Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Squirrel Cat
From Neptunia Wiki
Revision as of 13:20, 24 June 2023 by Sammyrms1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{stub}} {{Infobox Enemy SvS |name = Squirrel Cat |image = Squirrel Cat Enemy SvS.png |japanese name = |romaji name = |type = Animal |habitat = Heroux Cave |lv = 6 |hp = 655 |str = 29 |vit = 25 |int = 31 |men = 35 |agi = 115 |tec = 110 |luk = 95 |exp = 140 |credits = 110 |dc = 50 |drops = Healing Grass - 8%<br>Forbidden Twig - 4.5% |video game = ''Neptunia: Sisters vs Sisters'' }} ==Description== A monster that looks l...")
A monster that looks like a mix between a cat and a squirrel. It might look cuddly to some, but don't try to hug it. You'll regret it.