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Revision as of 14:50, 23 February 2025 by Sammyrms1 (talk | contribs) (4 revisions imported: Imported from Neptunia Wiki on Fandom)
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This template is used to display data regarding colosseum battles in Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1.


| name      = 
| lvl       = 
| opponent  = 
| share     = 
| gain      = 
| loss      = 
| credit    = 
| reward    = 
| character = 


| name     = Friendly Trio
| lvl      = 44
| opponent = Giant Dogoo
| share    = 3
| gain     = Planeptune
| loss     = Lastation
| credit   = 1,000
| reward   = Wooden Sword+?(Weapon, Neptune)<br/>Test Potion+?(Weapon, Compa)<br/>Qatar+?(Weapon, IF)
| character = Neptune, Compa, IF


Friendly Trio Credits: 1,000 Suggested Level: 44
Shares Reward(s) Opponent(s)
Share Gain: Planeptune +3%
Share Loss: Lastation -3%
Wooden Sword+?(Weapon, Neptune)
Test Potion+?(Weapon, Compa)
Qatar+?(Weapon, IF)
Giant Dogoo
Permitted Characters
Neptune, Compa, IF

See also