Uzume Tennouboshi/Quotes
The following page contains Uzume Tennouboshi's quotes for each game she appears in.
Megadimension Neptunia VII
- "Knowin' you're not alone can make you this strong huh..." (full health)
- "The name's Uzume Tennouboshi! Yeah, it's pretty badass, I know." (full health)
- "If it's a fight, then go ahead and rely on me!" (full health)
- "I'm injured? When did I scratch myself?" (high health)
- "Nothin' a little spit couldn't fix." (high health)
- "This doesn't even count as an injury!" (high health)
- "I can show you how cool I am when I'm fully healed, y'know?" (medium/low health)
- "Sorry, could you heal me?" (medium Health)
- "Yo, I need to heal soon." (medium Health)
- "Oh man, this is pathetic!" (low health)
- "This is a nightmare..." (low health)
- "I'm not feelin' too hot..." (low health)
- "I'm pretty hungry." (Idle)
- "Let's take a little break, alright?" (Idle)
- "Hmm? I thought I saw somethin' over there." (Idle)
- "You're so damn lame." (Normal Attack)
- "BUUUUURN!" (Normal Attack)
- "BOOOOOOM!" (Normal Attack)
- "Brave your burden!" (Normal Attack)
- "DISAPPEEEEAAAR!" (Normal Attack)
- "To the chest!" (Normal Attack)
- "GET CRUUUUSHED!" (Normal Attack)
- "Don't underestimate me!" (Normal Attack)
- "CRUUUUUSH!" (Normal Attack)
- "You've got to be KIDDING MEEEEEE!" (Normal Attack)
- "SHAAAAATTTTTEEEER!" (Normal Attack)
- "HOW IS THIIIIISSSS!" (Normal Attack)
- "IS THIS THING OOOONNN!?" (Normal Attack)
- "You're in the way!" (Normal Attack)
- "DREEEAM BUNKEEER!" (Normal Attack)
- "BLOW AWAAAAAY!" (Normal Attack)
- "I'm not lettin' you out of this alive!" (Dream Roar)
- "Let's go!" (Dream Roar)
- "I'm gonna mop the floor with you!" (Dream Smash Fist)
- "Grit your teeth, because I'm about to beat the life outta you!" (Dream Smash Fist)
- "ORAORAORA!" (Dream Combo/Special Dream Combo)
- "I'll give you a special dream...BLOW AWAAAAAAY!" (Special Dream Combo)
- "Feel the power of my dreams!" (Special Dream Combo)
- "Umio, light 'em up!" (The Umio Heaven)
- "I call this: Umio Heaven!" (The Umio Heaven)
- "Gah, I messed up so bad..." (Turn start, low health)
- "I'll end this all." (Turn start)
- "I'm a force of fury." (Turn start)
- "Now, who to choose..." (Turn start)
- "Hope you'll be enough to entertain me." (Battle start)
- "Hmph, you're my opponent? Hah!" (Battle start)
- "You've got some guts to fight me." (Battle start)
- "I'll be your personal opponent!" (Battle start)
- "I messed up..." (Battle start, Back Attack)
- "I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!" (Battle Start, Symbol Attack)
- "We got the first strike, let's crush 'em!" (Battle Start, Symbol Attack)
- "You're surrounded!" (Battle Start, Symbol Attack)
- "Let's go, 1 on 1!" (Battle start)
- "You're not half bad..." (Hit, low damage)
- "Not bad..." (Hit)
- "Owww!" (Hit)
- "Doesn't work." (Hit, 0 damage)
- "Huh?" (Hit, 0 damage)
- "That doesn't hurt." (Hit, 0 damage)
- "Alright, defeated, next!" (Enemy Defeated)
- "Yeah!" (Enemy Defeated)
- "You were such a pain." (Enemy Defeated)
- "You're ten years too early!" (Enemy Defeated)
- "That doesn't work on Uzume~" (Hit, 0 damage)
- "Did you do something?~" (Hit, 0 damage)
- "Not bad...~" (Hit, low damage)
- "Ouch!~" (Hit)
- "That hurts...~" (Hit)
- "It's Uzume's turn!~" (Turn start)
- "Let's finish this stylishly!~" (Turn start)
- "Ta-da!~ Uzume's turn!~" (Turn start)
- "Ugh, so tired...~" (Turn start)
- "Spiral Dreeeam!~" (Turn start)
- "Uzume's eyes are spinning...~" (Turn start, low health)
- "Don't underestimate me!~" (Normal Attack)
- "Flaaash!~" (Normal Attack)
- "Say you're sorry!~" (Normal Attack)
- "BUUUURN!~" (Normal Attack)
- "BLOW AWAAAAY!~" (Normal Attack)
- "Get CRUUUSHED!~" (Normal Attack)
- "You're totally in the way!~" (Normal Attack)
- "Don't joke with me!~" (Normal Attack)
- "SHATTER!~" (Normal Attack)
- "You've got to be kidding me!~" (Normal Attack)
- "DISAPPEAR!~" (Normal Attack)
- "SMASH!~" (Normal Attack)
- "So lame!~" (Normal Attack)
- "To the chest!~" (Normal Attack)
- "Take responsibility!~" (Normal Attack)
- "IS THIS THING OOONNN!?~" (Normal Attack)
- "DREAM BUNKER!~" (Enemy Defeated)
- "Yay!~" (Enemy Defeated)
- "Uzume's so cool!~" (Enemy Defeated)
- "I'll spin you all up!~" (Enemy Defeated)
- "Goodbye!~" (Enemy Defeated)
- "Here I go!~" (Dream Roar)
- "I'll go full power!~" (Dream Roar)
- "This is Uzume's ultimate punch!~" (Dream Smash Fist)
- "This is a pain~ Here, my spinning drill!~" (Dream Smash Fist)
- "Uzume will do her best!~" (Dream Combo)
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah!~" (Special Dream Combo)
- "Uzume will give you a dream...BLOW AWAAAAAY!~" (Special Dream Combo)
- "Spiral...DREEEEAM!~" (Special Dream Combo)
- "I call this: Umio Heaven!~" (The Umio Heaven)
- "Umio, come forth!~" (The Umio Heaven)
- "I finished this stylishly."
- "Looks like we win this match."
- "How's that, was it cool?"
- "Can't believe I got pushed this hard..." (low health)
- "Maybe I saw too many dreams...~" (As Orange Heart, low health)
- "Ugh, so tired, Uzume's a mess!" (As Orange Heart, low health)
- "Hmm, I think I'll have a good dream tonight!~" (As Orange Heart)
- "Uzume wins!~" (As Orange Heart)
- "Yay!~ Victory pose!~" (As Orange Heart)