Item/4 Goddesses Online
Items are a subset of all the items in Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online. Items are consumable. Its effects are to can heal the player character, affect the amount of bells gained from killing enemies, show all treasures and collection points on the map and increase stats permanently. They need to be equipped onto a player before they can be used with the exception of Philosopher's Stone. Consumable items are commonly obtained from monster drops, quest rewards, treasures and shops. Some events give items as well.
When increasing stats, a character can only use a stat-boosting item 100 times for the same stat. It does not matter whether the stat boosting item was DLC or not, only 100 can be used per character per stat.
Item | Description | Sell (Bells) |
Alph Wild Grass | Using this increases a character's max HP by 30. Up to 100 can be used per character. | 400 |
Breath of the Goddess | Creates a circle on the ground which heals HP at regular intervals. | 400 |
Chocolate Crepe | Heals all status effects and 30% SP of one party member. | 400 |
Crystalline Water | Heals one party member's SP by 60%. | 144 |
Elder Tree Sap | Heals one party member's SP by 30%. | 24 |
Embrace of the Goddess | Heals all status effects of one party member. | 320 |
Eye of Grip | Displays locations of treasure and materials on the Mini-Map of a dungeon | 500 |
Eyes of Nagia | Multiplies Bells earned from battles by 1.2 times. | 500 |
Fiyar Ore | Using this increases a character's max DEF by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | 400 |
Fruit of Beginnings | Heals one party member's HP by 100%. | 300 |
Fruit of Light | Heals one party member's HP by 60%. | 120 |
Fruit of Respite | Heals one party member's HP by 30% | 20 |
Goddess Drop | Creates a circle centered around you that heals HP at regular intervals. | 400 |
Hestie Fire Rock | Using this increases a character's max STR by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | 400 |
Kiss of the Goddess | Heals all status effects of entire party. | 320 |
Leaf of Leanverde | Heals one party member's HP and SP by 20%. | 40 |
Light Stone Powder | Heals one party member's Paralysis status. | 10 |
Magical Elixir | Heals one party member's SP by 100%. | 360 |
Moisturizing Lotion | Heals Burn status of entire party. | 60 |
Mysterious Keyring | Opens locked treasure chests. | 500 |
Oneiro Demon Book | Using this increases a character's max INT by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | 400 |
Philosopher’s Stone | When equipped, will revive a KO'd party member and restore their HP by 30%. | 600 |
Potion of Protection | Heals all status effects and 30% HP of entire party and revives any KO'd party members. | 3000 |
Purified Sap | Heals one party member's Burn status. | 10 |
Root of Leanverde | Heals one party member's HP and SP by 50%. | 240 |
Scroll of Return | Allows party to escape a dungeon. | 120 |
Seed of Leanverde | Heals one party member's HP and SP by 80%. | 600 |
Smelling Salts | Heals Paralysis status of entire party. | 60 |
Source of Life | Heals one party member's HP and SP by 100%. | 1000 |
Tetyu Holy Water | Using this increases a character's max SP by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | 400 |
Water of Life | Heals all status effects and 30% HP of one party member. | 400 |
Refresh Fruit | Heals one party member's HP by 30%. | |
Magic Drink | Heals one party member's SP by 30%. | |
Mysterious Leaf | Heals one party member's HP and SP by 20%. | |
Miraculous Herb | Using this increases a character's max HP by 30. Up to 100 may be used per character. | |
Wise Water | Using this increases a character's max SP by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | |
Boiled Rock | Using this increases a character's max STR by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | |
Sparkle Stone | Using this increases a character's max DEF by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | |
Eyes of Providence | Increases Bells earned from enemies in dungeons by 1.2. | |
