Dungeon/Super Neptunia RPG/Ratchet Volcano

Ratchet Volcano is the second dungeon that the player discovers. In this dungeon, if you fall into a pit, you lose 10% of your current HP.

Magic Stone

As seen on the map, there are a total of 20 magic stones in this dungeon, 11 from a magic switch that needs Puddingo, and 9 that needs the player to run a little across multiple rooms.


  • Items can only be obtained once
  • Hidden Treasures are not marked on your map in the game, though it will be marked here
  • Quest items only appear if the corresponding quest is taken
  • Treasure 5 require Puddingo
  • Treasure
Treasure Quest
1) Eye Drop [x3], Charm [x5] Ignis Crystal Shard
2) Shining Bangle (Armor) Meteorite
3) Focus Powder [x3] -
4) Potion [x2], 150C -
5) Granite Block [x1], 1500C, MEN Nut [x1] -
6) Omni Elixir [x1], 2500C, LUCK Nut [x1] -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
  • For more information, please see Bestiary/Super Neptunia RPG
  • There is a low chance that Metal Dogoo will spawn, please look in the bestiary for more information on that.

General Stats

Name HP Weak Resist Absorb Drop EXP Credits S.EXP FP
Thief 400 Ice Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind - Panacea, Luminis Ore, Berry, Granite Block, Eye Drop, Life Fragment, Silver Ore, LUCK Nut 3 42 1 30
Matagot 293 Ice, Wind, Lightning, Physical Earth - Gold Ore, Berry, Fulminis Crystal, Ignis Crystal, Fulminis Ore, Aero Ore, Granite, Cat's Fur, STR Nut 2.5 35 1 10
Magician 526 Ice, Dark - Light MEN Nut, Mixture, Omni Berry, Life Stone, Panacea, Angel Kiss, Granite, Noctis Ore, Noctis Crystal 2.5 50 1 15
Firoro 480 Ice Physical Fire Ignis Ore, Glacis Ore, Glacis Crystal, Berry, Clock, Panacea 4 40 1 30
Chocoman 99999 Fire, Ice Physical Lightning - - - - -
Chocoman 2600 Fire, Ice Physical Lightning Angel Kiss, Terra Ore, Aero Ore, STR Nut 89 420 7 60
Bombyx Mori [x2] 642 Ice, Water Earth, Light -

Monster Formations

  • Thief [x1]
  • Thief [x2]
  • Thief [x1], Matagot [x2]
  • Matagot [x2]
  • Matagot [x3]
  • Matagot [x4]
  • Magician [x2]
  • Firoro [x1]
  • Chocoman [x1], Bombyx Mori [x2]


For your first job, go to Lastation Outskirts
Neptune enters Ratchet Volcano and complains about how hot it is. Neptune wonders why she is in a volcano. She hopes that she is not about to fight a boss. That being said, if she deals with it now, she won't be killed instantly by a crimson dragon later. Neptune pumps herself and begins her exploration of this dungeon.
Greet Ester at Ratchet Volcano
As Neptune ventures further into Ratchet Volcano, she finds Bombyx Mori officers who talk:

  • how great Filyn is
  • blowing into cartridges before playing is folk remedy for bad luck
  • Paix St. Gliss' 16 shots destroying buildings instantly.
  • 3 Muskeeteers should be called Gold Third

Ester Zira finds the group and reports that the target got away again. Neptune guesses that Ester Zira wasn't lucky this time. Ester remembers seeing Neptune with the target. Neptune confirms that it is her and introduces herself. Ester Zira is glad to meet her and asks if she can call her Neps and for something. Neptune wonders what it is.

She wonders how her target knew about Neptune. Neptune says that she doesn't know her. Neptune thinks that while she doesn't know the lady, the lady definitely knew about her. Ester still points out that the lady still thinks Neptune is important regardless. Neptune is flattered by Ester's assessment noting that she is pretty cute.

Ester agrees that Neptune is cute and has an idea. She will use Neptune to lure out her target. They will leave her out in the wild until she shows up. She assures Neptune that it is only a little bit dangerous. Neptune does not like that at all. Ester says this is for Bombyx Mori and she can make them proud. Neptune is against this, stating that she is too new and would like to be reassigned to the snack cart.

Ester wonders if they have a snack cart. Regardless she can be a snack for monsters so this is great. Neptune can't believe what Ester is saying. She orders the officers to grap Neptune to set her up as bait. The officers begin to follow Ester's orders and Neptune complains about how unfair this is.

Neptune fights off Bombyx Mori and Ester for a while. Ester congratulates her for lasting this long but they have now arrived at The End of Neptune the Hero. Neptune can't believe this as this is so early in the game. The lady arrives and attacks Ester. She scolds Neptune asking what she is doing? Neptune is surprised to see the lady again.

Ester is glad because the bait strategy worked. She praises herself for being amazing. The lady tells Neptune to focus on the enemy. Neptune follows the lady's orders. The pair hold off Ester and Bombyx Mori well annoying Ester. She asks the lady to just be captured already. The lady is annoyed at the persistence of Ester.

Ester begins to attack but the lady is about to create a smoke screen as a counter. Bombyx Mori officers get worried for Ester. The lady tells Neptune this is their chance to escape. She tells Neptune to stay close to her. Neptune follows the lady's instructions and the two flee.

As the smoke clears, Ester admits she thought she was going to die. She orders Bombyx Mori not to let them get away and they attempt to chase the pair. After some running Neptune tells the lady to wait a second. The lady tells Neptune there is no time for that and they need to keep moving. Neptune complains that she can't walk anymore and begs for a break.

The lady seeing Neptune struggle agrees for a short break, as they'll be fine for a little while. Neptune complains that she is beat no thanks to Bombyx Mori. She thought they were the good guys. Neptune guesses this must be the fate of a Hero. The lady reminds Neptune that she told her not to get involved with them. Neptune says she couldn't resist their snacks.

Neptune says that she is fine with no money, nor memories but how does the lady expect her to live without the munchies. The lady tries to respond to Neptune. Neptune cuts her off noting how unfair it is that she doesn't the lady's name but the lady knows her name. The lady introduces herself as Chrome and tells Neptune that she understands what she is going through but...

Neptune realizes that Chrome is the mysterious one who knows more about her than she knows herself. She is excited to meet this sort of character and asks her if she is friend or foe. Chrome tries to calm Neptune so that she can listen to her. Neptune complains that she is hungry and maybe she should just go back to Bombyx Mori as they have snacks.

Chrome relents and agrees that she will feed Neptune. She tells Neptune to come with her to the tavern. Neptune is excited and hopes that this isn't too much trouble for her. Chrome remarks that Neptune hasn't changed a bit.
