This page contains information regarding Item Development in Megadimension Neptunia VII.


Name Necessary Material Obtain
Healing Pod Herb x5
Very Large Beak x2
Red Gel Feeler x3
Arfoire: Enemy Drop
Delusion Turtle: Enemy Drop
Healing Drink World Tree Leaf x5
Nice Antenna x2
Red Lost Soul x1
Arc Wyrn: Enemy Drop
Healing Bottle Healing Drink x10
World Tree Leaf x16
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x1
Super 'Stache Squeed: Enemy Drop
Nep Bull Herb x5
Dogoo Jelly x4
Uniceldos: Enemy Drop
Steamax: Enemy Drop
Nep Bull C Herb x5
Fancy Jelly x2
Hellish Turtle: Enemy Drop
Nep Bull S Glowgrass x5
Amazing Jelly x2
Magic Owl: Enemy Drop
Nep Bull EX Refresh Herb x5
Numb Jelly x2
Complete all the Project Nepupupupu quests
Nep Bull EX-II Refresh Herb x5
World Tree Leaf x2
Ruins of the Heart: Public Relations Lv. 6
Healing Circle Dot Antenna x5
Crude Circuit x5
Uniceldos Wing: Enemy Drop
Healing Field Refresh Herb x5
Green Gel Feeler x1
Pandea Leos: Enemy Drop
Healing Light Refresh Herb x5
Magic Core - Nil x2
Dark Black: Enemy Drop
P. SP Charger SP Charger x5
Water Dragon Scale x5
Arfoire: Enemy Drop
P. SP Charger 2 Refresh Herb x5
Snow Chocopi's Beak x1
Strawberry Jelly x2
Arfoire: Enemy Drop
Panacea Healing Herb x20
Fancy Jelly x2
Gagamut: Enemy Drop
Super Panacea Refresh Herb x5
Magical Jelly x2
Demonic Law: Enemy Drop
Affimojas: Enemy Drop
INT Booster Z INT Booster x3
Space Squeed x5
Golvellia: Enemy Drop
AGI Booster Z AGI Booster x3
Upper LCD x5
Dark Unicorn: Enemy Drop
STR Booster Z STR Booster x3
Worker's Melancholy x5
M-Gear: Enemy Drop
Exuberant Fragment Refresh Herb x3
Super Magical Paper x2
Dark Purple: Enemy Drop
Exuberant Lump World Tree Leaf x5
Life Fragment x2
Affimojas: Enemy Drop
Angel Wings World Tree Leaf x20
Fancy Jelly x2
Revile Wyrm: Enemy Drop
Forbidden Twig Illegal Hardware x5
Illegal SSD x5
Thick Headband x1
Arfoire: Enemy Drop
Gold Ingot Gold Ore x10 Colosseum Reward: [S] Sky Wars
Silver Ingot Silver Ore x10 Colosseum Reward: [S] Sky Wars


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Planeptune Dev 1 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 2 Venom Claw Claw x1
Poisonous Fang x3
Bamboo Sword α Bamboo Sword x1
Evonium x1
Dot Antenna x5
Hunting Sword α Hunting Sword x1
Evonium x1
Tokimeki x5
Prototype Mechanical Blade α Prototype Mechanical Blade x1
Evonium x1
Indulgence x5
Beam Slicer α Beam Slicer x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Memory x5
Beam Saber Mk-2 α Beam Saber Mk-2 x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Conductor x5
NP Slicer α NP Slicer x1
Evonium x1
Kupokitty Claws x5
Claw α Claw x1
Evonium x1
Alloy Fragment x5
Spectral Katar α Spectral Katar x1
Evonium x1
Silver Ore x5
Expired Liquid α Expired Liquid x1
Evonium x1
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Planeptune Dev 2 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 3 Numbing Claw Claw x1
Numbing Jelley x3
Tachi α Tachi x1
Evonium x1
Strawberry Jelly x5
Bastard Sword α Bastard Sword x1
Evonium x1
Iron Ore x5
Neo NP Beam Buster α Neo NP Beam Buster x1
Evonium x1
Illegal SSD x5
Venom Claw α Venom Claw x1
Evonium x1
Poison Dragon Scale x5
Balaham α Balaham x1
Evonium x1
Heretical Jelly x5
Nepya Cider α Nepya Cider x1
Evonium x1
Heretical Jelly x5
Planeptune Dev 3 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 4 Claymore α Claymore x1
Evonium x1
Very Large Beak x5
Mechanical Blade: Crimson α Mechanical Blade: Crimson x1
Evonium x1
Freezing Claws x5
Dio Slicer α Dio Slicer x1
Evonium x1
Very Large Beak x5
Brisk Qatar α Brisk Qatar x1
Evonium x1
Thick Headband x5
Numbing Claw α Numbing Claw x1
Evonium x1
Premium Numb Jelly x5
Gigatoxin α Gigatoxin x1
Evonium x1
Tasty Squeed x5
Planeptune Dev 4 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 5 Beam Katana mk2 α Beam Katana mk2 x1
Evonium x1
Great Magical Paper x5
Executioner α Executioner x1
Evonium x1
Blood Plate x5
Rabscuttle α Rabscuttle x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Motherboard x5
Gate of Heaven α Gate of Heaven x1
Evonium x1
Magical Jelly x5
Sakrif Vierge α Sakrif Vierge x1
Exonium x1
Magic Core - Hyper x5
Splashing Acid α Splashing Acid x1
Evonium x1
Cheap Clothes x18
Planeptune Dev 5 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 6 Mechanical Blade: Destruction α Mechanical Blade: Destruction x1
Evonium x1
Fire Beast's Skin x5
Unbranded Katana α Unbranded Katana x1
Evonium x1
Cell Antenna x5
Black Clover α Black Clover x1
Evonium x1
Stink Fins x5
Bloody Claw α Bloody Claw x1
Evonium x1
Solid Fang x5
True Freak Diamond α True Freak Diamond x1
Evonium x1
Illusory Dragon Scale x5
Mutant Blood α Mutant Blood x1
Evonium x1
Dragon King Scle x12
