Cultural references/4 Goddesses Online
This page contains parodies and references that can be found in Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online.
- Cathedral: References the central cathedrals from Log Horizon , where this game and Log Horizon both have their players respawning here.
- Unreal World: Based on the "Content Examples" sample project used in the Unreal Engine 4 SDK.
General Items
- Dengekiko's Notebook: references Dengekiko, a character based on publishing company Dengeki Bunko.
- Famitsu's Notebook: references Famitsu , a character based on Famitsu magazines.
Neptune (Longsword)
- Evil Sword Caliburn: references Caliburn (Excalibur) from Arthurian legends.
Noire (Spear)
- Evil Spear Gaebolg: references Gáe Bolg of Irish mythology.
Vert (Rapier)
- Blue Sword Hrotti: references Hrotti of Norse mythology.
Nepgear (Wand)
- Nimbus 2000: references the broomsticks from the Harry Potter series.
- The description reads: "A luxury brand, old style broom. It was used for Quidditch sports."
- Bad Witch Staff: references the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz.
- The description reads: "A cursed staff holding immense power, used by a wicked witch from the east."
Uni (Handgun)
- Abyss Gun Bahamut: references the sea monster of Arabic mythology, Bahamut.
Rom (Katana)
- Solar Sword [Amaterasu]: references (and outright says) Amaterasu , the Japanese goddess of the sun.
- Demon [Tsukoyomi]: references (and outright says) Tsukoyomi-no-Mikoto , the Japanese goddess of the moon.
Ram (Shuriken)
- Okamimaru [Izanagi]: references (and outright says) Izanagi-no-Mikoto, a deity of creation.
- Yomimaru [Izanami]: references (and outright says) Izanami-no-Mikoto, a deity of both creation and death.
Primary Characters
These characters play an important role in the story.
- Noire's class and design is based on the Dragoon job from the Final Fantasy series.
- Kiria: Based on Kirito from Sword Art Online.
- Bouquet: Based on Yui from Sword Art Online.
- †Black Cat Princess†: Translated to "Kuronekohime," and is based on Kuroyukihime from Accel World.
- Grim Reaper: Based on Death Gun from Sword Art Online.
Minor Town NPC
These characters can be found in towns for some dialogue.
- Asuka: Based on Asuna from Sword Art Online.
- Kirio (Not Kiria as Mentioned Above): Based on Kirito from Sword Art Online.
- Blood: References the Knights of the Blood Oath from Sword Art Online.
Chosen Ones
- Cross Edge: References the Idea Factory/Compile Heart RPG Cross Edge.
- All of Rom's abilities are named after flowers
Character Quotes
Game Parodies
- Maron, a town NPC, says "I heard the Grim Reaper appeared, but is it a monster? Does it show up if you stay in a dungeon for a long time?," referencing the Reaper from the Persona series, which spawns after the player stays in a dungeon for a long amount of time.
- After clearing the post game story, the town NPC, Kirio says "An event where you can fight me? Heh. If you reach the 75th floor, then perhaps I'll be your opponent." referencing the end of the first portion of Sword Art Online.
- When talking about how advanced the AI of the NPCs was and how it was likely from Planeptune, Noire says "Do you remember when they were pioneering that strange research in all of the nations? The one where people spoke to amphibians through a screen?" referencing the 1999 Sega game Seaman.
- During the CPU candidate hot spring scene when talking about games affecting society, Uni says "Games that link with reality have a nice festival kind of feel. The Lowee game where you search for 1.51 million monsters is super popular too." referencing Pokémon Go, followed by Rom and Ram mentioning that some of them might not be in Lowee, their shares rose explosively after its release, and even that some players get into fights because of playing while walking.
- During one of the Teach Me! Bert!! skits, Vert prepares chamomile tea, in which Neptune asks if it's paralytic. Neptune also mentions tea parties on the side of the road. This references Fairy Fencer F, where Tiara paralyzes the protagonist on the side of the road with paralytic chamomile tea.
- When GM is talking to in-game cheaters for their punishment, she mentions that she could "remove your equipment and drop you down from somewhere very high up," referencing the punishment that Guild Wars 2 developers did to one of their cheaters.
Anime/Manga Parodies
- GM and Mine get into a hacker battle, in which they begin it by shouting "Duel!," referencing Yu-Gi-Oh!