Yurina is the main protagonist of NepNep☆Connect: Chaos Chanpuru.
Yurina has medium apricot hair worn loose with a small, messy ponytail and thick bangs brushed to the right and held by silver and yellow clips. A single lock of hair hangs on the left. Her eyes are indigo. She wears a black bikini top or bra and thong with a white and gold miniskirt and vest over them. With her skirt is a green belt beneath a larger orange and white belt knotted on the corner with a white and gold stylized buckle. She also wears white and gold sleeves with a black wrist cuff and orange ribbon on top, and matching colored boots and stockings, which have a white belted strap on top. On her neck is a black choker and a necklace with an orange gem. She has a tattoo beneath her chest.
In MegaMiracle Force, Yurina's appearance has very slight modifications. Her top is now a black and gold tank-top, and her thong isn't visible anymore as her skirt's length is slightly longer. Her tattoo is now on the top of her left hand.
NepNep☆Connect: Chaos Chanpuru
- The name Yurina is written in katakana (ユリナ), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (結梨菜, 結李梨, 結利那, 結梨渚, 結璃奈 or 結琉奈), it could possibly mean:
- 結梨菜 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "pear" (梨) (ri) and "vegetables, greens" (菜) (na).
- 結李梨 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "plum, prune" (李) (ri) and "pear" (梨) (na).
- 結利那 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "benefit, advantage" (利) (ri) and "what?" (那) (na).
- 結梨渚 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "pear" (梨) (ri) and "beach, shore, water's edge" (渚) (na).
- 結璃奈 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "glassy, lapis lazuli" (璃) (ri) and "apple tree" (奈) (na).
- 結琉奈 - "tie, bind" (結) (yu), "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli" (琉) (ri) and "apple tree" (奈) (na).
- ↑ コンパイルハートキャラが夢の共演! PS Vita『ねぷねぷ☆コネクト カオスチャンプル』事前登録スタート!(Japanese). PlayStation.Blog. Sony Interactive Entertainment(April 5, 2017). Retrieved on August 9, 2024.