This category contains pages related to enemies of the Dragon type.
Pages in category "Dragon"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Adleig
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Ancient Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Boss Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Crescent Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Death Stalker
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Directionless Soldier
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Dragon Knight
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Dragon Warrior
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Dragonia
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Elemental Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Fafnir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Forest God
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Gargoyle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Gold Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Grand Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Grendel
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Heavy Dragoon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/High Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Ice Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Landvaettir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Lizard King
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Lizard Knight
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Lost Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Master Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Nidhogg
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Raijin Soldier
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Ruin Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/Tiamat
- Bestiary/Re;Birth1/True Arfoire
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ancient Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Armor Shell
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Azi Dahaka
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Boss Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Crescent Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Death Stalker
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dinosauroid
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Elemental Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fafnir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Magatsu Hinokami
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Nidhogg
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Nihil
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Raijin Soldier
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Royal Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ruins Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Sealed Calamity
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Tough Lost Soldier
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Vritra
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Yayozu Hinokami
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Ancient Dragon
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Demonic Lizard
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Devil Lizardman
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Fafnir
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/High Lizard
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Lizard Knight
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Lizardman
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Quetzalcoatl
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Sky Lizard
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Winged Dino
- Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Wyvern
Media in category "Dragon"
The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.
Bahamut.png 1,087 × 725; 640 KB
Demonic Lizard Enemy SvS.png 629 × 594; 473 KB
Devil Lizardman Enemy SvS.png 629 × 594; 469 KB
Dragon Knight.png 556 × 493; 310 KB
Dragon KnightBack.png 723 × 648; 406 KB
Dragon KnightSide.png 817 × 692; 397 KB
Dragon KnightSpecial.png 823 × 693; 483 KB
Fafnir Enemy SvS.png 379 × 272; 106 KB
Gold Lizard.png 566 × 534; 318 KB
Gold LizardBack.png 749 × 760; 472 KB
Gold LizardSide.png 856 × 754; 470 KB
Gold LizardSpecial.png 894 × 803; 565 KB
Gold LizardViral.png 520 × 445; 236 KB
Gold LizardViralBack.png 763 × 723; 431 KB
Gold LizardViralSide.png 874 × 761; 424 KB
Gold LizardViralSpecial.png 882 × 756; 529 KB
High Lizard Enemy SvS.png 630 × 510; 452 KB
Ice Lizard.png 714 × 644; 472 KB
Ice LizardBack.png 779 × 720; 438 KB
Ice LizardSide.png 870 × 752; 436 KB
Ice LizardSpecial.png 836 × 755; 531 KB
Lizard Knight Enemy SvS.png 630 × 510; 455 KB
Lizardman Enemy SvS.png 595 × 585; 397 KB
Quetzalcoatl Enemy SvS.png 379 × 272; 101 KB
Sky Lizard Enemy SvS.png 629 × 594; 478 KB
Winged Dino Enemy SvS.png 629 × 594; 471 KB
Wyvern Enemy SvS.png 379 × 272; 110 KB