Category:Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 enemies: Difference between revisions
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Latest revision as of 00:32, 13 March 2025
This category contains pages and sub-categories related to Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: SISTERS GENERATION enemies.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Pages in category "Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 enemies"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 412 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/A2-i
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/ACE-KARD
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Achilles
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Aimable
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Alfred
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Alkaid
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Aluna
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Alune
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ancient Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Antares
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Antoinette
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Apeldoom
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Arakhne
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Arie Hoek
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Armor Shell
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/ASCII Orchestra
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Auto Surveillance
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Azel
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Azi Dahaka
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Babyvader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Baconvader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Banpreios
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bashful
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bear Balancer
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Beluga
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Betavader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bit
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bit Neo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Black Spider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blanc
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blaze Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blaze Golem
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blaze Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blazing Horsebird
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blinky
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blue Sun
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Blue Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bogey
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bomb-omburai
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Boomerang
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Boss Lizard
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Boxbird
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Boxer Cat
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bug
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bunnyvader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Bushidama
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Calicovader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Call Boy
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Canopus
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cardbird
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Carroteer
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cat Knight
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cat Squirrel Rider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cerberus
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/CFW Brave
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/CFW Judge
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/CFW Magic
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/CFW Trick
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Chickie
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Child Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Child Wolf
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Clione
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Clyde
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Coelacanth
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Coin Man
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cold Girl
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Contracted Angel
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Coyote
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/CPU Breaker
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Crazy Buff Shampuru
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Crescent Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Crystal Golem
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cuberial
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Custom Bit
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cyber Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Cyber Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dagon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dangerous Shampuru
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dark Disc
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dead Fish
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deadly Spider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Death Stalker
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deep Impulse
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deer Girl
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deity of Sin Arfoire
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Delinquent Cat
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Delphi Eggplant
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Delphinus
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Demon Widow
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Demonic Fenrir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deneb
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Deus Ex Machina
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Diamond Golem
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Digital Fairy
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dinosauroid
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Disaster
