Disc Developer/Idea Chip/Hyperdevotion Noire: Difference between revisions

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Line 11: Line 11:
|Strategy Smarts lv.4
|Strategy Smarts lv.4
|Enemy Flash Resist Down Lv.4
|Enemy Flash Resist Down Lv.4
|Rampaging Data (Wind Chest Drop)
|Rampaging Data (Wind Chest)
|RPG lv.1
|RPG lv.1
|Accumulate SP Lv.1
|Accumulate SP Lv.1
Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest Drop)
Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest)

Topple the Grandogoo (Fire Chest Drop)
Topple the Grandogoo (Fire Chest)

Froggers Attack (Top Right Normal Chest)
Froggers Attack (Top Right Normal Chest)

I'd Like Some Ore... (Bottom Right Normal Chest Drop)
I'd Like Some Ore... (Bottom Right Normal Chest)

Spider Squashing (Top Left Normal Chest Drop)
Spider Squashing (Top Left Normal Chest)
|Shooting RPG lv.2
|Shooting RPG lv.2
Line 33: Line 33:
|Accumulate SP Lv.3
|Accumulate SP Lv.3
Pipe Cleaning (Lightning Chest Drop)
Pipe Cleaning (Lightning Chest)

Rampaging Data (Fire Chest Drop)
Rampaging Data (Fire Chest)
|Adventure RPG lv.4
|Adventure RPG lv.4
Line 68: Line 68:
|Critical Rate Up Lv.3
|Critical Rate Up Lv.3
​Gimmie the Long One (Wind Chest Drop)
​Gimmie the Long One (Wind Chest)

Spider Squashing (Top Right Normal Chest Drop)
Spider Squashing (Top Right Normal Chest)
|Soccer lv.4
|Soccer lv.4
|Critical Rate Up Lv.4
|Critical Rate Up Lv.4
|Defeat Wyn (Bottom Left Normal Chest Drop)
|Defeat Wyn (Bottom Left Normal Chest)
|Baseball lv.5
|Baseball lv.5
|Critical Rate Up Lv.5
|Critical Rate Up Lv.5
|Resistance is Futile (Ice Chest Drop)
|Resistance is Futile (Ice Chest)
|Adventure lv.1
|Adventure lv.1
|SP Use Down Lv. 1
|SP Use Down Lv. 1
Defeat Estelle and Ein (Ice Chest Drop)
Defeat Estelle and Ein (Ice Chest)

Froggers Attack (Lightning Chest Drop)
Froggers Attack (Lightning Chest)
|Novel lv.2
|Novel lv.2
|SP Use Down Lv.2
|SP Use Down Lv.2
Pipe Cleaning (Left Normal Chest Drop)
Pipe Cleaning (Left Normal Chest)

Gimmie the Long One (Normal Chest Drop)
Gimmie the Long One (Normal Chest)
|Girl Game lv.3
|Girl Game lv.3
|SP Use Down Lv.3
|SP Use Down Lv.3
|​Gimmie the Long One (Ice Chest Drop)
|​Gimmie the Long One (Ice Chest)
|Maiden Game lv.4
|Maiden Game lv.4
Line 120: Line 120:
|Puzzle/Logic lv.4
|Puzzle/Logic lv.4
|Enemy Slash Resist Down Lv.4
|Enemy Slash Resist Down Lv.4
|Infiltrate the Fort (Ice Chest Drop)
|Infiltrate the Fort (Ice Chest)
|Party lv.1Ice 
|Party lv.1Ice 
|Enemy Shot Resist Down Lv.1
|Enemy Shot Resist Down Lv.1
|Venemous Extraction (Right Normal Chest Drop)
|Venemous Extraction (Right Normal Chest)
|FPS lv.2
|FPS lv.2
|Enemy Shot Resist Down Lv.2
|Enemy Shot Resist Down Lv.2
|I'd Like Some Ore... (Bottom Left Normal Chest Drop)
|I'd Like Some Ore... (Bottom Left Normal Chest)
|Arcade lv.3
|Arcade lv.3
Line 144: Line 144:
|Fan Disc lv.2
|Fan Disc lv.2
|Enemy Blunt Resist Down Lv.2
|Enemy Blunt Resist Down Lv.2
|Monster Pilgrimage (Fire Chest Drop)
|Monster Pilgrimage (Fire Chest)
|Remake lv.3
|Remake lv.3
Line 152: Line 152:
|Simulation lv.4
|Simulation lv.4
|Enemy Blunt Resist Down Lv.4
|Enemy Blunt Resist Down Lv.4
|Rampaging Data (Lightning Chest Drop)
|Rampaging Data (Lightning Chest)
|Pachinko lv.1
|Pachinko lv.1
Line 173: Line 173:
|Counter Rate Up Lv.1
|Counter Rate Up Lv.1
Hunt the Odd Dogoo (Top Right Ice Chest Reward)
Hunt the Odd Dogoo (Top Right Ice Chest)

