Purple Heart/4 Goddesses Online

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You have done well to come this far, Chosen Ones. We have been waiting a very long time for the day we would meet you all.
—Purple Heart

An NPC that appears in 4 Goddesses Online. She was created using Neptune's HDD form in real life as the motif for both her physical form and her demeanor. Her personality is quite collected and she is incredibly mature. Every once in a while, however, a glimpse of her ditzy side can be seen.

According to the story of 4 Goddesses Online, she is one of the four Goddesses who sealed away the Demon King long ago. Her weapon is a one-handed sword, and she purifies enemies with her incredible power. She is, of course, a Goddess class character.[1]



Purple Heart's figure remains the same in the other series but now her outfit is angel-like. Firstly, she has a two-ringed halo and a pair of double wings. Her bodysuit is white and decorated with golden outlines. The bodysuit is somewhat translucent at the both sides of her stomach. She wears white gauntlets that has a lavender accessory attached to it. Those accessories can also be found at her waist. She has wears a pink flower hairclip with golden leaves.


Purple Heart is a serious and mature person. She's often calm and rarely changes facial expressions. She is a very observant and intelligent female, thinking in a rational matter most of the time. She is the complete opposite of her human form in many aspects but her strong sense of justice and confidence remains unchanged. It can be said that Purple Heart is a bit arrogant, having a strong confidence in her abilities and believing that no one can defeat her.


Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online

We are back!

The Chosen Ones have connected the earth and the Divine Realm. They enter the Divine realm and Neptune is awe. Purple Heart tells the Chosen Ones have done well to come this far. They have been waiting a very long time for the day they would meet. Neptune is impressed with "me". Neptune understands the audience might not understand but in the other games, she actually transforms to Purple Heart.

Black Heart reports that right now, the evil they sealed is trying to revive again. They cannot stop that on their own and asks the Chosen Ones for their help.Noire agrees to help them. They are even ready to do battle with the Demon King himself. Noire thinks talking to her character that looks like her when transformed is kind of strange. Uni thinks this is really Noire. She wonders why she is crying.

White Heart asks the Chosen Ones again if they can entrust the fate of this world to the Chosen Ones. Blanc assures White Heart they can. Rom's eyes sparkle as she comments on how pretty Blanc is. Ram tells her sister that they should make some wings and pretend that they are Goddesses. Blanc tells the twins that they are already Goddesses.

Green Heart understands the intentions of the Chosen Ones. Green Heart believes they will see this through and with the Goddesses' return to earth, they will provide the Chosen Ones with more protection and greater power. Vert thanks the Goddesses. If the Goddesses are controlled by the AI, Vert hopes to have a proper conversation. Vert is impressed so far. Nepgear thinks it would be nice to talk to the Goddesses like they have talked to Bouquet.

Black Heart notes that the Demon King's power is great but if everyone is united in battle, they have a chance in victory. White Heart urges everyone to gather their strength and defeat the Demon King. Green Heart tells them the time for the final battle is soon. It is time for the Goddesses to descend to Alsgard. Vert notes Bouquet will be looking forward to meeting them all. CPU's firepower has increased and Neptune thinks the Demon King is nothing compared to them. Purple Heart laughs and she promises on behalf of the Goddesses that she will show them the power of the Goddesses. Nepgear thinks it is expected that both Neptunes make a great combo.

The Goddesses all return to the altar. Bouquet welcomes everyone back and notes that it is such a honor to behold the countenances of the Goddesses. She asks them to please put an end to the evils in this world. Purple Heart thinks Bouquet has done well to guide this world as the Royal Geist. She wants her to continue her good work. Bouquet promises that she always will. Neptune wants to say something too. She tells her "other me" that they should do their best.