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Disc
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dogone
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dogoo France
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dolichorhynchops
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dolphin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dominance Machine
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Doomsday Messenger
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dr. Kamashima
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dr. Kawashina
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dr. Yamashima
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dragoon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Dreadnaught Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/DSTT
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/EDGE
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggie
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggplaladin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggplant
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggplant Knight
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggplant Rider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Eggplanter
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Elegant Lady
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Elemental Dragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Elephantvader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Empole
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Epsilon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Exe Type
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fafnir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fairyfly
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake Black Heart
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake Black Sister
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake Green Heart
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake Purple Heart
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake Purple Sister
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake White Heart
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake White Heart Rom
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fake White Sister (Ram)
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fang
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fat Horsebird
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fenrir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fenrisulfr
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fetigal
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fire Piranha Flower
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fish Zombie
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Flame Fenrir
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Flame Skeleton
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Flash Heart
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Floristan
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fomalhaut
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Crab
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest God
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Forest Whale
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Frog-in-the-box
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Frozen Skull
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Fungus
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Galactic Riser
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ganglord Panther
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Gargoyle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Gehachu
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Ghost Bird
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Giant Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Giant Spider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/God of Catastrophe
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/God of Woe
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Grafchocolo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Grand Turtle
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Grandogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Gray Wolf
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Greedy Shadow
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Guard Vermin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Guardragon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Gyps
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hachibei
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hakka Hinokami
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hakkei Hinokami
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hakyokumagatsu Hinokami
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Harevader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Healing Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Heavy Dragoon
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Heavy Tank
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Heretical Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hero Craft
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/High Heal Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hoinin
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Honorary Professor
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Horsebird Leader
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Horsebird Rider
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Huge Dogoo
- Bestiary/Re;Birth2/Hyakushiki Weapon
Media in category "Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 enemies"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 428 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
Babyvader.png 348 × 362; 14 KB
Baconvader.png 389 × 402; 33 KB
Bahamut.png 1,087 × 725; 640 KB
Bear Balancer.png 500 × 576; 85 KB
Belgarion.png 1,036 × 1,000; 696 KB
BelgarionBack.png 719 × 623; 300 KB
BelgarionSide.png 943 × 555; 305 KB
Betavader.png 358 × 383; 14 KB
Bincho.png 979 × 758; 461 KB
BinchoBack.png 744 × 487; 226 KB
BinchoFront.png 703 × 492; 235 KB
BinchoSide.png 760 × 428; 157 KB
Bit Custom.png 312 × 255; 44 KB
Bit CustomBack.png 386 × 382; 43 KB
Bit CustomBlock.png 385 × 406; 77 KB
Bit CustomFront.png 343 × 326; 44 KB
Bit CustomLowHP.png 447 × 457; 89 KB
Bit CustomSide.png 343 × 328; 33 KB
Blaze Golem.png 596 × 556; 310 KB
Blazing Horsebird.png 597 × 559; 120 KB
