Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart/Side Missions

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Below is a list of side missions in Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart.

Side Missions

Hunt the Metal Dogoos!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Iron Fragment x10, Bone Fragment x5, Sunflowery Seed x5, 500 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal Teppachi, Copper Ore, Rag, 100 Credits

Subdue the Invaders!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Data Crystal x10, Blue Ribbon x5, Illegal Memory x5, 1000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Bottom) Tuffmill, Illegal Conductor, Red Petal, 100 Credits
Normal (Top) Kupokitty Claws, Herb, Yellow Petal, 100 Credits

Stop the Pyromaniacs!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Primrose,   Inferno Ring,  108 M ROM, 4000 Credits
2nd Time Spider Web x5, Stinky Mud x5, Purple Bliock x5, 4000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Left) Hard Cove, Fungus's Spores, Dot Antenna, 100 Credits
Normal (Right) SP Charger, Sunflowery Seed, Iron Fragment, 100 Credits

Stop the Crop Crushers!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Lizard Scale x5, Iron Ore x10, Frozen Scale x3, 8000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Top Left) Lava Stone, Bone Fragment, Lizard Scale, 100 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Yellow Block, Plom-met Piece, Gang Mask, 100 Credits

Corral the Suspicious!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Fake Circuit x10, Plum-met Piece x5, Tokimeki x5, 10000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire (Top Left) Turtle Shell, Plom-met Piece, Large Pincer, 100 Credits
Fire (Top Middle) Orange Petal, Purple Block, Silver Ore, 100 Credits
Fire (Top Right) Black Box Set, Red Pigment, Lava Stone, 100 Credits

Hunt the Odd Dogoos!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Strangled Lump x10, Model 4 Base x9, Red Gel Feeler x5, 10800 Credits
Chests Contents
Ice (Top Left) Chip Red Lv.1: Casual, Blue Petal, Magical Core, 100 Credits
Ice (Top Middle) Purple Block, Blue Petal, Frozen Cloth, 100 Credits
Ice (Top Right) Chip Yellow Lv.1: Action, Turtle Shell, Blue Ribbon, 100 Credits

Topple the Grandogoo!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Blue Seed x5, Carroteer Leaf x5, Ganglord Mask x2, 12500 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Chip Yellow Lv.1: RPG, Red Petal, Cat Whisker, 100 Credits
Wind Black Box Set, White Pigment, Illegal Conductor, 100 Credits

Froggers Attack!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Mysterious Petal x5, Yellow Ribbon x5, Small Conductor x5, 10000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Top Right) Chip Yellow Lv.1: RPG, Matango's Spores, Maoni Base, 100 Credits
Normal (Top Left) Kupokitty Claws, Herb, Healing Herb, 100 Credits
Normal (Bottom Left) Chip Blue Lv.1: Stupid Game, White Pigment, Healing Herb, 100 Credits
Fire Healing Pod, Unexploded Shell, Gaea Stone, 100 Credits
Lightning Chip Yellow Lv.1: Adventure, Gale Stone, Illegal Gadget, 100 Credits

Ring of Dragon Fire!

Mode Rewards
1st Time  Green Disc,   Millenium Memory, Pink Ribbon x3,50000 Credits, 10 Exp
2nd Time Pink Ribbon x5, Hoodlum Mask x5, Magical Stone x5, 50000 Credits, 10 Exp
Chests Contents
Fire Healing Pod, Crimson Stone, Silver Ore, 100 Credits
Wind Black Box Set, Tulip Stamen, Chip Red Lv.1: Die So Fast, 100 Credits
Lightning Nep Bull C, Earth Crystal, Big Butterfly Wing, 100 Credits
Ice Penguin Web, Blue Pigment, Nice Meat, 100 Credits

Melt the Frozen Ones!

Mode Rewards
1st Time
2nd Time Sharp Fang x5, Yellow Pigment, Frozen Cloth x5, 12000 Credits
Chests Contents
Ice (Left) Purple Block, Frigid Ring, Lost Ribbon, 100 Credits
Ice (Right) Healing Drink, Gelid Stone, Lunar Grass, 100 Credits

Protect the Supplies!

Mode Rewards
1st Time  Purple Ray Disc, File Crystal x3, Maoni Base x3, 15,000 Credits, 15 Exp
2nd Time File Crystal x10, Maoni Base x10, Gang Mask x5, 15000 Credits
Chests Contents

Exorcise the Ghosts!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Purgatory Ring,   Cocytus Ring, Mysterious Halo x3, 18000 Credits, 15 Exp
2nd Time Connecting Hook x5, Erde Crystal, Mysterious Halo x5, 18000 Credits, 15 Exp
Chests Contents
Fire Lava Stone, Refresh Herb, Heat Cloth, 100 Credits
Wind Ring of Essence, Mysterious Herb, Healing Herb, 100 Credits
Lightning Time Bangle, Thick Beak, Maoni Base, 100 Credits
Ice Refresh Herb, Homesick Feeling, Negative Sap, 100 Credits

Venomous Extraction!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Silver Ore x5, Bloody Boomerang x3, Magical Contract x3, 20000 Credits
2nd Time Silver Ore x10, Bloody Boomerang x5, Magical Contract x5, 20000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Red Gel Feeler, Lava Bone, White Pigment, 1000 Credits
Wind Ling Base, Hoodlum Mask, Venomous Spider Web, 1000 Credits
Lightning Refresh Herb, Unexploded Shell, New Magic Dampener, 1000 Credits
Normal (Left) World Tree Leaf, Chip Red Lv.1: Orthodox, Healing Herb, 1000 Credits
Normal (Right) Chip Yellow Lv.1: Party, Stinky Mud, Dogoo Jelly, 1000 Credits

Delinquency Roundup!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Archeanklet,   Lost Game Ring, Negative Bark x1, 22000 Credits
2nd Time Negative Bark x3, Crab Shell x5, Venom Ribbon x5, 22000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Buff Stone, Ganglord Mask, Gang Mask, 100 Credits
Ice Homesick Feeling, Penguin Tailfeather, Ice Skeleton, 100 Credits
Fire Lost Ribbon, Refresh Herb, Flamin' Bone, 100 Credits
Wind Golden Tooth, Hoodlum Mask, Iron Fragment, 100 Credits

Shocking Subjagation!

Mode Rewards
1st Time  USB Memory, Refresh Herb x3, Magic Stone x5, 24000 Credits
2nd Time Refresh Herb x10, Poisonous Petal x2, Magic Stone x10, 24000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning (Top Left) Energy Pack, Crude Circuit, Maoni Base, 100 Credits
Lightning (Top Right) Powered Replay, EM Ring, Illegal ROM, 100 Credits
Lightning (Bottom Left) Unexploded Shell, WD Fragment, Illegal ROM, 100 Credits
Lightning (Bottom Right) Yellow Ribbon, Illegal Conductor, AG System, 100 Credits

Cancel The Rain Dance!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Meow Claws x5, Strangled Lump x5, Blue Seed x5, 26000 Credits
2nd Time Meow Claws x5, Strangled Lump x10, Red Seed x10, 26000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Top Left) Premium Jelly, Refresh Herb, Chip Red Lv. 1: Famous Voice, 100 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Gold Ore, Chip Yellow Lv.2: FPS, Cutekitty Claws, 100 Credits

Pipe Cleaning!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Momus Charm,   Mumos Charm,   Engagement Ring, 30000 Credits
2nd Time Magical Fragment x5, Erde Crystal, Numb Jelly x5, 30000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire File Crysta, Chip Blue Lv. 1: Parameter Tweak, Heat Cloth, 1000 Credits
Wind Hobby Soul, Chip Red Lv. 1: Fight, Buff Stone, 1000 Credits
Lightning New Magic Dampener, Chip Yellow Lv. 3: Action RPG, Horsebird Thig, 1000 Credits
Ice Black Gel Feeler, Orichalcum, Magical Fragment, 1000 Credits
Normal (Right) Plum-met Piece, Chip Blue Lv. 4: Just Spam Attack, Chip Red Lv. 5: Worldwide, 1000 Credits
Normal (Left) Plum-met Piece, Chip Yellow Lv. 2: Novel, Red Seed, 1000 Credits

Rise From Your Grave!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Storm Ring,   Thunder Ring, Ice Skeleton, 32000 Credits
2nd Time Magical Fragment x5, Ice Skeleton x3, Blue Seed x10,
Chests Contents
Normal Healing Drink, Plum-met Piece, Chip Blue Lv. 5: Synthesis, 1000 Credits

Monster Pilgrimage!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Nice Antenna x5, Erde Crystal, Wolf Pelt, 28000 Credits
2nd Time Nice Antenna x5, Erde Crystal x2, Wolf Pelt x2, 28000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Wolf Fur, Chip Yellow Lv. 2: Fan Disc, Magical Fragment, 1000 Credits
Lightning Insane Contract, Chip Blue Lv. 3: Gorilla, Blacklight Scale, 1000 Credits

Cardbirds, Ahoy!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Flamin' Bone, Orange Petal x5, Youth Heart x5, 25000 Credits
2nd Time Flamin' Bone x3, Orange Petal x10, Youth Heart x10, 25000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire (Top Left) Plom-met Piece, Plumindigo Piece, Plum-met Piece, 1000 Credits
Fire (Top Right) Red Petal, Red Seed, Heat Cloth, 1000 Credits

Viral Cleansing!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Red Petal x5, Blue Petal x5, Yellow Petal x5, 40000 Credits
2nd Time Red Petal x10, Blue Petal x10, Yellow Petal x10, 40000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Top Left) Heretical Jelly, Chip Blue Lv. 2 : Photorealistic, Magical Contract, 1000 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Elastic Thread, Chip Blue Lv. 3 : Sci-Fi, Lost Ribbon, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Left) Numb Jelly, Chip Blue Lv. 3 : Polygon, Blacklight Scale, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Right) Black Gel Feeler, Chip Blue Lv. 3 : Bearded Italian, New Magic Dampener, 1000 Credits

I'd Like Some Ore…

Mode Rewards
1st Time Invisible Ribbon x3, Cell Antenna x3, Tokimeki x3, 40000 Credits
2nd Time Invisible Ribbon x5, Cell Antenna x5, Tokimeki x5, 40000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Bottom Left) Frozen Cloth, Chip Yellow Lv. 2 : FPS, Blacklight Scale, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Right) Plumindigo Piece, Chip Yellow Lv. 1 : RPG, Horsebird Thigh, 1000 Credits
Lightning Acc.: Ring of Essence, Cutekitty Claws, Buff Stone, 1000 Credits

Gimme The Long One!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Erde Crystal x5, Cloth of Death, Illegal Gadget, 60000 Credits
2nd Time Erde Crystal x10, Cloth of Death x2, Illegal Gadget x2, 60000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal Shampuru Paw, Chip Yellow Lv. 2 : Novel, Strong Thread, 1000 Credits
Ice Lava Stone, Chip Yellow Lv. 3 : Girl Game, Knighted Scale, 1000 Credits
Fire Coin Fragment, Chip Yellow Lv. 3 : Fighting, Strong Thread, 1000 Credits
Wind Negative Root, Chip Yellow Lv. 3 : Racing, Knighted Scale, 1000 Credits

Rampaging Data!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Ling Base, Large Beak, Big Butterfly Wing, 70000 Credits
2nd Time Ling Base x3, Large Beak x2, Big Butterfly Wing x2, 70000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Iron Shell, Chip Yellow Lv. 4 : Simulation, Green Block, 1000 Credits
Ice Illegal Gadget, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : TPS, Illegal RAM, 1000 Credits
Fire Jet-black Scale, Chip Yellow Lv. 3 : Action RPG, Aging Romanticism, 1000 Credits
Wind Thick Beak, Chip Yellow Lv. 4 : Strategic Smarts, Hard Cover, 1000 Credits
Normal (Right) Orichalcum, Chip Yellow Lv. 1 : Action, World Tree Leaf, 1000 Credits
Normal (Left) Gold Ore, Chip Yellow Lv. 1 : Action, Aromatic Spider Web, 1000 Credits

Spider Squashing!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Illegal ROM x4, Gold Ore x4, Elastic Thread, 60000 Credits
2nd Time Illegal ROM x10, Gold Ore x5, Elastic Thread x3, 60000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Top Left) Suspicious Bangle, Chip Yellow Lv. 1 : RPG, Aging Romanticism, 1000 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Nep Bull C, Chip Yellow Lv. 3 : Racing, Aromatic Spider Web, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Left) Silver Anklet, Chip Blue Lv. 3 : Monster, Hobby Soul, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Right) Strong Wood, Chip Blue Lv. 3 : Bearded Italian, Numb Jelly, 1000 Credits