Planeptune Dev 6 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 7 Kiryu Sword Chivalrous Material x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x3
Plasma Sword Overclocked Memory x1
Evonium x3
Illegal Tech x3
Empire Black History Note x1
Evonium x3
Silver Fragment x3
Splashing Acid Amazing Needle x1
Evonium x3
Amazing Magical Paper x3
Mecha-Nep Blade α Mecha-Nep Blade x1
Evonium x1
Corrupt Mask x5
Beam Katana -V- α Beam Katana -V- x1
Evonium x1
Premium Numb Jelly x5
Ultimate Sword α Ultimate Sword x1
Evonium x1
Upper LCD x12
Underworld Blade: Shadow α Underworld Blade: Shadow x1
Evonium x1
Rare Metal Plate x5
Nephas Water α Nephas Water x1
Evonium x1
Cool Looking Beak x5
Planeptune Dev 7 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 8 Excalibur α Excalibur x1
Evonium x1
Iron Shell x5
Laevateinn α Laevateinn x1
Evonium x1
Cool Looking Beak x5
Schwertgewehr α Schwertgewehr x1
Evonium x1
Special Carbon Plate x5
Dual Sword: Neptune α Dual Sword: Neptune x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Air Saconpus α Air Saconpus x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Planeptune Dev 8 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 9 Mechanical Blade: Edge α Mechanical Blade: Edge x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Kiryuu Sword α Kiryuu Sword x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x12
Gesperrt Berg α Gesperrt Ber x1
Evonium x1
Rare Metal Plate x5
Hyper Beam Saber α Hyper Beam Saber x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Plasma Sword α Plasma Sword x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Empire α Empire x1
Evonium x1
Death Fang x25
Peach Nectar α Peach Nectar x1
Evonium x1
Cheap Clothes x25
Planeptune Dev 9 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 10 Paper Fan α Paper Fan x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
Gears Slicer α Gears Slicer x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
King's Claw α King's Claw x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
Dirty Sewage α Dirty Sewage x1
Evonium x1
Spiral Shell x5
Lastation Dev 1 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 2 Code Black α Code Black x1
Evonium x1
Large Beak x5
Code White α Code White x1
Evonium x1
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
PCV-1000 α PCV-1000 x1
Evonium x1
No. 16 x5
Unigonov α Unigonov x1
Evonium x1
Silver Ore x5
Lastation Dev 2 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 3 Elysdeon α Elysdeon x1
Evonium x1
Fire Beast's Skin x5
Railgun α Railgun x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Motherboard x5
Lastation Dev 3 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 4 Code Yellow α Code Yellow x1
Evonium x1
Alloy Plate x5
Crystal White α Crystal White x1
Evonium x1
Lastation Dev 4 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 5 Durandal α Durandal x1
Evonium x1
Snow Chocopi's Beak x12
Revolver Gun α Revolver Gun x1
Evonium x1
S. Plum-met Piece x12
Lastation Dev 5 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 6 Rune Caliber α Rune Caliber x1
Evonium x1
Magical Fragment x5
Crystal Black α Crystal Black x1
Evonium x1
Dragon King Scale x12
Lastation Dev 6 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 7 Code Blue Legendary Relic x1
Evonium x3
Premium Numb Jelly x3
Linear Railgun Electric Switch x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Hyper x3
Code Red α Code Red x1
Evonium x1
Large Beak x5
Vintage Rifle α Vintage Rifle x1
Evonium x1
Red Bat Wings x12
Lastation Dev 7 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 8 Noire Blade α Noire Blade x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
U&N G13 α U&N G13 x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Lastation Dev 8 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 9 Code Blue α Code Blue x1
Evonium x1
Bicorn Beast's Skin x12
Linear Railgun α Linear Railgun x1
Evonium x1
Mega Beast's Skin x12
Lastation Dev 9 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 10 A-MN Noire α A-MN Noire x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x12
Virta Blaster α Vida Blaster x1
Evonium x1
Hyper Shell x5
Lowee Dev 1 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 2 Hammer α Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Heavy Hammer α Heavy Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Lost Soul x5
White Wand α White Wand x1
Evonium x1
Copper Ore x5
Aqua Ankh α Aqua Ankh x1
Evonium x1
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Servin Ankh α Servin Ankh x1
Evonium x1
Black Beast's Skin x5
White Rod α White Rod x1
Evonium x1
Kupokitty Claws x5
Pink Ankh α Pink Ankh x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
Sword Staff: Xenocross α Sword Staff: Xenocross x1
Evonium x1
Boxer Mask x5
Lowee Dev 2 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 3 White Hammer α White Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Lost Soul - Dark x5
Silver Wand α Silver Wand x1
Evonium x1
Spiked Shell x5
Gray Staff α Gray Staff x1
Evonium x1
Stink Fins x5
Lowee Dev 3 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 4 Obsidian Hammer α Obsidian Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Cell Antenna x5
Yellow α Yellow x1
Evonium x1
Earth Ripper x5
Dark Silver α Dark Silver x1
Evonium x1
Worker's Melancholy x5
Lowee Dev 4 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 5 The Mediator α The Mediator x1
Evonium x1
Earth Ripper x12
Shower Staff α Shower Staff x1
Evonium x1
Amazing Magical Paper x5
Phantom Staff: Jibacat α Phantom Staff: Jibacat x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Beta x12
Lowee Dev 5 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 6 Cursed Hammer: Magatsuchi α Cursed Hammer: Magatsuchi x1
Evonium x1
Death Fang x5
Melee Pencil α Melee Pencil x1
Evonium x1
Illusionary Dragon Scale x5
Dogoo Pencil α Dogoo Pencil x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Tech x5
Lowee Dev 6 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 7 Celestial Hammer: Phoenix Rotten Pork Soup x1
Evonium x3
Snow Chocopi's Beak x3
Holy Staff: Caduceus Blue Link G x1
Evonium x3
Dark Beast's Skin x3
Lore Staff: Zenolda Rare Metal x1
Evonium x3
Gold Ore x3
Uchide-No-Oozuchi α Uchide-No-Oozuchi x1
Evonium x1
Red Lost Soul x12
Beast Staff α Beast Staff x1
Evonium x1
Magical Fragment x5
Dark Staff: Dakrrai α Dark Staff: Dakrrai x1
Evonium x1
Death Fang x5
Lowee Dev 7 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 8 Gordian Hammer α Gordian Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Gold Ore x12
Die Pencil α Die Pencil x1
Evonium x1
Cool Looking Beak x5
Lucky Dogoo Pencil α Lucky Dogoo Pencil x1
Evonium x1
Rare Metal Plate x5
Lowee Dev 8 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 9 Celestial Hammer: Phoenix α Celestial Hammer: Phoenix x1
Evonium x1
Bicorn Beast's Skin x12
Black Wand α Black Wand x1
Evonium x1
Dragon King's Scale x12
Brown α Brown x1
Evonium x1
Mega Beast's Skin x5
Holy Staff: Caduceus α Holy Staff: Caduceus x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Hyper x25
Black Staff α Black Staff x1
Evonium x1
Solid Fang x18
Classic Brown α Classic Brown x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Lore Staff: Zenolda α Lore Staff: Zenolda x1
Evonium x1
Shock Resistant Plate x50
Lowee Dev 9 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 10 Smash Brawl Hammer α Smash Brawl Hammer x1
Evonium x1
Spiral Shell x12
Melee Pencil -G- α Melee Pencil -G- x1
Evonium x1
Hyper Shell x5
Metal Dogoo Pencil α Metal Dogoo Pencil x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
Leanbox Dev 1 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 2 Javelin α Javelin x1
Evonium x1
Horned Dragon Scale x5
Standard Spear α Standard Spear x1
Evonium x1
Blood Plate x5
Leanbox Dev 2 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 3 Partisian α Partisian x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hardware x5
Leanbox Dev 3 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 4 Beast Spear α Beast Spear x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Punishment x5
Leanbox Dev 4 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 5 Gae Bolg α Gae Bolg x1
Evonium x1
Snow Chocopi's Beak x5
Leanbox Dev 5 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 6 V Shakti α V Shakti x1
Evonium x1
Special Carbon Plate x5
Leanbox Dev 6 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 7 Draggonfly Spear Rune Encyclopedia x1
Evonium x3
Earth Ripper x3
Dreadnaught α Dreadnaught x1
Evonium x1
Rare Metal Plate x5
Leanbox Dev 7 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 8 Holy Duel Lance α Holy Deul Lance x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Leanbox Dev 8 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 9 Dragonfly Spear α Dragonfly Spear x1
Evonium x1
Red Lost Soul x5
Leanbox Dev 9 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 10 Abyss Audio α Abyss Audio x1
Evonium x1
Omega Tooth x5
Zero Dimension Dev 1 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 2 Megaphone R7 α Megaphone R7 x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Memory x5
Megagaga α Megagaga x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core x12
High Output Megaphone α High Output Megaphone x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x12
Hunters α Hunters x1
Evonium x1
Bat Wings x5
