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Histoire/Ninja Wars

From Neptunia Wiki
4 Ninja Goddesses. I am giving you a new mission.

Histoire is one of the supporting characters in Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars. She acts as the daimyo of Heartland who holds a vast amount of knowledge.



Her hair remains in two blonde pigtails at medium length along with the purple and orange headdress but this time it accompanied by a hat with the letter N in the center. Her yukata is adapted from her Hyper Dimension counterpart's dress with flowers on the side of her arms and waist. Her leg-wear consists of thigh high socks and purple and pink sandals with green circles with a black lining on the center.


Histoire's personality is very mature and serious. She does not play around and is very focused on her work as a daimyo. While she is very hardworking, it sometimes takes her a while to provide people with the information they seek (3 hours, 3 days, etc.).


Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars