Template:VII EXE Skill

Revision as of 18:42, 11 July 2021 by Sammyrms1 (talk | contribs) (So that the border is visible in both light and dark themes)

EXE Skill

Obtain: Default Note: -
Type: Physical Attack Target: Enemy Radius
Exe Needed: 0 Participants: -
Power: - Hit: -
Affinity Phys:Elem Ratio: Neutral (10:0)
Range: - Wait: 0
Status: - Effect: -
Usability in Giant Battles: No
Description: This description will soon be replaced with a better description.

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Displays data for a character's EXE Drive skill in Megadimension Neptunia VII.


{{VII EXE Skill
|name        = 
|obtain      = 
|note        = 
|type        = 
|target      = 
|exe         = 
|participant = 
|power       = 
|hit         = 
|affinity    = 
|ratio       = 
|range       = 
|wait        = 
|status      = 
|effect      = 
|giant       = 
|description = 

See also