Zero Dimension Dev 2 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 3 Onoregaloff Middle Aged Strap x1
Evonium x3
S. Plum-met Piece x3
Orochi/Magatsu Custom Bug Net x1
Evonium x3
Refresh Herb x3
Virtuaphone α Virtuaphone x1
Evonium x1
Destructive Fang x5
Crimson Death α Crimson Death x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x18
Universe α Universe x1
Evonium x1
Dark Rabbit Tail x5
Zero Dimension Dev 3 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 4 Exelibur Heart α Exelibur Heart x1
Evonium x1
Dragon King Scale x5
Zero Dimension Dev 4 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 5 De La Dream Megaphone α De La Dream Megaphone x1
Evonium x1
Bicorn Beast's Skin x5
Zero Dimension Dev 5 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 6 Laser Gun α Laser Gun x1
Evonium x1
Mega Beast's Skin x5
Zero Dimension Dev 6 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 7 Onoregaloff Onoregaloff x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Heart Dimension 1 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 2 Twin Blades α Twin Blades x1
Evonium x1
Hard Shell x12
Twin Zapper α Twin Zapper x1
Evonium x1
Cell Antenna x5
Lightning Flower/Quick Fang α Lightning Flower/Quick Fang x1
Evonium x1
Premium Numb Jelly x5
Cougar α Cougar x1
Evonium x1
Red Squeed x25
Code Joker α Code Joker x1
Evonium x1
Death Fang x5
Blaze Edge α Blaze Edge x1
Evonium x1
Great Magical Paper x5
Crystal Sword α Crystal Sword x1
Evonium x1
Heretical Jelly x5
Beam Bazooka α Beam Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Horsebird Feather x18
Special Effects Cannon α Special Effects Cannon x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Punishment x12
Gauntlet α Gauntlet x1
Evonium x1
Plumindigo Piece x5
Dragon's Gem α Dragon's Gem x1
Evonium x1
Heretical Jelly x5
Snake α Snake x1
Evonium x1
Great Magical Paper x5
Hound α Hound x1
Evonium x1
Shock Resistant Plate x25
Heart Dimension 2 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 3 Dragon Blades Kiryuu & Gouda α Dragon Blades Kiryuu & Gouda x1
Evonium x1
Red Lost Soul x5
Metal Dogoo Sword α Metal Dogoo Sword x1
Evonium x1
Smoky Beak x5
Super Bazooka α Super Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Alloy Plate x5
Yellow Orb α Yellow Orb x1
Evonium x1
Poison Dragon Scale x5
Garen Heart α Garen Heart x1
Evonium x1
Kupocat Claw x50
Heart Dimension 3 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 4 Cursed Demon Sword Alchemy Gate x1
Evonium x3
Dark Rabbit Tail x3
New Hyper Bazooka [B] Mask x1
Evonium x3
Solid Fang x3
Red Orb Compendium of 256 Laws x1
Evonium x3
Dragon King Scale x3
Phantom Powerful Capsule x1
Evonium x3
Premium Numb Jelly x3
Cherry Blossom α Cherry Blossom x1
Evonium x1
Rare Metal Plate x5
Axle Blade α Axle Blade x1
Evonium x1
Earth Ripper x12
Folding Bazooka α Folding Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Upper LCD x5
Crimson Gauntlet α Crimson Gauntlet x1
Evonium x1
Premium Numb Jelly x5
Ghost α Ghost x1
Evonium x1
Gold Ore x5
Heart Dimension 4 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 5 Lihit Blitzer Lihit Blitzer x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Dark Crystal Sword α Dark Crystal Sword x1
Evonium x1
Special Carbon Blade x5
Bazooka Launcher α Bazooka Launcher x1
Evonium x1
Special Carbon Plate x5
Flying Dragon's Gem α Flying Dragon's Gem x1
Evonium x1
Iron Shell x5
Winning α Winning x1
Evonium x1
Chocopi's Beak x50
Heart Dimension 5 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 6 Orochi/Magatsu α Orochi/Magatsu x1
Evonium x1
Mega Beast's Skin x5
Falcon Sword α Falcon Sword x1
Evonium x1
Red Bat Wings x5
Hyper Bazooka α Hyper Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Red Lost Soul x5
Gray Orb α Gray Orb x1
Evonium x1
Illusory Dragon Scale x12
Irohis Ikasijut α Iroihs Ikasijut x1
Evonium x1
Pimp Star x50
Heart Dimension 6 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 7 Resonance Blade α Resonance Blade x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x12
Lightning Sword α Lightning Sword x1
Evonium x1
Bicorn Beast's Skin x5
Clay Bazooka α Clay Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Cool Looking Beak x5
Emerald Gauntlet α Emerald Gauntlet x1
Evonium x1
Bicorn Beast's Skin x5
Ops α Ops x1
Evonium x1
Camoflage Plate x40
Heart Dimension 7 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 8 Material Blade α Material Blade x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Wild Wild Bazooka α Wild Wild Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Mysterious Rabbit Tail x5
Tyrant's Gem α Tyrant's Gem x1
Evonium x1
Mega Beast's Skin x5