Rampaging Data (Right Normal Chest Drop)
Rampaging Data (Right Normal Chest)

Rampaging Data (Left Normal Chest Drop)
Rampaging Data (Left Normal Chest)
|Stealth lv.2
|Stealth lv.2
Line 185: Line 185:
|Fighting lv.3
|Fighting lv.3
|Counter Rate Up Lv.3
|Counter Rate Up Lv.3
|​Gimmie the Long One (Fire Chest Drop)
|​Gimmie the Long One (Fire Chest)
|Crime Action lv.4
|Crime Action lv.4
Line 194: Line 194:
|Counter Rate Up Lv.5
|Counter Rate Up Lv.5
Resistance is Futile (Fire Chest Drop)
Resistance is Futile (Fire Chest)

Swashbucklers Be We (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)
Swashbucklers Be We (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)
Line 224: Line 224:
|Ignore Direction
|Ignore Direction
Rampaging Data (Ice Chest Drop)
Rampaging Data (Ice Chest)

Band of Knights (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)
Band of Knights (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)
Line 246: Line 246:
|Dragon Defense Lv.3
|Dragon Defense Lv.3
Viral Cleansing (Bottom Right Normal Chest Drop)
Viral Cleansing (Bottom Right Normal Chest)

Spider Squashing (Bottom Right Normal Chest Drop)
Spider Squashing (Bottom Right Normal Chest)
|Robot lv.4
|Robot lv.4
Line 275: Line 275:
|Gorilla lv.3
|Gorilla lv.3
|Ghost Defense Lv.3
|Ghost Defense Lv.3
|Monster Pilgimage (Lightning Chest Drop)
|Monster Pilgimage (Lightning Chest)
|Zombie lv.4
|Zombie lv.4
Line 291: Line 291:
|Kuudere lv.2
|Kuudere lv.2
|Insect Defense Lv.2
|Insect Defense Lv.2
|Defeat Team Planeptune (Ice Chest Drop)
|Defeat Team Planeptune (Ice Chest)
|Older Man lv.3
|Older Man lv.3
Line 302: Line 302:
Replaced Moe Burnin'
Replaced Moe Burnin'

Defeat Team Planeptune (Fire Chest Drop)
Defeat Team Planeptune (Fire Chest)
|Burning Moe lv.5
|Burning Moe lv.5
Line 321: Line 321:
Replaced Teen Makeover
Replaced Teen Makeover

Protect Saori (Fire Chest Drop)
Protect Saori (Fire Chest)
|Weird Sidekick lv.4
|Weird Sidekick lv.4
Line 329: Line 329:
|All-star lv.5
|All-star lv.5
|Plant Defense Lv.5
|Plant Defense Lv.5
|Protect Saori (Right Normal Chest Drop)
|Protect Saori (Right Normal Chest)
|Animal lv.1
|Animal lv.1
Line 341: Line 341:
|Monster lv.3
|Monster lv.3
|Aquatic Defense Lv.3
|Aquatic Defense Lv.3
|Spider Squashing (Bottom Left Normal Chest Drop)
|Spider Squashing (Bottom Left Normal Chest)
|Silhouette lv.4
|Silhouette lv.4
Line 348: Line 348:
Defeat Lady Wac (Main Mission Reward)
Defeat Lady Wac (Main Mission Reward)

Resistance is Futile (Wind Chest Drop)
Resistance is Futile (Wind Chest)
|Super Deformed lv.5
|Super Deformed lv.5
Line 360: Line 360:
|Photorealistic lv.2
|Photorealistic lv.2
|Doogo Defense Lv.2
|Doogo Defense Lv.2
|Viral Cleansing (Top Left Normal Chest Drop)
|Viral Cleansing (Top Left Normal Chest)
|Polygon lv.3
|Polygon lv.3
|Doogo Defense Lv.3
|Doogo Defense Lv.3
|Viral Cleansing (Bottom Left Normal Chest Drop)
|Viral Cleansing (Bottom Left Normal Chest)
|Anime lv.4
|Anime lv.4
|Doogo Defense Lv.4
|Doogo Defense Lv.4
WAKE UP (Left Normal Chest Drop)
WAKE UP (Left Normal Chest)

WAKE UP (Right Normal Chest Drop)
WAKE UP (Right Normal Chest)
|Pretty 3D CG lv.5
|Pretty 3D CG lv.5
|Doogo Defense Lv.5
|Doogo Defense Lv.5
|WAKE UP (Fire Chest Drop)
|WAKE UP (Fire Chest)
|Uses Mic lv.1
|Uses Mic lv.1
Line 418: Line 418:
Replaced Combined
Replaced Combined

Rise From Your Grave (Normal Chest Drop)
Rise From Your Grave (Normal Chest)

