to fight it again. Vert is the same as even that fight was a bit for her. But they did get rewards for this. CPU acquires 3 Tetyu Holy Water, 3 Oneiro Demon Book and one Philisopher's Stone. Blanc feels that hidden bosses are on a whole other level. Noire notices that the eggplant on the altar has disappeared. Neptune wonders if a goddess ate it. She hopes her other self is okay.