Peace Maker α Peace Maker x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Heart Dimension 8 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 9 Cursed Demon Sword α Cursed Demon Sword x1
Evonium x1
Lost Soul x25
New Hyper Bazooka α New Hyper Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x18
Red Orb α Red Orb x1
Evonium x1
Silver Fragment x50
Phantom α Phantom x1
Evonium x1
Illegal Hi-Tech x18
Heart Dimension 9 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 10 Ultimate Weapon α Ultimate Weapon x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
Mega Beam Bazooka α Mega Beam Bazooka x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core - Nil x5
White Silver Gauntlet α White Silver Gauntlet x1
Evonium x1
Omega Tooth x5
Noirgunov α Noirgunov x1
Evonium x1
Omega Tooth x5


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Zero Dimension Dev 2 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 3 Elemental Shield Space Squeed x1
Dark Rabbit Tail x3
Magic Core - Punishment x1
Angel's Barrier Angel Set x1
Evonium x10
Devil's Field Fallen Angel Set x1
Evonium x10


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Planeptune Dev 5 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 6 Black Sailor + Black Sailor x1
White Pigment x1
Rosy Sailor + Rosy Sailor x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Green Sailor + Green Sailor x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Lastation Dev 5 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 6 Princess Dress + Princess Dress x1
Pink Pigment x1
Metal Dress + Metal Dress x1
White Pigment x1
Hunter's Dress + Hunter's Dress x1
Orange Pigment x1
Radiant Purple + Radiant Purple x1
White Pigment x1
Blossom White + Blossom White x1
Pink Pigment x1
Pearl Green + Pearl Green x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Lowee Dev 5 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 6 Princess Coat + Princess Coat x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Black + Black x1
White Pigment x1
Vintage + Vintage x1
Orange Pigment x1
Violet Coat + Violet Coat x1
Purple Pigment x1
Black Coat + Black Coat x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Lime Coat + Lime Coat x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Violet Coat + Violet Coat x1
Purple Pigment x1
Black Coat + Black Coat x1
Pink Pigment x1
Lime Coat + Lime Coat x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Leanbox Dev 5 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 6 Military Dress + Military Dress x1
Pink Pigment x1
Blood Dress + Blood Dress x1
White Pigment x1
Elite Dress + Elite Dress x1
Green Pigment x1


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Planeptune Dev 1 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 2 Purple Ribbon Rabbbit Ribbon x1
Purple Pigment x1
Clover Pin Ice Clover x1
Green Pigment x1
Monoclover Ice Clover x1
Black Clover x1
Orange Clover Ice Clover x1
Orange Pigment x1
Black Chignon Chignon Cap x1
Black Pigment x1
Gray Chignon Chignon Cap x1
Black Pigment x1
White Pigment x1
Orange Chignon Chignon Cap x1
Orange Pigment x1
Bavarios Hat Pudding Hat x1
Red Pigment x1
White Pigment x1
Black Cat Cat Ears Hat x1
Black Pigment x1
Pink Cat Cat Ears Hat x1
Pink Pigment x1
Green Cat Cat Ears Hat x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Cat Glasses Cat Hat Glasses x1
Black Pigment x1
Pink Cat Glasses Cat Hat Glasses x1
Pink Pigment x1
Green Cat Glasses Cat Hat Glasses x1
Green Pigment x1
Metal Dogoo Hat Dogoo Hat x1
Black Pigment x1
White Pigment x1
Peach Dogoo Hat Dogoo Hat x1
Pink Pigment x1
Red Dogoo Hat Dogoo Hat x1
Orange Pigment x1
Black Frame Purple Frame x1
Black Pigment x1
Pink Frame Purple Frame x1
Pink Pigment x1
Red Frame Purple Frame x1
Red Pigment x1
Black Corsage White Corsage x1
Black Pigment x1
Nepgeardom : ) Nepgeardam x1
Lost Soul x10
Tsundere Glasses Smart Glasses x1
Red Pigment x1
Planeptune Dev 3 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 4 Strawberry Milk Strawberry Ribbon x1
Orange Pigment x1
Raddish Ribbon Strawberry Ribbon x1
White Pigment x1
Carrot Ribbon Strawberry Ribbon x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Rune Crown Elegant Crown x1
Green Pigment x1
Noble Crown Elegant Crown x1
Black Pigment x1
Royal Crown Elegant Crown x1
Purple Pigment x1
Stripe Ribbon Bell Ribbon x1
Green Pigment x1
Polka Dot Ribbon Bell Ribbon x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Mai Waifu Low-Grade Ribbon x1
Amazing Magical Paper x3
1st Place Ribbon Low-Grade Ribbon x1
Magical Paper x3
Good-Job Ribbon Low-Grade Ribbon x1
Great Magical Paper x3
Protagonist Ribbon Low-Grade Ribbon x1
Super Magical Paper x3
Lastation Dev 1 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 2 Sugar Ribbon Sapphire Ribbon x1