Purple Heart does not understand what Neptune means by "other me". Blanc tells Neptune she shouldn't have to say this to her but their narrative is not going to make sense to the in-game Goddesses. It seems to be case so far and Nepgear tells her "older sister" not to worry about it. Purple Heart has no idea what she means by older sister. Nepgear apologizes and explains that she just looks like so much like her. It will be a hard habit to break. Purple Heart thinks in any case they have descended safely upon earth and they will always be by the Chosen Ones' side. They should fight together from now on. Neptune and others agree.

Back in Wishuel, Bouquet arrives and is glad that they have safely returned from the ruins. She introduces the 4 Goddesses to Wishuel, a hub for adventurers. Purple Heart is grateful that the Cathedral is still standing since that means the people still believe in their blessings remains unchanged. Purple Heart wants to thank everyone in the city for this. The 4 Goddesses are eager to protect the city that still has faith in them to this day. Bouquet knows that the Goddesses have just returned but they are approaching the ultimate battle with Demon King. They have overcome many different trials until now and with all their strength Bouquet truly believes they can save this world.

Green Heart reports that the Demon King's captains have built a gate to the Demon Realm at Atlio City Ruins. It is possible they are trying to revive him as well. White Heart thinks they should get there immediately before he revives. Purple Heart tells White Heart that is difficult as there is a barrier up that prevents outsiders from entering. Bouquet tells them that it is the Demon King's captains, the Paramount Pair, who are maintaining the barrier. The Chosen Ones and Goddesses are eager to defeat them.

Bouquet tells them to be careful. They did receive reports that the Paramount Pair are hiding in a different dimension. Green Heart thinks that is a job for the Goddesses. They will triangulate their location based on the waves of evil they radiate. Vert is happy to leave the navigation to the Goddesses and they will prepare for the quest. Bouquet tells them once they are ready, they should stop by the Cathedral.

In Wishuel, Purple Heart greets Neptune. Neptune asks Purple Heart what she is doing here. Purple Heart explains that she was watching the life of the people down in this world. The world seems peaceful at first but there is a shadow blurring their expressions. Purple Heart has arrived at the conclusion that the people cannot truly be happy unless the Demon King is stopped.

Two friends of Neptune arrive. One of them greets Neptune and notices Purple Heart. The other congratulates Neptune for reviving the Goddesses and encourages her to continue to do her best. Purple Heart asks Neptune who are those two.

Neptune tells the Goddess that they are her friends Iffy and Compa. Purple Heart tells IF and Compa that she has heard a lot about them from Neptune and how they run a shop. IF invites the Goddess to their shop. Compa does the same. Purple Heart thanks them and thinks they will accomplish great things together.

A rendition of the Paramount Pair

In the Cathedral, Bouquet tells CPU it is finally time to confront the Demon King and his captains, the Paramount Pair. An all-out intense war is inevitable. Vert asks if the Goddesses know where the Paramount Pair are.

Green Heart tells CPU they do. She can sense they evil aura. Both captains should lurking within the backroads of space. Black Heart thought they destroyed the Demon King's captains last time. His following must have grown since they were gone. Purple Heart agrees with Black Heart's assessment. They are now significant enough to attempt to revive the Demon King. The Demon King's darkness must have spread far beyond their range of protection. Green Heart thinks it would be ideal if they could purify those who have been drawn to darkness, the Wicked Believers but... White Heart thinks that can be solved if they beat some sense into them. She tells CPU to call them if they need to borrow their power.

Neptune thinks the Goddesses are all fired up. Once they are all ready, they should accept the quest and move on. After CPU accepts the quest to defeat Minotauros, they head over to Chrono Wasteland. Neptune remembers this place and guesses they got a sneak peak at the story dungeon. Purple Heart tells CPU that one of the Paramount Pair should be waiting for their arrival. Black Heart assures that the Goddesses will be with them. They will destroy the Paramount Pair together.

At the end of the dungeon, CPU has found one of the Paramount Pair. Green Heart tells him to awaken so he may meet his fate. The monster awakens with a roar. Blanc finally gets to see one of the Paramount Pair. Judging by his appearance, she believes this is Minotauros. Vert thinks his appearance is terrifying. Neptune is not scared. She thinks he is probably one of those meat-head characters who are all brawn but no brains. Noire agrees and will attack him with her spear. Ram will blow him with fire using ninjitsu. Rom shwings her sword and shyly joins in the taunts.