Dengekiko's Notebook | Using this increases a character's max INT by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. | |
Famitsu's Notebook | Using this increases a character's max INT by 3. Up to 100 may be used per character. |
Monster Drops
Item | Monster | Dungeon |
Alph Wild Grass | Abyss Knight | Horor Garden |
Beaster Roll | Alph Plains | |
Yiear Forest | ||
Bestiroa | Alph Plains | |
Dark Knight | Horor Garden | |
Death Machine | Horor Garden | |
Demon General Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Eldemate | Yiear Forest | |
Extreme Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Holy War Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Minotauros | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Scripted) | |
Chrono Wasteland | ||
Nowaid | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Scripted) | |
Horor Garden | ||
Phantom Knight | Horor Garden | |
Shutolmate | Chrono Wasteland | |
Volcerios | Yiear Forest | |
War God Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Crystalline Water | Abyss Worm | Hestie Crater |
Balecifer | Atlio City Ruins | |
Dogoo | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Dos Gargoyle | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | |
Knock Tortoise | Tetyu Temple | |
Metal Dogoo | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | |
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
Parasite Worm | Oneiro Corridor Floor 1 | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | ||
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Oneiro Corridor Floor B3 | ||
Red Dogoo | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Ulgadeus | Chrono Wasteland | |
Elder Tree Sap | Apeldoom | Hestie Crater |
Elder Matango | Yiear Forest | |
Fiyar Mines | ||
Gargoyle | Arodie Cavern | |
Goblin | Alph Plains | |
Hob Goblin | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Oneiro Corridor Floor B3 | ||
Red Chocobas | Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | |
Fiyar Ore | Abyss Knight | Horor Garden |
Dark Knight | Horor Garden | |
Death Machine | Horor Garden | |
Demon General Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Extreme Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Shutolmate | Chrono Wasteland | |
Volcerios | Fiyar Mines | |
Fruit of Beginnings | Big Dogoo | Chrono Wasteland |
Big Metal Dogoo | Tetyu Temple | |
Big Red Dogoo | Horor Garden | |
Metal Dogoo | Hestie Crater | |
Fruit of Light | Big Dogoo | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Arodie Cavern | ||
Big Red Dogoo | Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | |
Tetyu Temple | ||
Corpse Knight | Oneiro Corridor Floor 1 | |
Gremlin | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | |
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
Hell Salamander | Atlio City Ruins | |
Nightmare Unicorn | Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | |
Shrotamon | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | |
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
Unicornia | Chrono Wasteland | |
Atlio City Ruins | ||
Fruit of Respite | Chaos Dino | Horor Garden |
Chocobas | Yiear Forest | |
Corpse Knight | Logi Mountain | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Dos Gargoyle | Oneiro Corridor Floor 1 | |
Oneiro Corridor Floor B1 | ||
Oneiro Corridor Floor B2 | ||
Fiyar Mines | ||
Hell Cat | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | |
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
Fiyar Mines | ||
Hob Goblin | Logi Mountain | |
Yiear Forest | ||
Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | ||
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
King Gargoyle | Hestie Crater | |
Lilac Tyranno | Horor Garden | |
Atlio City Ruins | ||
Living Dead | Hestie Crater | |
Tetyu Temple | ||
Mellow Cat | Yiear Forest | |
Pumpkinmon | Alph Plains | |
Red Dogoo | Arodie Cavern | |
Unigrand | Chrono Wasteland | |
Hestie Fire Rock | Bestiroa | Hestie Crater |
Blitmate | Logi Mountain | |
Demon General Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Holy War Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Mirage El | Hestie Crater | |