Blue Pigment x1
Cure Ribbon Sapphire Ribbon x1
Pink Pigment x1
Diva Line Sapphire Ribbon x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Pigment x1
Raindrop Pointy Ribbon x1
White Ribbon x1
Heroine Ribbon Pointy Ribbon x1
Pink Ribbon x1
Stepsister Ribbon Pointy Ribbon x1
Black Ribbon x1
Fine Yellow Fine Blue x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Fine Black Fine Blue x1
Black Pigment x1
Fine Rose Fine Blue x1
Red Pigment x1
Bright Police Hat Police Hat x1
White Pigment x1
Black Dynamic Mic Dynamic Mic x1
Illegal Gadget x3
Planeptune Patrol Lastation Patrol x1
Purple Pigment x1
Lowee Patrol Lastation Patrol x1
White Pigment x1
Leanbox Patrol Lastation Patrol x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Cat Ribbon White Cat Ribbon x1
Black Pigment x1
White-Pink Combo White Cat Ribbon x1
White Pigment x1
Pink Pigment x1
Tabby Ribbon White Cat Ribbon x1
Sharp Fang x1
Cassis Eyes Red Eyes x1
Purple Pigment x1
Stawberry Eyes Red Eyes x1
Pink Pigment x1
Emerald Eyes Red Eyes x1
Green Pigment x1
Aqua Cyber Set Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Magic Core Mk.2 x3
Light Blue Pigment x1
Pink Cyber Set Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Magic Core Mk.2 x3
Pink Pigment x1
Lastation Dev 3 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 4 Lucky Star Shooting Star x1
Pink Pigment x1
Neon Star Shooting Star x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Smile Star Shooting Star x1
Orange Pigment x1
Black Light Halo Bulb x1
Black Pigment x1
Halogen Lamp Halo Bulb x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Air Cleanser Halo Bulb x1
White Pigment x1
Rose Devil Demon Pendant x1
Red Pigment x1
Sweet Devil Demon Pendant x1
White Pigment x1
Blue Devil Demon Pendant x1
Blue Pigment x1
Lowee Dev 1 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 2 Summer Night Autumn Leaves x1
Pink Pigment x1
Black Pigment x1
Cherry Blossoms Autumn Leaves x1
Pink Pigment x1
Red Pigment x1
Light Snow Autumn Leaves x1
White Pigment x1
Blue Pigment x1
Blue Camellia Autumn Ornament x1
Light Blue Ribbon x1
White Camellia Autumn Ornament x1
White Ribbon x1
Peach Camellia Autumn Ornament x1
Red Ribbon x1
Sakura Ribbon Crimson Princess x1
Pink Pigment x1
Blue Ribbon Crimson Princess x1
Blue Pigment x1
Snowy Ribbon Crimson Princess x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Eyepatch Nurse Eyepatch x1
Angel Nurse x1
Scholar Set Scholar Hat x1
Red Glasses x1
Blue Scholar Set Scholar Hat x1
Blue Glasses x1
Red Glasses Blue Glasses x1
Red Pigment x1
White Dumplings Dumplings x1
White Pigment x1
Black Rhythm Hat Aqua Rhythm Hat x1
Black Pigment x1
Violet Ribbon Ice Ribbon x1
Purple Pigment x1
Black Ribbon Ice Ribbon x1
Black Pigment x1
Lime Ribbon Ice Ribbon x1
Green Pigment x1
Violet Bunny Snow Bunny x1
Purple Pigment x1
White Pigment x1
Black Bunny Snow Bunny x1
Black Pigment x1
White Bunny Snow Bunny x1
White Pigment x1
Black Glasses Aqua Glasses x1
Black Pigment x1
Blue Glasses Aqua Glasses x1
Blue Pigment x1
Carrot Glasses Aqua Glasses x1
Orange Pigment x1
Pink Beret Red Beret x1
Pink Pigment x1
Candy Beret Red Beret x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Blue Beret Red Beret x1
Blue Pigment x1
Lowee Dev 3 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 4 Aero Fiber Planet Fiber x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Aurora Fiber Planet Fiber x1
Pink Pigment x1
Firefly Fiber Planet Fiber x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Crown Mini Crown x1
Black Pigment x1
White Crown Mini Crown x1
White Pigment x1
Gold Crown Mini Crown x1
Gold Ore x3
Coolish Rose Dorie Rose x1
Black Pigment x1
Fancy Rose Dorie Rose x1
White Pigment x1
Noble Rose Dorie Rose x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Fox Fox Ears x1
Black Pigment x1
White Fox Fox Ears x1
White Pigment x1
Red Fox Fox Ears x1
Red Pigment x1
Blue Morpho Purple Empress x1
Blue Pigment x1
Magenta Palpillon Purple Empress x1
Pink Pigment x1
Green Hairstreak Purple Empress x1
Green Pigment x1
Black Beret Beret x1
Black Pigment x1
Aqua Beret Beret x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Pink Beret Beret x1
Pink Pigment x1
Gothic Headdress Purple Headdress x1
Black Pigment x1
Pink Sweets Purple Headdress x1
Pink Pigment x1
Alice Headdress Purple Headdress x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Leanbox Dev 1 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 2 Spinel Barrette Heart Barrette x1
Red Pigment x1
Peridot Barrette Heart Barrette x1
Green Pigment x1
Garnet Barrette Heart Barrette x1
Pink Pigment x1
Lady Veil Morning Mourning x1
White Pigment x1
Pink Pigment x1
Chartreuse Veil Morning Mourning x1
Black Pigment x1
