Sega Saturn/Quotes
- "I've got max HP!" (Full Health)
- "I'm doing great!" (Full Health)
- "Everyone's on a roll." (Full Health)
- "This is nothing." (Moderate Health)
- "Don't worry about this." (Moderate Health)
- "Hey. This isn't the time to take a break!" (Moderate Health)
- "I'm okay check on the others." (Moderate Health)
- "Ngh... I got hit." (Moderate Health)
- "This doesn't look good." (Moderate Health)
- "We can't proceed like this..." (Low Health)
- "Um... Wanna take a break?" (Low Health)
- "Hurry up and heal me. Just do it!" (Low Health)
- "Change equipment!" (Equipment Change)
- "This is good I like it." (Equipment Change)
- "How do I look? Heh heh heh..." (Equipment Change)
- "I choose this class." (Class Change)
- "This battle is in the bag." (Initiating Battle)
- "Hey! Don't be dazed." (Initiating Battle)
- "I'll go first." (Initiating Battle)
- "It's my turn." (Turn Start)
- "I'll finish this at once." (Turn Start)
- "Headliner has arrived!" (Turn Start)
- "Go!" (Attacking)
- "Eat this!" (Attacking)
- "Here I go!" (Attacking)
- "It's mine!" (Attacking)
- "Right there!" (Attacking)
- "Eat my magic!"
- "You better heal me." (Dead)
- "Can't believe I just lost to that bastard." (Dead)
- "I was just taking a break!" (Revived)
- "I wish you didn't see me like that." (Revived)
- "You'd better watch out the next time I see you." (Running From Battle)
- "You're too weak to be my opponent." (Running From Battle)
- "I'll deal with you another day." (Running From Battle)
- "I can do this on my own."
- "Done already? That was fast."
- "I'd wish they'd let us have more fun."