Nowaid | Horor Garden | |
Phantom Knight | Horor Garden | |
Volcerios | Hestie Crater | |
War God Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Leaf of Leanverde | Mandragora | Yiear Forest |
Light Stone Powder | Great Turtle | Arodie Cavern |
Skeleton | Logi Mountain | |
Magical Elixir | Balecifer | Chrono Wasteland |
Horor Garden | ||
Big Red Dogoo | Yiear Sea Of Trees (Before Purification Arrow) | |
Yiear Sea Of Trees (After Purification Arrow) | ||
Grimondross | Atlio City Ruins | |
Oneiro Demon Book | Abyss Knight | Horor Garden |
Dark Knight | Oneiro Corridor Boss Room | |
Horor Garden | ||
Death Machine | Horor Garden | |
Demon General Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Eldemate | Arodie Cavern | |
Extreme Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Holy War Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Mirage El | Oneiro Corridor Boss Room | |
Nowaid | Horor Garden | |
Phantom Knight | Horor Garden | |
Shutolmate | Arodie Cavern | |
Oneiro Corridor Boss Room | ||
Chrono Wasteland | ||
War God Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Seed of Leanverde | Big Metal Dogoo | Chrono Wasteland |
Metal Dogoo | Tetyu Temple | |
Source of Life | Big Metal Dogoo | Atlio City Ruins |
Tetyu Holy Water | Abyss Knight | Horor Garden |
Blitmate | Tetyu Temple | |
Chaosroid | Tetyu Temple | |
Dark Knight | Horor Garden | |
Death Machine | Horor Garden | |
Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Eldemate | Arodie Cavern | |
Extreme Demon King Jester | Atlio City Ruins | |
Holy War Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland | |
Nowaid | Horor Garden | |
Phantom Knight | Horor Garden | |
Shutolmate | Tetyu Temple | |
Arodie Cavern | ||
Chrono Wasteland | ||
War God Minotauros | Chrono Wasteland |
Item | Dungeon | Amount |
Fruit of Respite | Forest | 5 |
Alph Plains | 2 | |
Logi Mountain | 2 | |
Arodie Cavern | 1 | |
Oneiro Corride | 3 | |
Yiear Sea of Trees | 2 | |
Fiyar Mines | 2 | |
Hestie Crater | 2 | |
Tetyu Temple | 2 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 2 | |
Fruit of Light | Forest | 1 |
Alph Plains | 1 | |
Logi Mountain | 1 | |
Yiear Forest | 2 | |
Yiear Sea of Trees | 1 | |
Fiyar Mines | 1 | |
Tetyu Temple | 2 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 1 | |
Horor Garden | 1 | |
Fruit of Beginnings | Yiear Forest | 1 |
Unreal World | 3 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 1 | |
Atlio City Ruins | 1 | |
Elder Tree Sap | Forest | 5 |
Alph Plains | 2 | |
Arodie Cavern | 1 | |
Yiear Forest | 3 | |
Hestie Crater | 2 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 2 | |
Crystalline Water | Logi Mountain | 1 |
Yiear Sea of Trees | 1 | |
Fiyar Mines | 1 | |
Tetyu Temple | 2 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 1 | |
Horor Garden | 1 | |
Magical Elixir | Fiyar Mines | 1 |
Unreal World | 3 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 1 | |
Atlio City Ruins | 1 | |
Goddess Drop | Chrono Wasteland | 2 |
Breath of the Goddess | Yiear Forest | 2 |
Hestie Crater | 3 | |
Embrace of the Goddess | Fiyar Mines | 1 |
Kiss of the Goddess | Oneiro Corridor | 1 |
Water of Life | Arodie Cavern | 2 |
Horor Garden | 1 | |
Potion of Protection | Tetyu Temple | 1 |
Atlio City Ruins | 2 | |
Philosopher's Stone | Logi Mountain (Locked) | 1 |
Scroll of Return | Logi Mountain | 2 |
Leaf of Leanverde | Logi Mountain | 1 |
Yiear Forest | 1 | |
Root of Leanverde | Logi Mountain | 1 |
Horor Garden | 2 | |
Seed of Leanverde | Oneiro Corridor | 2 |
Unreal World (Locked) | 2 | |
Atlio City Ruins | 2 | |
Source of Life | Unreal World | 1 |
Unreal World (Locked) | 1 | |
Atlio City Ruins | 1 | |
Alph Wild Grass | Yiear Forest (Locked) | 3 |
Yiear Sea of Trees | 3 | |
Chrono Wasteland | 3 | |
Tetyu Holy Water | Arodie Cavern | 3 |
Tetyu Temple (Locked) | 3 | |
Horor Garden | 3 | |
Logi Mountain | Logi Mountain | 3 |
Hestie Crater | 3 | |
Fiyar Ore | Fiyar Mines | 3 |
Oneiro Demon Book | Oneiro Corridor | 3 |
Quest Rewards
For more information on quests, please see Quest/4 Goddesses Online.
