Artura Arrima/Quotes
Super Neptunia RPG
- "When the music snob asked me to watch the Archive, I thought it'd be so boring!"
- "I guess you're gonna get taken anyway, so i might as well tell you."
- "I'm Artura... and welcome to the Mad King's Trial Grounds."
- "What up, Resistance scum?! You know who i am? I'm the Mad King!"
- "Hehe... wanna play a game? Hahaha! You guys are gonna love this! It's so... hellish."
- "Don't call me that, damnit! I'll kill you!"
- "Well, i didn't want her anyway... I found a better mouse. Neptune, was it?"
- "I've taken a liking to that goofy face of hers. I'd love to rough it up a bit."
- "On that note... see ya!"
- "The hell? I swear i smelled Neptune around here... where is she?"
- "Do whatever you want. I'm gonna hunt down that mouse and give her some TLC."
- "I found you! Are you ready for a little playtime?!"
- "Blah! I don't give a crap to that two-bit music snob says!"
- "I just want to see your stupid face twist in agony! Come on, you little hero!"
- "Ready, Neppy? My difficulty level just got set to Very Hard!"
- "If Very Hard is too easy, next time we'll try this out on Inferno difficulty!"
- "What the hell are you saying?! Games are fun when you only have 1HP left, right?"
- "Hey, mech loser! Don't steal my kill! Ugh, i wish i was playing solo."
- "You're the Nep mouse aren't you! I recognize that scent anywhere!"
- "Hey, what the hell are you blabbering about? There's no pause screen here, buddy!"
- "Let's pick up where we left off, eh? Haha!"
- "Left it at home, lady. It's strategy! Gotta use your head to clear out shitty games too!"
- "Heh... heheh... heheheh. So you've even cleared Inferno Difficulity, huh? Wild!"
- "Wish i could play with you, Nep mouse. Guess i'll have to play with Paix now, haha!"
- "Hehe. Could ya maybe let us help out wih that too? I wanna make a 2D game..."
- "We lost. No more lives, no more credits, game over. Right, music snob?"
- "Ya know? If you just co-op'd with me and Ester we might've won this whole thing."
- "Yeah! We're gonna make the best 2D games ever! It's gonna crush you guys!"
- "Also, if you lose, Nep mouse, then you're goin' to the Trial Grounds."