Bestiary/Sisters vs Sisters/Lizardman: Difference between revisions

Created page with "{{stub}} {{Infobox Enemy SvS |name = Lizardman |image = Lizardman Enemy SvS.png |japanese name = |romaji name = |type = Dragon |habitat = Geo Frontier Hill |lv = 5 |hp = 5515 |str = 39 |vit = 18 |int = 29 |men = 18 |agi = 90 |tec = 95 |luk = 95 |exp = 300 |credits = 150 |dc = 150 |drops = Healing Grass - 100% |video game = ''Neptunia: Sisters vs Sisters'' }} ==Description== A dragon-type monster armed with machin..."
m 1 revision imported: Imported from Neptunia Wiki on Fandom
(No difference)