Alph Plains is the first optional dungeon, which is unlocked when the player leaves Wishuel.


The following items can be found in the dungeon. Items in the treasure chest can only be obtained once.

Note 1: The number beside the treasure items on the table indicate the point on the map where they can be obtained.

Note 2: The green number beside the treasure chest are locked treasures. They can be unlocked with the use of a Mysterious Keyring. However it will use the Keyring.

Treasure Locked Treasure Gathering Points
1)Fruit of Respite [x2] 1) Iron Guard [x1] (Accessory) Sprout Grass
2) Elder Tree Sap [x2] 2) Tres Bien [x1] (Accessory) Sturdy Stalk
3) Eyes of Nagia [x1] 3) Watcher [x1] (Accessory) Decayed Tree Bark
4) Fruit of Light [x1] - -
5) Mysterious Keyring [x1] - -
6) Analyzer [x1] (Accessory) - -
7) Phantom [x1] (Accessory) - -


  • Enemies in bold are considered Boss Monsters.
Name Drop
Dogoo Squishy Membrane, Monster Hide, Monster Fluid
Tulip Monster Fluid, Monster Hide, Large Bud
Cat Squirrel Moster Claw, Beast Whiskers
Pumpkinmon Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Pumpkin Seed, Fruit of Respite
Goblin Monster Claw, Monster Hide, Elder Tree Sap, Sharp Stone Sword
Bestiroa Monster Equipment, Raw Monster Fluid, Sharpened Claw, Alph Wild Grass