Game Gear/Quotes
- "I'll help you take the bike apart..."
- "I'm energetic..." (Full Health)
- "I'm doing great." (Full Health)
- "No need for a heal." (Full Health)
- "We're really a bind." (Moderate Health)
- "It's getting rough." (Moderate Health)
- "You're not gonna heal?" (Moderate Health)
- "Plenty of power left." (Moderate Health)
- "I'm hardly injured." (Moderate Health)
- "It only hurts a little." (Moderate Health)
- "This isn't safe anymore..." (Low Health)
- "I can't..." (Low Health)
- "I'm... almost out of batteries." (Low Health)
- "No problem." (Equipment Change)
- "I changed." (Equipment Change)
- "Changing equipment." (Equipment Change)
- "I've decided on this." (Class Change)
- "Do something..." (Turn Start)
- "Anytime." (Turn Start)
- "What should I do?" (Turn Start)
- "The battle's right here." (Initiating Battle)
- "Looking alive." (Initiating Battle)
- "First." (Initiating Battle)
- "This is too much work..." (Running From Battle)
- "Running is winning." (Running From Battle)
- "I can't deal with each one." (Running From Battle)
- "I'm gonna hit it." (Attacking)
- "This will be painful." (Attacking)
- "Nowhere to hide." (Attacking)
- "Brace yourself." (Attacking)
- "Yah!" (Attacking)
- "I couldn't dodge it." (Damaged)
- "Stop!" (Damaged)
- "Ouch!" (Damaged)
- "I can handle this." (Damaged)
- "I'm... losing, consciousness." (Dead)
- "I'm sleeping. A little." (Dead)
- "I can still fight." (Revived)
- "Thanks. You saved me." (Revived)
- "Of course I won."
- "Over already?"
- "Victory."