Minotauros roars again. This shocks CPU. Purple Heart detects that Minotauros seems to be afraid of humans. She senses a powerful sadness. Black Heart believes the power of darkness must have manipulated whatever negative emotions he harbored inside. White Heart tells the Goddesses not to hold back now and purify the hell out of him. CPU is able to defeat Minotauros.

Green Heart tells Minotauros this is not the place he belongs and asks him to return back to the light. Minotauros roars softly as he fades into the light. Blanc sees that Minotauros' evil aura has been purified. The power of the Demon King has disappeared. White Heart explains that even if Minotauros is a monster, he wasn't originally the type to threaten other creatures.

CPU heads over to Horor Garden. Green Heart senses an evil presence. It is a tremendous power that would not lose to Minotauros. White Heart adds that the presence is aiming at them. She feels its hawkish eyes. Black Heart suggests that he seems ready to give them a warm welcome. They will take him on and Black Heart urges CPU forward.

At the end of the dungeon, Purple Heart alerts CPU to the appearance of Dark Knight. She warns them to be wary when fighting him. Dark Knight wonders why the Goddesses and their servants would stand against him. He asks if they know that he is the most powerful knight under the Demon King Jester. It is a shame that he will be here to witness this. The Dark Knight declares that he will crush every last insect he sees before him.

Nepgear disagrees and they will stop him. She declares that his ambitions will end here. Uni notes that he is a Black Knight like Noire but he has fallen to the dark side. Rom is afraid but she will do whatever it takes to protect Blanc. Ram agrees and encourages everyone to beat up this armor-wearing old man! Dark Knight snaps back saying he is not an old man. Neptune calls him Mr. Middle Management then and asks him if he is ready to lose. He shouldn't even think about offering them competitive benefits or retirement plans. Blanc tells Neptune that someone in middle management wouldn't even... She realizes how absurd the argument she is going to get in and gets ready for the fight against the Dark Knight.

CPU is able to defeat the Dark Knight. Black Heart tells Dark Knight it is time to purify his twisted spirit. Dark Knight tells them there is no need. He tells them it was a truly wonderful battle and thanks the Goddesses for the honor. He charges his lightning attack. White Heart tells everyone to get behind her. Dark Knight uses the lightning to strike himself down.

White Heart was glad she was able to block the attack before he took his life. Purple Heart thanks White Heart but is sad to be unable to save him. White Heart thinks he overcame the darkness on his own. This was probably his way of assuming responsibility for that. However, White Heart does not agree with it. Green Heart wonders if the tiny speck of good in his heart prevented the darkness from making him rampage. Black Heart brings them back to the mission. They have defeated the Paramount Pair and the barrier to the Demon King is waning. Now is the time to strike.

Lean Crystal

CPU returns to Wishuel to see Bouquet. Bouquet notes that the Paramount Pair are gone so the barrier around Atlio City Ruins has weakened. They should be able to enter with the Goddesses' help. She asks them to take this treasure of the Royal Geist known as the Lean Crystal. It should protect everyone from the power of evil. CPU acquires the Lean Crystal. Bouquet continues that the crystal wields tremendous power to dispel darkness but will break as soon as they use it. Blanc wonders what sort of gimmick this item is used for.

CPU arrives in Atlio City Ruins. Neptune sees something dark in the distance. It is the barrier and she asks the Goddesses to give it the ol' ding dong ditch. Purple Heart announces that the four of them will now begin to dismantle the barrier. She asks everyone to lend them their strength. They should focus their hearts towards the Goddesses. The Four Goddesses dismantle the barrier and Vert congratulates them. Purple Heart says all that is left is to defeat the Demon King. They should proceed with caution. Green Heart notes that since the Paramount Pair have fallen. The Demon King must be preparing for their inevitable battle. Black Heart announces that the Demon King will receive a battle. They will come in fighting and they shall be victorious. White Heart asks CPU with their hearts united to go with them to the Demon King. CPU agrees.