Item | Quest | Rank | Amount |
Fruit of Respite | Fresh Green Bud | 1 | 3 |
The Usual Guys | 1 | 3 | |
Mushroom Season | 3 | 2 | |
Dogoo Platter | 5 | ||
Search the Mountains | 5 | 3 | |
Fruit of Light | Lack of Calcium | 1 | 3 |
Rock Out | 2 | 3 | |
Blue Lightning | 2 | 3 | |
Great Grief | 4 | 4 | |
Fruit of Beginnings | Blue Lightning | 2 | 2 |
A Tough Cute | 4 | 3 | |
Gather Cute Groups | 5 | 3 | |
More Slimy | 7 | 3 | |
My Pet | 8 | 3 | |
Elder Tree Sap | A Son's Wisdom | 1 | 3 |
Gardening Plan | 1 | 3 | |
Cat Squirrel Danger | 2 | 3 | |
Fluffy Mountain | 6 | 3 | |
Small Clothing | 8 | 10 | |
Crystalline Water | Goblin Grudge | 1 | 2 |
Monster Park | 8 | 10 | |
Magical Elixir | An Old Person's Fun | 4 | 3 |
Unicorn Sanctuary | 5 | 3 | |
That Steel Guy | 7 | 3 | |
Rumble in the Ruins | 8 | 5 | |
Ruined City's Darkness | 8 | 6 | |
Goddess Drop | Guard Quest 3 | 4 | 1 |
Fragrance in the Sun | 8 | 1 | |
Breath of the Goddess | Pink Guy | 6 | 1 |
Purified Sap | Big Materials | 7 | 5 |
Moisturizing Lotion | Ore Enthusiast | 2 | 2 |
Dangerous Herbs | 3 | 4 | |
Smelling Salts | Ore Enthusiast | 2 | 2 |
Eggplants in Danger | 3 | 4 | |
Dangerous Grass | 6 | 5 | |
Kiss of the Goddess | Chick Counterattack | 3 | 2 |
Water of Life | Future Cat Lady | 3 | 2 |
Cursed Room | 6 | 2 | |
Potion of Protection | They're White Balls | 5 | 2 |
Philosopher's Stone | Knight's Stance | 3 | 1 |
Pink Guy | 6 | 1 | |
End of the World | 7 | 1 | |
Scroll of Return | Not the Pumpkins... | 1 | 3 |
Form of Evolution | 2 | 3 | |
Chick Counterattack | 3 | 3 | |
They're White Balls | 5 | 10 | |
Leaf of Leanverde | In the Rock's Shadow | 2 | 2 |
Wriggling Statue | 5 | 6 | |
Root of Leanverde | I Want a Picnic... | 2 | 2 |
Mushroom Season | 3 | 2 | |
Seed of Leanverde | Guard Quest 2 | 4 | 3 |
End of the World | 7 | 1 | |
Source of Life | Vessel of Goddess | 5 | 5 |
Alph Wild Grass | Land of Beginnings | 7 | 5 |
Tetyu Holy Water | Deep Purple | 5 | 10 |
Eyes of Nagia | Cute is Justice? | 3 | 5 |
Calamity | 5 | 5 | |
Sturdy Rain Gutter | 6 | 5 | |
Big Materials | 7 | 2 | |
Eye of Grip | Turtle on the Rock | 5 | |
Mysterious Keyring | Mountain Champion | 1 | 3 |
Pierre's Emporium
Item | Price (Bells) | Rank |
Fruit of Respite | 100 | 1 |
Fruit of Light | 600 | 1 |
Fruit of Beginnings | 1500 | 5 |
Elder Tree Sap | 120 | 1 |
Crystalline Water | 720 | 1 |
Magical Elixir | 1800 | 5 |
Purified Sap | 50 | 1 |
Moisturizing Lotion | 300 | 2 |
Light Stone Powder | 50 | 1 |
Smelling Salts | 300 | 1 |
Embrace of the Goddess | 1600 | 1 |
Scroll of Return | 600 | 1 |
Leaf of Leanverde | 200 | 1 |
Root of Leanverde | 1200 | 1 |
Seed of Leanverde | 3000 | 1 |
Chaos Factory
Item | Price (Bells) | Rank |
Goddess Drop | 2000 | 2 |
Breath of Goddess | 2000 | 2 |
Kiss of Goddess | 2000 | 3 |
Water of Life | 2000 | 2 |
Potion of Protection | 15000 | 6 |
Philosopher's Stone | 3000 | 3 |
Chocolate Crepe | 2000 | 3 |
Eyes of Nagia | 2500 | 3 |
Eye of Grip | 2500 | 3 |
Mysterious Keyring | 2500 | 3 |
The following is a brief description of the events and consumable items the player can obtain. Events only fire once.