Green Pigment x1
Blood Veil Morning Mourning x1
Black Pigment x1
Red Pigment x1
Silk Ribbon Emerald Ribbon x1
White Pigment x1
Elite Ribbon Emerald Ribbon x1
Black Pigment x1
Wine Red Ribbon Emerald Ribbon x1
Red Pigment x1
Old Pupa Ornament Butterfly Ornament x1
Light Blue Pigment x1
Pink Pigment x1
Big Moth Ornament Butterfly Ornament x1
Black Pigment x1
Green Pigment x1
Red Ornament Butterfly Ornament x1
Red Pigment x1
Black Pigment x1
Shipped Pig Persona Pig Persona x1
Thick Headband x1
Leanbox Dev 3 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 4 Black Abnes Ribbon Abnes Ribbon x1
Black Pigment x1
Fallen Angel Set Angel Set x1
Black Pigment x1
Shiba Dog Ears Dog Ears x1
Yellow Pigment x1
White Cat Ears Black Cat Ears x1
White Pigment x1
Black Rabbit Ears White Rabbit Ears x1
Black Pigment x1
Pink Rabbit Ears White Rabbit Ears x1
Pink Pigment x1
Zero Dimension Dev 1 Uzume's Hideout: Industrial Lv. 2 Slim Cap Lovely Knit x1
Blue Pigment x1
Purple Pigment x1
Black Nep Mark White Nep Mark x1
Black Pigment x1
Leafy Headband Black Pig Headband x1
Purple Pigment x1
Heart Dimension 1 Depths of the Heart: Industrial Lv. 2 Black Pointed Hat Pointed Hat x1
Black Pigment x1
Orverlord's Tiara Hero's Tiara x1
Black Pigment x1
Die-Cast Metal Robot Set Robot Set x1
Super Alloy Plate x5
Temptress Wings Succubi Wings x1
Purple Pigment x1
Pink Ribbon White Ribbon x1
Pink Pigment x1
Yellow Ribbon White Ribbon x1
Yellow Pigment x1
Red Ribbon White Ribbon x1
Red Pigment x1
Legendary Cherry Blossom Legendary Tree x1
Pink Pigment x1
Legendary Red Leaf Legendary Tree x1
Red Pigment x1
Bunny Ears White Rabbit Ears x1
Round Rabbit Tail x2


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Planeptune Dev 2 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 3 Violet C Purple C x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Violet H Purple H x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Violet S Purple S x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Violet W Purple W x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Violet L Purple L x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Violet B Purple B x1
Evonium x1
Magic Core Mk.2 x5
Planeptune Dev 5 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 6 Neptune C Violet C x1
Evonium x5
Illegal SSD x5
Neptune H Violet H x1
Evonium x3
Illegal SSD x5
Neptune S Violet S x1
Evonium x3
Illegal SSD x5
Neptune W Violet W x1
Evonium x3
Illegal SSD x5
Neptune L Violet L x1
Evonium x3
Illegal SSD x5
Neptune B Violet B x1
Evonium x3
Illegal SSD x5
Planeptune Dev 9 Planeptune: Industrial Lv. 10 Prototype Purple H Neptune H x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Tech x5
Prototype Purple S Neptune S x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Tech x5
Prototype Purple W Neptune W x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Tech x5
Prototype Purple L Neptune L x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Tech x5
Prototype Purple B Neptune B x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Tech x5
Lastation Dev 2 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 3 Night Blue H Stone Gray H x1
Evonium x1
Illegal ROM x5
Night Blue S Stone Gray S x1
Evonium x1
Illegal ROM x5
Night Blue W Stone Gray W x1
Evonium x1
Illegal ROM x5
Night Blue L Stone Gray L x1
Evonium x1
Illegal ROM x5
Night Blue B Stone Gray B x1
Evonium x1
Illegal ROM x5
Lastation Dev 4 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 5 DX Silver H Night Blue H x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
DX Silver S Night Blue S x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
DX Silver W Night Blue W x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
DX Silver L Night Blue L x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
DX Silver B Night Blue B x1
Evonium x1
Super Magical Paper x5
Lastation Dev 6 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 7 Piano Black H DX Silver H x1
Evonium x2
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Piano Black S DX Silver S x1
Evonium x2
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Piano Black W DX Silver W x1
Evonium x2
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Piano Black L DX Silver L x1
Evonium x2
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Piano Black B DX Silver B x1
Evonium x2
Torrent Dragon Scale x5
Lastation Dev 8 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 9 Orbital H Piano Black H x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Beta x5
Orbital S Piano Black S x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Beta x5
Orbital W Piano Black W x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Beta x5