At the end of the dungeon, Purple Heart notices from the miasma that this must be the gate to the Demon World. Noire deduces that this gate is similar to the altar that connects to the Divine Realm. Green Heart tells Noire she is correct and the Demon King will appear here in this world. Nepgear deduces that the Goddesses and the Demon King have been battling over Alsgard while both being from another world. Neptune thinks that accessing this world while being from another world is like playing an online game. She finds this interesting.

Suddenly the Demon King attacks CPU. The Goddesses quickly defend them. Demon King Jester finds it interesting that these are the Chosen Ones. He laughs and concludes that Dark Knight and Minotauros have died. He calls them feeble weaklings. Demon King Jester explains his true joy is to destroy and conquer. He asks CPU to allow him to decimate them to the point where there is nothing left to revive.

Demon King Jester begins to glow a dark color. Purple Heart groans and feels this wave of darkness. Green Heart notices her strength fading away. Demon King Jester sarcastically thinks it is strange that they are all to tuckered out before fighting. He asks if they are okay and how they are feeling before laughing. Vert realizes all their stats are dropping lower and lower. At this rate, they won't be able to fight properly. Noire knows this isn't good. They have to do something about his special move and fast!

Demon King is upset Noire would call it a "special move". It isn't something so tacky. It is a curse, a curtain of darkness. Curses are his specialty, after all. Black Heart cannot believe it as curses are dangerous spells that could completely erase its user if not used properly. He is using some powerful magic. White Heart tells CPU they will try to hold it back but in the meantime...

Purple Heart requests that the Chosen Ones hold aloft the Lean Crystal. With its holy light, they can strip away the curtain of darkness that covers the Demon King Jester. Noire thinks Neptune should take the spotlight as this is a request from Purple Heart. Neptune tells them to leave it to her. She raises the Lean Crystal and it dispels the curse.

Demon King Jester shows his surprise followed by praise. The curse should have been impenetrable so he commends them for being able to break it. However, he asks if they thought he could only use it once. He laughs and recast the curse. White Heart damns his ability ability to cover them with the curtain of darkness like nothing. Neptune says they can just dispel it with the Lean Crystal. She looks for it but the item is gone.

Vert remembers that Bouquet said it would break after one use. She wonders if this is the end and if there is no other way they can win? Minotauros suddenly appears and grunts a warcry before tackling the Demon King. Demon King Jester screams in pain. Green Heart realizes her strength is returning. The curtain of the darkness was released when Demon King Jester was knocked of balance.

Demon King Jester is absolutely livid at the beast's betrayal. He calls him idiot and can't believe that this is happening to him. Minotauros grunts and continues to fight the Demon King. Demon King Jester tells Minotauros he has lost his mind and downs the beast with a fierce lightning bolt. Minotauros grunts as he falls. Demon King Jester pants before breaking into a laugh. This is Minotauros' punishment for doubling crossing him.

Green Heart notices their chance now, not only did the Demon King Jester cast his curse twice, but his battle with Minotauros has weakened him. Purple Heart agrees and the Demon King should no longer be able to activate his curtain of darkness. Black Heart asks Demon King Jester if he is still willing to battle eve now. White Heart declares they will bust his face in and he just has to grin and bear it.

Demon King Jester laughs and notes that all they have done is beat the curtain. They have not won yet. He will crush them to the pits of despair and releases his power. Purple Heart notes that he has gathered a fair bit of power while sealed in the Demon World. Nepgear worries and asks her sister if they can really win this? Maybe they should have spent more time increasing their levels. Neptune assures Nepgear they are fine as they have the Goddesses helping them. It is too early to get fainthearted.

