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''"Certain Idea Chip Combinations produce a Godly Game, which allows for additional ability bonuses." ''—Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory game manual
A '''Godly Game''' is a special equip that can be made using the [[Disc Developer]]. It offers an additional bonus along with the bonuses given by the Idea Chips used in its creation.  

Depending on the combination of [[Idea Chip]]s and the [[Blank Disc]] used you can create what is called a Godly Game. A Godly Game is a game based on real life video games and offer additional ability bonuses when successfully created. When you create a Godly Game you will be notified immediately. 
''see also:[[Sucky Game]]''
== Overview ==
Depending on the combination of [[Idea Chip]]s and the [[Blank Disc]] used you can create what is called a '''Godly '''Game. A Godly Game is a game based on real life video games and offer additional ability bonuses when successfully created. When you create a Godly Game you will be notified immediately. 
==Related Pages==
*[[Godly Game/Victory]]
*[[Godly Game/Re;Birth1]]
*[[Godly Game/Re;Birth2]]
*[[Godly Game/Re;Birth3]]
*[[Godly Game/Hyperdevotion Noire]]

''see also: [[Sucky Game]]''
==Godly Game Disc Combinations==
The Godly Game Disc Combinations are the same for [[Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]], [[Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1]], [[Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: SISTERS GENERATION]], and [[Chou Megami Shinkou Noire Gekishin Black Heart]]
{| class="wikitable" style="padding:.2em, 1em; width:100%"
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Game
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Added Effect
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Genre Chip (Yellow)
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |System Character Chip (Blue)
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Other Chip (Red)
|Final Fantasy
|EXE Charge Lv.5
|Lv.1 RPG
|Lv.2 Fantasy
|Lv.1 Orthodox
|Mario Kart
|Act Fast Lv. 2
|Lv.3 Racing
|Lv.3 Bearded Italian
|Lv.1 Casual-Oriented
|Debuffing Immunity
|Lv.1 Action
|Lv.1 Stupid Game
|Lv.1 Die So Fast
|Super Mario
|Damage Down Lv 2
|Lv.1 Action
|Lv.3 Bearded Italian
|Lv.3 Killer Aim
|Demon's Souls
|Battle End HP Heal Lv.3
|Lv.2 Action RPG
|Lv.2 Fantasy
|Lv.3 Crazy Difficult
|Drop Rate Up Lv.3
|Lv.1 RPG
|Lv.5 Combined
|Lv.5 Famous Artist
|Call of Duty
|CPU Defense
|Lv.5 FPS
|Lv.5 Pretty 3D CG
|Lv.5 War
|Kamaitachi no Yoru
|100% chance of escape
|Lv.2 Novel
|Lv.4 Silhouette
|Lv. 3 Investigate
|Gradual SP Recovery Lv.3
|Lv.1 RPG
|Lv.3 Monster
|Lv.2 Child-Oriented
|Gained EXP Up Lv.2
|Lv.5 Pretty 3D CG
|Lv.4 Journey
|Virtua Fighter
|Critical Rate + Lv.3
|Lv.3 Fighting
|Lv.3 Polygon
|Lv.4 Famous Creator
|Gran Turismo
|Act Fast Lv.4
|Lv.3 Racing
|Lv.5 Pretty 3D CG
|Lv.5 Worldwide
|Metal Gear
|Back Attack Immunity
|Lv.2 Stealth
|Lv.3 Older Man
|Lv.5 War
|Tokimeki Memorial
|Lily Up + Lv.3
|Lv.3 Girl Game
|Lv.4 Moe Burnin'
|Lv.3 Love
|Gained EXP Up Lv.3
|Lv.2 Novel
|Lv.2 Photorealistic
| style="text-align:center;" | -
|Dead Rising
|Add Paralysis Lv.2
|Lv.1 Action
|Lv.4 Zombie
|Lv.4 Million Aim
|Super Robot War
|Gained Credits Up Lv.3
|Lv.5 Strategy RPG
|Lv.4 Robot
| style="text-align:center;" | -
|Monster Hunter
|Drop Rate Up Lv.3
|Lv.5 Hunting
|Lv.5 Combined
|Lv.3 Killer Aim