CFW Brave/Quotes
Quotes (English)
- "I take no joy in wanton slaughter. Should you surrender at once, I will allow you to retreat."
- "You must be aware of the gaping chasm that separates our levels of power. What difference can one soul make?"
- "Forcing Arfoire's gifts into extinction will diminish the children's joy. I cannot allow their smiles to fade."
During his turn in battle
- "I'll uphold my own justice!"
- "There!"
- "My will resonates with my blade!"
- "En garde!"
- "Show me your will!"
- "Haa!"
- "Taste my blade!"
- "For victory!"
Taking a hit
- "Useless!"
- "Futile!"
- "Hyah!"
- "That's nothing!"
Upon defeat in battle
- "I recognize... your will's strength..."
- "Not... bad..."
Quotes (Japanese)
During his turn in battle
- "Kono mune no seigi o tsuranuku"
- "Soko da!"
- "Kono ishi, seigi no ken to tomoni!"
- "Makenai!"
- "Omae no ishi... misete miro!"
- "Haa!"
- "Kono ken ni kakete!"
- "Seigi wa katsu!"
Taking a hit
- "Muda da"
- "Kikan!"
- "Wruargh!"
- "Kuh"
- "Ikan"
- "Sono teido ka"
- "Sono teido no kougeki!"
Upon defeat in battle
- "Sono ishi...shikata uketometa zo"
- "Yaru dewa nai ka"