IF returns to being one of the first playable characters available to the player once again in Re;Birth1. Whereas Neptune is pure damage and Compa is all healing, IF specializes in high agility and mobility and large AoEs, making her ideal for wiping out hordes of enemies, but she falls short when it comes to dealing with boss tier enemies due to her thief-like stats. Her innate abilities include ignoring enemy traits and shortens wait time. The traits enemies have are never thoroughly explained by the game, making it the passive feel useless, but in reality its especially useful against the more bothersome traits, like machine enemies who innately take less damage from certain attacks. The smaller wait time speaks for itself, letting Iffy gain turns sooner, allowing her to use items and attack more freely. This also goes for her support ability which also shortens the active member's wait as well. The other partner ability is gained EXP up, useful for grinding and nothing else. The speed up in turns is helpful for nearly everyone save for a tank. IF excels in that she will be the first party member to have access to large AoE skills, something missing from most of the CPU skills. Be forewarned though, Le Delphinus, her second AoE, has larger damage, but is very costly early on and does no guard damage at all. IF's speed is great, but ultimately more competent will be needed for the tougher enemies. However, her partner effects make her a good support and an early access to easy grinding and her AoEs let her demolish most common enemies, making her a go to choice to grind at the Colosseum for shares, items, money, or just EXP.