Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation: DNA Comic Anthology/Chapter 2


It's snack time for Neptune. As she opens the refrigerator, she notices her pudding has gone missing. Neptune then decides to become a detective to find out who stole her pudding. With the three possible culprits being Histoire, Peashy and Plutia, Neptune decides that it was Peashy who stole her pudding. Peashy denies this accusation and uppercuts Neptune. With Plutia as a witness, she tells Neptune that Peashy was sleeping last night and they were playing together since she woke up. She then follows it up by denying that she took the pudding with someone's name on it.

After figuring out that Plutia and Peashy did not steal her pudding, Neptune then puts the blame on Histoire, who also denies it. With no other culprits, Nepgear arrives at the scene and gets accused for stealing her sister's pudding. She then tells Neptune the truth about what happened last night by stating that she saw her sleepwalking and was having a midnight snack.

After Neptune realizes that it was her who ate her own pudding, Plutia punishes her and tells her no pudding for a week.

Key Events

  • Neptune became a detective to find out who stole her pudding.
  • Nepgear told Neptune that it was her who ate her own pudding last night.
  • Plutia punished Neptune and told her no pudding for a week.

New Characters