Resistance is Futile!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Electric Switch, Coin Fragment, Negative Root, 65000 Credits
2nd Time Electric Switch, Coin Fragment x3, Negative Root x3, 65000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Lightning Crystal Lv.5, Chip Blue Lv. 5: Synthesis, Fire Crystal (item), 10000 Credits
Ice Visual Memory 8x, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : Baseball, Magical Core, 10000 Credits
Fire Energy Pack, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : Hunting, Refresh Herb, 10000 Credits
Wind EM Ring, Chip Blue Lv. 4: Silhouette, Coin Fragment, 10000 Credits


Mode Rewards
1st Time Black Gel Feeler, Visual Memory 16x x3, Powered Replay, 54000 Credits
2nd Time Black Gel Feeler x3, Visual Memory 16x x5, Powered Replay x2, 54000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Jet-Black Scale, Chip Blue Lv. 5: Pretty 3D CG, Giant Crab Pincer, 1000 Credits
Lightning Iron Shell, Numb Jelly, Refresh Herb, 1000 Credits
Normal (Left) Paralysis Web, Chip Blue Lv. 4: Anime, World Tree Leaf, 1000 Credits
Normal (Right) Nep Bull C, Chip Blue Lv. 4: Anime, Magical Core, 1000 Credits

Sewer Scrubbin'

Mode Rewards
1st Time Rare Metal, S. Plum-met Piece, Powered Replay x3, 70000 Credits
2nd Time Rare Metal, S. Plum-met Piece x2, Powered Replay x5, 70000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Nice Meat, Yellow Ribbon, Giant Crab Pincer, 10000 Credits
Ice Metal Jelly, Refresh Herb, Hard Cover, 10000 Credits
Fire Poisonous Petal, Yellow Ribbon, Aging Romanticism, 10000 Credits
Wind World Tree Leaf, Numb Jelly, Fire Crystal, 10000 Credits


Mode Rewards
1st Time Tiny Outfit, Cat Tuft, Kupokitty Claws x5, 75000 Credits
2nd Time Tiny Outfit x3, Cat Tuft x2, Kupokitty Claws x5, 75000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Orange Pigment, Numb Jelly, Cool Boxbird Wing, 10000 Credits
Ice White Pigment, Cool Boxbird Wing, Yellow Ribbon, 10000 Credits
Normal (Left) Black Pigment, Refresh Herb, Wolf Fur, 10000 Credits
Normal (Right) Pink Pigment, Cool Boxbird Wing, Fire Crystal, 10000 Credits
Normal (Top Left) Yellow Helmet, Cool Boxbird Wing, Nice Boxbird Wing, 10000 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Tama Claws, Yellow Ribbon, Fine Horse Hide, 10000 Credits

Fort Infiltration!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Newbie Nurse Cap x2, Plumindigo Piece, Giant Crab Pincer, 75000 Credits
2nd Time Newbie Nurse Cap x4, Plumindigo Piece x3, Giant Crab Pincer x3, 75000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Erde Crystal, Golden Tooth, Illegal Device, 10000 Credits
Ice Illegal Device, Lava Stone, Alloy Plate, 10000 Credits
Fire Ling Base, Super Hard Scale, Fine Horse Hide, 10000 Credits
Wind Nice Antenna, Illegal Device, Hobby Soul, 10000 Credits

Swashbucklers Be We!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Monkey Bracelet, Illegal RAM, High Quality Silk, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Chip Yellow Lv.5: Hunting, Illegal RAM x2, High Quality Silk, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Fire Chip Red Lv.5: Many Resets, Illegal Tech, Gold Ore, 10000 Credits
Wind Ice Crystal Lv.5, Cell Antenna, Illegal Device, 10000 Credits
Lightning Chip Red Lv.1: Orthodox, Dancing Controller, Ancient Dragon…Huh?, 10000 Credits
Ice Absolute Zero Ring, Magic Stone, Magic Shell, 10000 Credits

Zombie Wrangling!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Nunchuk Strap, Magic Shell x3, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Chip Yellow Lv.5: Infrared Comm., Magic Shell x5, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal Cloth of Death, Soul Contract, Alloy Plate, 10000 Credits

Giant Belittling!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Bold Teddy,   Shiitake Bracelet, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Bold Teddy, Chip Blue Lv. 5: Entertainer, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Fake Circuit, Ancient…Thing, Illegal Hardware, 10000 Credits
Ice Chip Red Lv.5: War, Action Play, Illegal Device, 10000 Credits
Fire Cold Shell, Cell Antenna, Electric Wing, 10000 Credits
Wind Knighted Scale, Cell Antenna, Illegal Hardware, 10000 Credits

