Compa/Super Dimension/Quotes
< Compa | Super Dimension
The following page contains Super Dimension Compa's quotes for each game she appears in.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
- "The three of us are as one. We're a party!"
- "I choose you Compiffytune!"
- "Don't underestimate my syringe or you'll be sorry!"
- "Pl-Pleased to meet you!"
- "My grandpa always said, 'Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of doubt.'"
- "Here Mr. Monster... don't be shy!" (Monster Call)
- "Ready for a battle?" (Monster Call)
- "My turn!" (Monster Call)
- "This'll be powerful!"
- "Shooooot!"
- "Enjoy!"
- "Time for your shots!"
- "Please work!"
- "More 'n' more!" (Combo Link)
- "Nursing school is much easier."
- "I wish nursing school was this easy."
- "How did I do? That wasn't bad at all!"
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1
- "The Dogoos are cute, but they are bad monsters, so we can beat them up."
- "I'm not being *censored*! I'm just off-screen, Nep-Nep!"
- "I'll help, too. After all, I can't leave Nep-Nep alone with her brain loss."
- "I've never heard of Overload Mustard before, either."
- "Mr. Monster came by just when you both were flirting with each other."
- "This is such a has to be a mod..."
- *sneaky, sneaky*
- "Histy is so small and cutesy!"
- "Desu!"
- "Yay!" (treasure)
- "I'm so lucky!" (hidden treasure)
- "We'll beat you uppy!" (symbol attack)
- "Yikes! Don't surprise me like that!" (surprise attack)
- "Where's the patient?" (turn start)
- "This may hurt a bit."
- "Do you want your shots?"
- "Here I go!"
- "I found a new test subject."
- "Desu, desu, desu!"
- "Bread Crumbs! Yeow..... Service, service! *blow kiss* (EXE Drive)
- "What are you doing?"
- "" (K.O.'d)
- "The angels told me to stay here." (revived)
- "It's time for your medicine!" (use item)
- "We're strong, aren't we?"
- "We did it! Super win!"
- "We can make Gamindustri peaceful again."
- "I thought I was gonna die..." (high damage taken)