Blue Sun.png 329 × 479; 50 KB
Blue SunBack.png 374 × 473; 57 KB
Blue SunSide.png 414 × 507; 47 KB
Blushing Hot Guy.png 572 × 455; 187 KB
Blushing Hot GuyBack.png 770 × 635; 309 KB
Bomb-omburai.png 269 × 262; 29 KB
Boomerang.png 352 × 409; 49 KB
BoomerangBack.png 405 × 449; 52 KB
BoomerangBlock.png 522 × 588; 86 KB
BoomerangLowHP.png 422 × 424; 77 KB
BoomerangSide.png 399 × 461; 52 KB
Bundodo Old Man.png 667 × 528; 102 KB
Bundodo Old ManBack.png 842 × 743; 132 KB
Bundodo Old ManFront.png 858 × 769; 162 KB
Bundodo Old ManSide.png 616 × 699; 117 KB
Bunnyvader.png 445 × 447; 45 KB
BunnyvaderViral.png 457 × 456; 33 KB
Bushidama.png 339 × 368; 62 KB
Calicovader.png 382 × 405; 38 KB
Call BoyBack.png 373 × 422; 32 KB
Call BoyFront.png 409 × 459; 38 KB
Call BoySide.png 373 × 419; 32 KB
Cardbird.png 244 × 231; 18 KB
CardbirdBack.png 440 × 440; 31 KB
CardbirdBlock.png 500 × 500; 71 KB
CardbirdFront.png 440 × 440; 37 KB
CardbirdLowHP.png 500 × 500; 74 KB
CardbirdSide.png 440 × 440; 35 KB
Carroteer.png 263 × 348; 23 KB
CarroteerBack.png 346 × 395; 24 KB
CarroteerFront.png 335 × 381; 26 KB
CarroteerSide.png 332 × 393; 25 KB
Cat Squirrel Rider.png 906 × 818; 290 KB
Cat Squirrel RiderBack.png 703 × 607; 190 KB
Cat Squirrel RiderFront.png 757 × 613; 180 KB
Cat Squirrel RiderSide.png 729 × 601; 173 KB
CFW BraveEnemy.png 722 × 716; 447 KB
CFW JudgeEnemy.png 891 × 745; 362 KB
CFW MagicEnemy.png 924 × 718; 386 KB
CFW TrickEnemy.png 603 × 632; 414 KB
Clyde.png 313 × 408; 32 KB
ClydeBack.png 498 × 482; 31 KB
ClydeBlock.png 637 × 622; 87 KB
ClydeFront.png 467 × 460; 38 KB
ClydeLowHP.png 573 × 596; 97 KB
ClydeSide.png 438 × 442; 32 KB
Coelacanth.png 890 × 547; 386 KB
Cold Girl.png 346 × 436; 39 KB
Cold GirlBack.png 407 × 462; 39 KB
Cold GirlFront.png 366 × 449; 45 KB
Cold GirlSide.png 410 × 461; 37 KB
Contracted Angel.png 491 × 357; 82 KB
Contracted AngelBack.png 601 × 516; 89 KB
Contracted AngelBlock.png 605 × 647; 128 KB
Contracted AngelLowHP.png 573 × 489; 67 KB
Contracted AngelSide.png 474 × 441; 31 KB
Cyber Whale.png 1,084 × 678; 320 KB
Cyber WhaleBack.png 932 × 454; 178 KB
Cyber WhaleFront.png 1,019 × 504; 216 KB
Cyber WhaleSide.png 802 × 454; 230 KB
Dark Disc.png 350 × 350; 38 KB
Deadly Spider.png 652 × 408; 105 KB
Death Boy.png 346 × 436; 43 KB
Death Girl.png 346 × 436; 49 KB
Delinquent Cat.png 329 × 346; 55 KB
Delinquent CatBack.png 389 × 407; 48 KB
Delinquent CatFront.png 386 × 416; 46 KB
Delinquent CatSide.png 476 × 463; 66 KB
Delphinus.png 1,115 × 711; 512 KB
Demon Spider.png 591 × 366; 151 KB
Demon SpiderBack.png 760 × 591; 180 KB
Demon SpiderFront.png 712 × 578; 200 KB
Demon SpiderSide.png 746 × 569; 181 KB
Deus Ex Machina.png 1,128 × 881; 616 KB
Deus Ex MachinaBack.png 803 × 632; 279 KB
Deus Ex MachinaSide.png 683 × 652; 280 KB
DiscMob.png 350 × 350; 56 KB
DogooBack.png 720 × 600; 138 KB
DogooBlock.png 545 × 457; 90 KB
DogooFront.png 720 × 600; 141 KB
DogooLowHP.png 429 × 394; 73 KB
DogooSide.png 820 × 600; 129 KB
Dolichorhynchops.png 977 × 679; 427 KB
DolichorhynchopsBack.png 656 × 468; 191 KB
DolichorhynchopsFront.png 665 × 457; 179 KB
DolichorhynchopsSide.png 754 × 346; 129 KB
Dolphin.png 840 × 576; 406 KB
DolphinBack.png 722 × 526; 222 KB
DolphinFront.png 742 × 569; 254 KB
DolphinSide.png 755 × 353; 129 KB
Dragon Knight.png 556 × 493; 310 KB
Dragon KnightBack.png 723 × 648; 406 KB
Dragon KnightSide.png 817 × 692; 397 KB
Dragon KnightSpecial.png 823 × 693; 483 KB
DSTT.png 719 × 540; 153 KB
DSTTBack.png 859 × 669; 206 KB
DSTTFront.png 877 × 734; 217 KB
DSTTSide.png 648 × 702; 162 KB
EDGE.png 705 × 530; 166 KB
Eggplant Rider.png 804 × 808; 262 KB
Eggplant RiderBack.png 665 × 555; 150 KB
Eggplant RiderFront.png 544 × 557; 137 KB
Eggplant RiderSide.png 703 × 678; 150 KB
Eggplanter.png 253 × 355; 30 KB
Elephantvader.png 436 × 408; 44 KB
ElephantvaderViral.png 429 × 423; 34 KB
Empole.png 263 × 267; 52 KB
Expressive Tree.png 325 × 380; 99 KB
Expressive TreeBack.png 432 × 477; 102 KB
Expressive TreeFront.png 459 × 514; 111 KB
Expressive TreeSide.png 424 × 461; 106 KB
Fairyfly.png 614 × 553; 286 KB
Fake Black Sister.png 592 × 717; 169 KB
Fake Purple Sister.png 546 × 609; 137 KB
Fenrir.png 1,040 × 668; 502 KB
FenrirBack.png 640 × 632; 233 KB
FenrirFront.png 676 × 603; 308 KB
FenrirSide.png 834 × 394; 257 KB
Fish Zombie.png 871 × 619; 328 KB
Fish ZombieViral.png 847 × 606; 357 KB
Flame Fenrir.png 1,040 × 716; 504 KB
Flame Skeleton.png 622 × 718; 180 KB
Flame SkeletonBack.png 679 × 733; 135 KB
Flame SkeletonSide.png 669 × 757; 173 KB
Floristan.png 489 × 564; 121 KB
FloristanBack.png 574 × 626; 127 KB
FloristanSide.png 520 × 614; 26 KB
Forest Crab.png 1,047 × 666; 546 KB
Forest CrabBack.png 791 × 481; 319 KB
Forest CrabSide.png 757 × 588; 342 KB
Frog-in-the-box.png 355 × 354; 53 KB
Frozen Skull.png 622 × 718; 220 KB
FrozenSkullBack.png 700 × 748; 207 KB
FrozenSkullSide.png 679 × 751; 212 KB
Galakryzer.png 997 × 992; 448 KB
GalakryzerBack.png 856 × 757; 283 KB
GalakryzerSide.png 866 × 541; 218 KB
Ganglord Panther.png 333 × 350; 63 KB
Ganglord PantherBack.png 372 × 394; 51 KB
Ganglord PantherFront.png 371 × 404; 52 KB
Ganglord PantherSide.png 455 × 431; 74 KB
Giant Clione.png 725 × 738; 224 KB
Giant Coin Man.png 751 × 675; 240 KB
Giant Penguin.png 390 × 401; 128 KB
Giant Rebirth Hand.png 590 × 645; 215 KB
Giant Shoebill.png 236 × 343; 114 KB
Giant Something Tree.png 273 × 329; 99 KB
Giant Super Otaku.png 223 × 406; 134 KB
Gold Lizard.png 566 × 534; 318 KB
Gold LizardBack.png 749 × 760; 472 KB
Gold LizardSide.png 856 × 754; 470 KB
Gold LizardSpecial.png 894 × 803; 565 KB
Gold LizardViral.png 520 × 445; 236 KB
Gold LizardViralBack.png 763 × 723; 431 KB
Gold LizardViralSide.png 874 × 761; 424 KB
Gold LizardViralSpecial.png 882 × 756; 529 KB
Grafchocolo.png 828 × 863; 706 KB
GrafchocoloBack.png 741 × 710; 465 KB
GrafchocoloSide.png 781 × 722; 457 KB
Greedy Shadow.png 545 × 545; 50 KB
Guardragon.png 1,044 × 716; 530 KB
Gyps.png 407 × 564; 213 KB
Harevader.png 445 × 447; 45 KB
Healing Dogoo.png 463 × 492; 94 KB
Herobo.png 1,138 × 718; 596 KB
HeroboBack.png 807 × 486; 291 KB
HeroboSide.png 639 × 970; 451 KB
Hoinin.png 314 × 315; 53 KB
Horsebird Leader.png 637 × 654; 151 KB
Horsebird Rider.png 983 × 774; 257 KB
Horsebird RiderBack.png 738 × 482; 134 KB
Horsebird RiderFront.png 788 × 431; 116 KB
Horsebird RiderSide.png 586 × 540; 146 KB
Horsebird.png 623 × 509; 120 KB
HorsebirdBack.png 680 × 629; 149 KB
HorsebirdFront.png 685 × 629; 133 KB
HorsebirdSide.png 698 × 691; 154 KB
Ice Lizard.png 714 × 644; 472 KB
Ice LizardBack.png 779 × 720; 438 KB
Ice LizardSide.png 870 × 752; 436 KB