Noire notes Neptune is too blindly positive but worrying won't change anything anyways. Uni agrees and with Noire and Black Heart, they will whittle down the Demon King. Rom grits and prepares to go further in the front lines than usual. Ram will be in the "vanguard" with everyone else as well. Blanc assures her sisters can fight knowing that they won't have to worry about their back. However, it is the final boss though so Blanc hopes it is fine for her to get some punches. Vert asks if they can still rely on Blanc for healing. Vert wishes she could say that this is the moment where she will take the leading role but the finale is supposed to show off everyone.

Demon King Jester laughs and tells them to struggle as he will completely, utterly, savagely crush all their hope and light. Purple Heart tells Demon King Jester to prepare himself. She leads the charge of the Goddesses who follow. Demon King Jester declares that it's show time! After a fierce battle, CPU and the Goddesses are victorious.

Demon King Jester screams as he won't accept this. Purple Heart declares victory. She asks if the Demon King is prepared to meet his fate. Demon King Jester tells her they are just going to shut hum out of this world again. He laughs as that means he will be back again and again. Black Heart tells him they will not do it alone this time. They will end him thoroughly so that he will never awaken again. White Heart tells Demon King Jester he will be sleeping with the fishes when she is done with him. Green Heart declares they will purify a great evil such as him.

Purple Heart asks the Chosen Ones to lend them their strength as well. With that they purify Demon King Jester who screams as he fades away. Vert reports that Demon King Jester and his gate is gone. With that, everything is over. Purple Heart thanks the Chosen Ones as it is thanks to their help that they were able to repel this evil. Black Heart declares that they will continue to give this world their protection from now on. When the day comes true danger arrives, they will lend their power. White Heart notes that since CPU went through the effort of dragging them here, she guesses they will destroy the rest of the monsters living in darkness. Green Heart agrees as the Divine Realm is fine for now. They will stay behind in this land a little longer.

After the credits roll for 4 Goddesses Online, Neptune cheers as CPU has cleared the main 4 Goddesses Online Story. Purple Heart agrees that they have done well. On behalf of the 4 Goddesses, she offers their warmest thanks for their assistance. Black Heart thinks if someone is to give thanks on behalf of the 4 CPUs, it should be her. In any case, she thanks CPU. White Heart wonders what the heck are they talking about. If anyone gonna be their representative, it gotta be her. They all did a great job. Green Heart tries to conclude with an encouragement to continue to protect this world together.

Uni feels like this is deja vu. Nepgear laughs and notes that they really feel like the Goddesses were modeled after their sisters. Rom nods and Ram thinks they have to hurry and return to Bouquet to tell her that they defeated the Demon King. Vert agrees and encourages everyone to make their triumphant return.

CPU returns and Bouquet thanks them for saving this world twice over. She congratulates the members of the guild, CPU as they are the very first to clear the main story. Neptune is pleasantly surprised and cheers. Since everyone is here and they just cleared everything, Neptune wants to have a picture with everyone as she wants to remember this moment. Noire thinks that is a good idea and suggests that they take it in front of the Cathedral. Neptune says that if they are going to take it with everyone, she really means it. She wants to call the shopkeepers over here. Blanc notes that she does not have to. Vert is surprised that everyone is here. Neptune and the others supposedly take their picture.

Later, Neptune clears her throat and welcomes the player to the customary "Thank You for Playing" Corner. CPU, Bouquet and GM say a few words.

Since the GM made an appearance, Bouquet decides to pass it over to the Goddesses. Purple Heart laughs and tells Bouquet they are on stand by for this. Black Heart notes that the title of this game is 4 Goddesses so it's only natural for them to comment at the end. White Heart urges the camera be turned to them. The camera turns to them and Green Heart hopes that they are all properly in this shot.

Purple Heart is sure they have heard this many times already but she asks the player to allow them to say it as well. She congratulates the player for completing the game. The player has their infinite thanks for helping them return to this land. Purple Heart admits they only appeared in the second half of the game but she hopes the player was able to watch their battles closely and enjoy them.