Resistance is Futile (Lightning Chest Drop)
Resistance is Futile (Lightning Chest)
|Kinda Pervy lv.1
|Kinda Pervy lv.1
Line 428: Line 428:
|Fantasy lv.2
|Fantasy lv.2
|Animal Defense Lv.2
|Animal Defense Lv.2
|Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest Drop)
|Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest)
|Sci-Fi lv.3
|Sci-Fi lv.3
|Animal Defense Lv.3
|Animal Defense Lv.3
|Viral Cleansing (Top Right Normal Chest Drop)
|Viral Cleansing (Top Right Normal Chest)
|Metafiction lv.4
|Metafiction lv.4
Line 464: Line 464:
|Stupid Game lv.1
|Stupid Game lv.1
|Machine Defense Lv.1
|Machine Defense Lv.1
|Froggers Attack (Bottom Left Normal Chest Drop)
|Froggers Attack (Bottom Left Normal Chest)
|Emotional Game lv.2
|Emotional Game lv.2
Line 488: Line 488:
|Hover Movement lv.2
|Hover Movement lv.2
|Inorganic Defense Lv.2
|Inorganic Defense Lv.2
|Top Ein's Kill Count (Normal Chest Drop)
|Top Ein's Kill Count (Normal Chest)
|Japanese Taste lv.3
|Japanese Taste lv.3
Line 499: Line 499:
Replaced All Attacks
Replaced All Attacks

Pipe Cleaning (Right Normal Chest Drop)
Pipe Cleaning (Right Normal Chest)
|Touch Controls lv.5
|Touch Controls lv.5
Line 527: Line 527:
|Parameter Tweak lv.1
|Parameter Tweak lv.1
|Magic Defense + Lv.1
|Magic Defense + Lv.1
|Pipe Cleaning (Fire Chest Drop)
|Pipe Cleaning (Fire Chest)
|Slot lv.2
|Slot lv.2
Line 601: Line 601:
Replaced Casual-oriented
Replaced Casual-oriented

Hunt the Odd Dogoo (Top Left Ice Chest Drop)
Hunt the Odd Dogoo (Top Left Ice Chest)
|For Kids lv.2
|For Kids lv.2
Line 654: Line 654:
Replaced The Hellis Allthis
Replaced The Hellis Allthis

Protect Saori (Left Normal Chest Drop)
Protect Saori (Left Normal Chest)
|Industry First! lv.3
|Industry First! lv.3
Line 689: Line 689:
Destroy the Crystal (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)
Destroy the Crystal (Simulation Run 2+ Reward)

Pipe Cleaning (Right Normal Chest Drop)
Pipe Cleaning (Right Normal Chest)
|Preorder Campaign lv.1
|Preorder Campaign lv.1
Line 719: Line 719:
|Fight lv.1
|Fight lv.1
|Credits Gained Up Lv.1
|Credits Gained Up Lv.1
|Pipe Cleaning (Wind Chest Drop)
|Pipe Cleaning (Wind Chest)
|History lv.2
|History lv.2
|Credits Gained Up Lv.2
|Credits Gained Up Lv.2
|Get Full Moon Grass (Wind Chest Drop)
|Get Full Moon Grass (Wind Chest)
|Investigative lv.3
|Investigative lv.3
Line 738: Line 738:
|War lv.5
|War lv.5
|Credits Gained Up Lv.5
|Credits Gained Up Lv.5
|Giant Belittling (Ice Chest Drop)
|Giant Belittling (Ice Chest)
|Linear lv.1
|Linear lv.1
Line 759: Line 759:
|EXP Gained Up Lv.5
|EXP Gained Up Lv.5
Swashbucklers Be We (Fire Chest Drop)
Swashbucklers Be We (Fire Chest)
|Die So Fast lv.1
|Die So Fast lv.1
|Enemy Critical Rate Down Lv.1
|Enemy Critical Rate Down Lv.1
|Ring of Dragon Fire (Wind Chest Drop)
|Ring of Dragon Fire (Wind Chest)
|Pinch Awakening lv.2
|Pinch Awakening lv.2
Line 775: Line 775:
|Learn by Dying lv.4
|Learn by Dying lv.4
|Enemy Critical Rate Down Lv.4
|Enemy Critical Rate Down Lv.4
|Defeat Wyn (Bottom Right Normal Chest Drop)
|Defeat Wyn (Bottom Right Normal Chest)
|One Life Only lv.5
|One Life Only lv.5
Line 787: Line 787:
|Regenerate HP Lv.1
|Regenerate HP Lv.1
Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest Drop)
Defeat Lady Wac (Normal Chest)

Venemous Extraction (Left Normal Chest Drop)
Venemous Extraction (Left Normal Chest)

Swashbucklers Be We (Lightning Chest Drop)
Swashbucklers Be We (Lightning Chest)
|Jargon lv.2
|Jargon lv.2