Band of Knights!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Valiant Steel,   Valor Ring, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : TPS, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Valiant Steel, Chip Yellow Lv. 5: TPS, Illegal SSD x2, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Hard Cover, Illegal Tech, Mithril Ore, 10000 Credits
Ice Cat Tuft, Gold Ore, Light Blue Pigment, 10000 Credits
Fire Shampuru Ear, Yellow Ribbon, Mithril Ore, 10000 Credits
Wind WD Fragment, Lava Rock Shell, Phantom Bird Wing, 10000 Credits

Berserker Barrage!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Miracle Braceler,   Underworld Charm, Overclocked Memory, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Overclocked Memory, Chip Yellow Lv.5: Infrared Comm., Gold Ore x5, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Mysterious Red Ball, Alloy Plate, Visual Memory 16x, 10000 Credits
Ice Illegal RAM, Illegal Hardware, Illegal SSD, 10000 Credits
Fire Illegal RAM, Suspicious Bangle, Alloy Plate, 10000 Credits
Wind Blazing Ore, Gold Ore, Blacklight Scale, 10000 Credits

No More Contracts!

Mode Rewards
1st Time   Crystal Bracelet,   Crystal Armlet, Ancient Rune Tome, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Ancient Rune Tome, Chip Yellow Lv.5: MMO., Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning (Bottom Left) Contracted Ball, Gold Ore, Blacklight Scale, 10000 Credits
Lightning (Middle Left) Illegal Tech, Powered Replay, Illegal Hardware, 10000 Credits
Lightning (Top Left) Wind Crystal Lv.5, Illegal SSD, Aging Romanticism, 10000 Credits
Fire (Bottom Right) Fire Crystal Lv.5, Dancing Controller, Illegal SSD, 10000 Credits
Fire (Middle Right) STR Booster Z, Magic Stone, Alloy Plate, 10000 Credits
Fire (Top Right) Cat Gloves, Alloy Plate, Mithril Ore, 10000 Credits

Awkward Foliage!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Blue Connector G, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : Single Player Online, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
2nd Time Blue Connector G, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : Single Player Online, Blazing Ore, 80000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Contracted Ball, Ancient…Thing, Venomous Cloth, 10000 Credits
Fire Magic Stone, Yellow Ribbon, Illegal Motherboard, 10000 Credits
Wind Healing Rain, Powered Replay, Insane Contract, 10000 Credits

Rage of the Otaku

Mode Rewards
1st Time Rotten Pork Soup,   Ancient Dragon Ring, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : LAN Party, 100000 Credits
2nd Time Rotten Pork Soup, Chip Yellow Lv. 5 : LAN Party, Blazing Ore, 100000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Bottom Left) Plump Dogoo, Alloy Plate, Negative Bark, 10000 Credits
Normal (Top Left) Plump Dogoo, Gold Ore, Soul Contract, 10000 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Hero Sausage, Illegal Hardware, Ancient…Thing, 10000 Credits

Phoenix Plucking!

Mode Rewards
1st Time Legendary Artifact,   Lapis Lazuli Drop, Phoenix Wing, 150000 Credits
2nd Time Legendary Artifact, Blazing Ore x2, Phoenix Wing, 150000 Credits
Chests Contents
Lightning Knighted Scale, Insane Contract, Contracted Ball, 10000 Credits
Fire SP Booster III, Illegal Hardware, Cool Boxbird Wing, 10000 Credits
Normal Golden Tooth, Nice Boxbird Wing, Electric Wing, 10000 Credits

Dragon Slayer!

Mode Rewards
1st Time God Soul, Holy Whale Ball, Ancient Dragon…Ball, 200000 Credits
2nd Time God Soul, Holy Whale Ball, Ancient Dragon…Ball, 200000 Credits
Chests Contents
Normal (Bottom Left) Angel's Feather, Ancient Dragon…Huh?, Magical Jelly, 1000 Credits
Normal (Top Left) Angel's Feather, Illegal Hardware, Mithril Ore, 1000 Credits
Normal (Bottom Right) Angel's Feather, Visual Memory 16x, Prime Cut Dogoo, 1000 Credits
Normal (Top Right) Angel's Feather, Magic Shell, Amazing Jelly, 1000 Credits
Crystal Valor Ring, 1000 Credits