Orbital L Piano Black L x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Beta x5
Orbital B Piano Black B x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core Beta x5
Lastation Dev 9 Lastation: Industrial Lv. 10 Prototype Black H Orbital H x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Prototype Black S Orbital S x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Prototype Black W Orbital W x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Prototype Black L Orbital L x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Prototype Black B Orbital B x1
Evonium x5
Illegal Hi-Tech x5
Lowee Dev 2 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 3 Super BW H Base White H x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Super BW S Base White S x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Super BW W Base White W x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Super BW L Base White L x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Super BW B Base White B x1
Evonium x1
Illegal RAM x5
Lowee Dev 4 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 5 NTD-64 H Super BW H x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x5
NTD-64 S Super BW S x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x5
NTD-64 W Super BW W x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x5
NTD-64 L Super BW L x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x5
NTD-64 B Super BW B x1
Evonium x1
Plom-met Piece x5
Lowee Dev 6 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 7 G-Cube H NTD-64 H x1
Evonium x2
Camouflage Plate x5
G-Cube S NTD-64 S x1
Evonium x2
Camouflage Plate x5
G-Cube W NTD-64 W x1
Evonium x2
Camouflage Plate x5
G-Cube L NTD-64 L x1
Evonium x2
Camouflage Plate x5
G-Cube B NTD-64 B x1
Evonium x2
Camouflage Plate x5
Lowee Dev 8 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 9 W11 H G-Cube H x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x5
W11 S G-Cube S x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x5
W11 W G-Cube W x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x5
W11 L G-Cube L x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x5
W11 B G-Cube B x1
Evonium x3
Upper LCD x5
Lowee Dev 9 Lowee: Industrial Lv. 10 Prototype White H W11 H x1
Evonium x5
Cool Looking Beak x5
Prototype White S W11 S x1
Evonium x5
Cool Looking Beak x5
Prototype White W W11 W x1
Evonium x5
Cool Looking Beak x5
Prototype White L W11 L x1
Evonium x5
Cool Looking Beak x5
Prototype White B W11 B x1
Evonium x5
Cool Looking Beak x5
Leanbox Dev 2 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 3 X-Round H Build-X H x1
Evonium x1
Poisonous Fang x5
X-Round S Build-X S x1
Evonium x1
Poisonous Fang x5
X-Round W Build-X W x1
Evonium x1
Poisonous Fang x5
X-Round L Build-X L x1
Evonium x1
Poisonous Fang x5
X-Round B Build-X B x1
Evonium x1
Poisonous Fang x5
Leanbox Dev 4 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 5 Round Next H X-Round H x1
Evonium x1
Hoodlum Mask x5
Round Next S X-Round S x1
Evonium x1
Hoodlum Mask x5
Round Next W X-Round W x1
Evonium x1
Hoodlum Mask x5
Round Next L X-Round L x1
Evonium x1
Hoodlum Mask x5
Round Next B X-Round B x1
Evonium x3
Hoodlum Mask x5
Leanbox Dev 6 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 7 Double Round H Round Next H x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Dark x5
Double Round S Round Next S x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Dark x5
Double Round W Round Next W x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Dark x5
Double Round L Round Next L x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Dark x5
Double Round B Round Next B x1
Evonium x3
Magic Core - Dark x5
Leanbox Dev 9 Leanbox: Industrial Lv. 10 Prototype Green H Double Round H x1
Evonium x5
Special Carbon Plate x5
Prototype Green S Double Round S x1
Evonium x5
Special Carbon Plate x5
Prototype Green W Double Round W x1
Evonium x5
Special Carbon Plate x5
Prototype Green L Double Round L x1
Evonium x5
Special Carbon Plate x5
Prototype Green B Double Round B x1
Evonium x5
Special Carbon Plate x5


Set Name Obtain Name Necessary Material
Get Thee Painting! Colosseum Reward: [S] Loads o' Dogoos Red Pigment Magic Core x5
Blue Pigment Water Dragon Scale x5
Orange Pigment Land Beast's Skin x5
White Pigment Gel Feeler x5
Black Pigment Squeed x5
Pink Pigment Bright Rabbit Tail x5
Purple Pigment Magical Paper x5
Green Pigment Plum-met Piece x5
Light Blue Pigment Dogoo Jelly x5
Yellow Pigment Dot Antenna x5

Key Item

Name Necessary Material Obtain
Power Bracelet Mystic Ruby x1
Steel Bracelet x1
Dark Purple: Enemy Drop
Hyper Bracelet Power Bracelet x1
Hyper Booster x1
Evonium x3
Planeptune: Industry Lv. 5