- Source of Life: After the player acquires the first Sacred Treasure and reunites with the candidates, they can visit the Altar in Tetyu Temple to view a sub event and acquire this item.
- Water of Life: This is a sub event that can be seen shortly after unlocking the Fancy Shop.
- Potion of Protection: The chain of events after getting the Black Diamond Sword.
- Philosopher's Stone [x1], Tetyu Holy Water [x3], Oneiro Demon Book [x3]: Defeating Shutolmate in the quest, Deep Purple. This quest is the final chain of quests from getting the Eggplant key item.
- Source of Life: For defeating Cheetah once and for all, the player can visit Chaos Factory to get this item.
Key Items are items that one cannot sell and seem to serve as a flag to indicate that the player has completed a certain segment of the story.
Some free DLC items are: Item Set [Gift From Famitsu]:
- Miraculous Herb x 10
- Wise Water x 10
- Boiled Rock x 10
- Sparkle Stone x 20
- Famitsu's Notebook x 10
Item Set [Gift From Dengekiko]:
- Miraculous Herb x 10
- Wise Water x 10
- Boiled Rock x 10
- Sparkle Stone x 10
- Dengekiko's Notebook x 10
Key Items
Key Items are items that one cannot sell and seem to serve as a flag to indicate that the player has completed a certain segment of the story.
Key Item | Description | Obtain |
Lean Crystal | A secret treasure passed down for generations by the guardian spirits. | Defeat the Paramount Pair and see the event near the Cathedral. |
Purification Arrow | The stronger the evil within the one shot by this arrow, the weaker they become when struck. | Visit Chaos Factory after completing Guard Quest 3 |
Shining Dragon Stone | A stone formed inside the body of a monster. | Defeat Volcerios in Guard Quest 2 |
Goddess Wings | Wings that resemble those of the 4 Goddesses. | Complete Guard Quest 1 |
Branch of Leanverde | A branch of the World Tree, Leanverde | Complete Guard Quest 3 |
Holy Silk Thread | Silk thread obtained from a certain silkworm. | Defeat 52-65-61-70-65-72 in Den of Demons quest |
Eggplant | A vegetable that gleams with a brilliant violet hue. | Awaken the Goddesses and see the corresponding events with Arfoire |
Musky Diary | The word Diary is clearly written on this book's cover, but its contents are illegible. It smells, quite strangely, of some kind of beast. | Defeat Minotauros in Beast's Diary quest |
Black Knight Diary | The word Diary is clearly written on this book's cover, but its contents are illegible. The Crest of the Black Knight Guild is engraved on its cover. | Defeat Dark Knight in Black Knight Diary quest |
Amethyst Glass | A Sacred Treasure guarded by the Goddess Purple Heart. | Reach the end of Logi Mountain for the first time. |
Black Diamond Sword | A Sacred Treasure guarded by Goddess Black Heart. | Defeat Volcerios in Stolen Sacred Treasure quest. |
Moonstone Hairpin | A Sacred Treasure guarded by Goddess White Heart. | Defeat Shutolmate in Corridor Monsters quest. |
Emerald Mirror | A Sacred Treasure guarded by Goddess Green Heart. | Defeat Nowaid in Base of World Tree quest. |