Black Heart feels like they hardly got any time to fight considering they only came during the second half. She asks if the other Goddesses agree? Green Heart agrees and she does want to see the other things this land has to offer. White Heart agrees and asks the next time the player go outside to bring them as well. Alternatively, the player can just bring her. Black Heart asks if White Heart is trying to leave them behind. Black Heart asks the player not to mind her and tells the player if they would like to go with her, that is fine too. Green Heart suggests that they don't bicker about this and she will accommodate the player just the two of them. Purple Heart notes that it isn't their decision. She tells the player to do as they wish and passes it back to Neptune.

Other Chosen Ones and enemies say a few words as well. After that, Blanc thinks that should be everyone. Vert notes that if they were going to include everyone, they will have to bring out minor characters and the eggplant lady. They would not finish until sunset. Neptune agrees and they are just in time for pudding so she wants to end it here. Neptune concludes the Thank You Corner and tells the player to do their best and take of them from now on.

A reward for the pilgrimage of the Chosen Ones

Purple Heart's voice can first be heard when Neptune offers the Amethyst Glass at an altar in Tetyu Temple. She gives the Chosen Ones blessings from the Goddesses and the party acquires the Source of Life.

In Caultprim Cathedral, Purple Heart is in pain. She wonders why someone would offer such a thing. The Planeptune sisters rush in to see her in pain. Neptune knew she would eat the eggplant and is concerned for Purple Heart. Nepgear corrects her sister as in this world, they don't eat the things offered in the altar but receive it as magical energy. Nevertheless, Nepgear is concerned with Purple Heart's condition and asks if she is okay.

Purple Heart assures the sister that she is fine and explains that what is offered to the altar is a gift from the people. It is their sacred duty as Goddesses to partake in it. Purple Heart then continues to reel from the pain caused by the eggplant. Neptune notes that Purple Heart has quite the status effect and wonders if there is anything that can get rid of it. She thinks about it and has an idea. She takes out something.

Purple Heart is intrigued by the object Neptune took out that shines with a golden light. She asks Neptune what it is. Neptune tells her that it is pudding. Nepgear understands her sister's plan. If Purple Heart eating something she hates causes her pain then eating something she should like should make her feel better. Purple Heart asks if Neptune is giving her this lovely item. Neptune tells Purple Heart, she had this synthesized for her and tells her to try out.

I'm back to full power!

Purple Heart tries out the pudding and squeals in joy. She praises the richness of the milk, the mellow eggs, the sweet sugar and the bittersweet caramel as a beautiful representation of the harmony of the 4 Sacred Treasures. The taste is a guard break to Purple Heart's taste buds. Nepgear notes that the Goddess looks like she is from a certain cooking manga. Purple Heart's expression is glowing as she thanks the Planeptune sisters. She will never lose to eggplants again. Nepgear is blinded by how divine Purple Heart is looking right now. Neptune is glad that she is feeling better. She wants to eat pudding after this too.






Name Obtain Description Image
Purple Heart's Hair Default Godly purple hair.



Lv. Name SP Cost Skill Description
40 Burst Explosion 40 Burns away enemies with hellfire. Damage increases according to INT.
40 Brave Snow 40 Pierces enemies with freezing icicles. Damage increases according to INT.
40 Cyclone Diva 40 Slices enemies with a billowing tornado. Damage increases according to INT.
40 Rising Rare 40 Destroys enemies with raging lightning. Damage increases according to INT.
48 High Cross Edge 20 After two slashes, pursues with a slice. Damage increases according to STR.
40 Up Slice 16 Slices upward while rising. Damage increases according to STR.
54 Blade Rush 38 Attacks 5 times in succession. Damage increases according to STR.
40 Burn Slayer 32 Quickly unleashes a powerful strike. Damage increases according to STR.
60 Ultimis Blast 26 Uses a rapid spin to slice enemies. Damage increases according to STR.
40 High Slide 17 Move forward at a high speed.
