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Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars/Gameplay

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Battle System

Ninja Art Skills and Ninja Art Triggers

Ninja Art Skills are activated via the Stamina Gauge. When the screen slows while selecting a skill in-battle, players can select the skill to use with ease. Skills can be assigned to any of the face buttons. By executing a new Ninja Art Skill in a way that chains it to the previous skill, the Ninja Art Trigger chain effect will activate, which will amplify the effects of Ninja Art Skills. It's possible to chain [First] → [2nd] → [3rd] → [End] for a total of 4 stages, so the player can try unleashing skills in succession.

Shinobi Extreme

Miyabi using Shinobi Extreme

Shinobi Extreme is used when the EX Gauge is at maximum. Players can deal massive damage to enemies, along with a flashy cut-in effect.

Fuurinkazan Drive

Fuurinkazan Drive is an awakened mode that can be activated at any time. It gives various benefits, depending on the battle-type (Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain), for a brief time when activated. Players have a set amount of times they can activate it during one dungeon, so they will have to keep an eye on things during battle, and use when needed.

Ninja Weapons

Green Heart using a ninja weapon

shuriken and kunai can be used as long-distance attacks during combos in battle. Shuriken specialize in damage, and kunai specialize in inflicting status ailments. They can be swapped freely between the two.

Party Formation

Swapping characters

Dungeons can be explored and challenged with two characters; one as the "Leader" and the other as "Partner". By switching to the reserve character during a combo, they will attack as soon as they jump in.

Barrier Battles

When entering specific areas, the player will be blocked by a barrier. In order to break the barrier to proceed to the next area, the player must defeat all the enemies that appear.

Boss Battles

In large boss battles, the boss' HP Gauge and Break Gauge will be displayed at the upper part of the screen. When the Break Gauge is maxed, the boss will enter Break State and will be incapacitated for a short time. Additionally, any damage from attacks will greatly increase during Break State. Attacking from behind deals even greater damage and fills the Break Gauge faster, so players must be sure to maneuver strategically.

Difficulty Settings

  • Easy: A breezy mode that allows players to inflict great amounts of damage upon any enemy.
  • Normal: The Normal difficulty setting where it's well-balanced.
  • Hard: A more challenging difficulty setting where enemies are much tougher.


In NinChat, the player can view posts of various characters across Gamninjustri. Viewing them might give the player some items, new requests and sub-events.

Spirit Gems

Spirit Gems are special items which can be obtained through battles and other places. These grant characters various effects when placed onto the Spirit Gem Board. By placing them of the same type into specific shapes, bonus effects will activate. There are only 3 available slots on the Spirit Gem Board at first, but more will unlock as the character levels up. Spirit Gems that are the same level and type can also be synthesized to create an even stronger Spirit Gem.

Shinobi Base

The Shinobi Base

The Shinobi Base is where the player can prepare characters for challenging battles they'll face in dungeons.

  • Status: Check a character's level and parameters, as well as the Ninja Art Skills, equipment, and Spirit Gems they have set.
  • Items: Check consumable items, Spirit Gems, equipment, and sellable items in the inventory.
  • Spirit Gems: Strengthen characters by placing Spirit Gems onto the Spirit Gem Board.
  • Ninja Art Skills: Set Ninja Art Skills with the face buttons.
  • Equipment: Set Ninja Weapons, Shuriken and Kunai, as well as Charms wielding special effects.
  • Formation: Select a "Leader" and "Partner" to challenge the dungeons.

Market Street

At Market Street, the player can buy various items to prepare for dungeons, such as Spirit Gems, recovery items, Shuriken, Kunai, and Charms. As the player progresses, the selection of the shop will increase.

Kumotsu Shrine

At the Kumotsu Shrine, players can receive various requests from all over Gamninjustri. There are a few types of requests, such as collecting items or fighting various yokai, and some even have time limits. As the player completes requests, they will earn various rewards.


Another function of the Kumotsu Shrine includes the Treasury. In this section, players can view Event CGs, character bios, movies, story events, and listen to the music played in-game.

Peaches & Cream Meditation

Peaches & Cream Meditation is a ninja training mini-game in which players work out their core by balancing on a giant, swaying, jiggling peach. Players will have to keep balance by tilting the controller (or moving the left analog stick if gyro controls are turned off), so the character doesn't fall off the peach. A "Patience Challenge" will occur during meditation for a more fun and challenging experience.

Yomi Training

Yomi Training is a high difficulty mode that appears after clearing the main story. There are 8 different kinds of Yomi Training, and they each have 3 levels. Within a single trial, not only does the remaining HP and Fuurinkazan Drives carry over, various restrictions are applied, such as blocking the use of items and Ninja Art Skills, making it incredibly challenging. By completing the clear conditions for each trial, a reward will be received.
