Disc Developer/Idea Chip/Victory II: Difference between revisions

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This pages contains information regarding Idea Chips in ''[[Megadimension Neptunia VII]]''.
This pages contains information regarding Idea Chips in ''[[Megadimension Neptunia VII]]''. Colosseum battles with a * indicate that those colosseum battles require DLC to unlock.
==Idea Chips==
==Idea Chips==
===Genre (Yellow)===
===Genre (Yellow)===
{| class="wikitable" style="padding:.2em, 1em; width:100%"
{| style="padding:.2em, 1em; width:100%" class="wikitable"
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Idea chip
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Lv
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |effect
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Terms of availability
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Purchase price
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Sale price
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Name
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Effect
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Explanation
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Location
|FPS lv.1
|Physical Defense L1
|Physical Defense L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|rowspan=5|Cuts down physical damage.
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|MMO lv.2
|Physical Defense L2
|Physical Defense L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|MO lv.3
|Physical Defense L3
|Physical Defense L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Weakened [B]
|OS lv.4
|Physical Defense L4
|Physical Defense L4
|Koh: Surainu small set [E]
|Colosseum: Small Dogoos Assemble [E], Arfoire Δ [S]*
|RPG lv.5
|Physical Defense L5
|Physical Defense L5
|Colosseum : Planeptune Sisters! [B], Duel Shock [S]*
|TPS lv.1
|Elemental Defense L1
|Elemental Defense L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|rowspan=5|Cuts down elemental damage.
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Arcade lv.2
|Elemental Defense L2
|Elemental Defense L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: I Hate Tentacles! [E]
|Action lv.3
|Elemental Defense L3
|Elemental Defense L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Smash Box Stadium|Smash Box Stadium - Entrance]]
|Action RPG
|Action RPG lv.4
|Elemental Defense L4
|Elemental Defense L4
|Koh: OTA our Elegy [E]
|Colosseum: Elegy of Otakus [E], Dragon Heroes [S]*
|Adventure lv.5
|Elemental Defense L5
|Elemental Defense L5
|Co: La station sisters! [B]
|Colosseum: Lastation Sisters! [B], "That" Ball [S]*
|Adventure RPG
|Adventure RPG lv.1
|Physical Focus L1
|Physical Focus L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc<br>
|rowspan=5|Cuts down physical damage, but elemental damage increases.
treasure: westerly wind Blowing valley-east
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Westwind Ravine|Westwind Ravine - East]]
|Large Cabinet
|Large Cabinet lv.2
|Physical Focus L2
|Physical Focus L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Otome Game
|Otome Game lv.3
|Physical Focus L3
|Physical Focus L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/AffimaX Base|AffimaX Base - Hangar 1]]
|Guide lv.4
|Physical Focus L4
|Physical Focus L4
|Hidden: Jinguusakura park-entrance
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Jingu Sakura Park|Jingu Sakura Park - Entrance]]<br/>Colosseum: Arfoire Δ [S]*
|Environment lv.5
|Physical Focus L5
|Physical Focus L5
|Koh: Ruwi sister! [B]
|Colosseum: Lowee Sisters! [B], Ultimate Fusion! Dark Orange [S]*
|Light Gun
|Light Gun lv.1
|Elemental Focus L1
|Elemental Focus L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|rowspan=5|Cuts down elemental damage, but physical damage increases.
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Everyone's Gonna Disappear! [E]
|Girl Game
|Girl Game lv.2
|Elemental Focus L2
|Elemental Focus L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Ontario Corridor|Ontario Corridor - Entrance]]
|Quiz lv.3
|Elemental Focus L3
|Elemental Focus L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Otori Cave|Otori Cave]]
|Crime Action
|Crime Action lv.4
|Elemental Focus L4
|Elemental Focus L4
|Koh: Burn! Chronicle [E]
|Colosseum: Moero! Chronicle [E], Charge on Titans [S]*
|Management and operation
|Business Sim lv.5
|Elemental Focus L5
|Elemental Focus L5
|Koh: unique tag formation [E]
|Colosseum: Unique Tag Team [B], Challenge From Vermili Gym Delegate [S]*
|Golf lv.1
|Critical ↑ L1
|Critical ↑ L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc<br>
|rowspan=5|Probability of giving critical hits increases.
treasure: Hanedashiti Station
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Haneda City Station|Haneda City Station]]
|Soccer lv.2
|Critical ↑ L2
|Critical ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Simulation lv.3
|Critical ↑ L3
|Critical ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Entrance]]
|Strategy RPG
|Strategy RPG lv.4
|Critical ↑ L4
|Critical ↑ L4
|Treasure: nothingness Naru area area
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Deprived Domain|Deprived Domain - Area 3]]<br/>Colosseum: Evil Goddess ˜Dark White˜ [S]*
|Shmup lv.5
|Critical ↑ L5
|Critical ↑ L5
|Hidden: Tangram load Area 2
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Tangram Road|Tangram Road - Area 2]]<br/>Colosseum: Silent Whirlpool [S]*
|Shooting RPG
|Shooting RPG lv.1
|Flee Knowledge L1
|Flee Knowledge L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|rowspan=5|Probability of escaping a battle increases.
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Series lv.2
|Flee Knowledge L2
|Flee Knowledge L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Leanbox|Golden Summit Leanbox - Area 4]]
|1-Player Online
|1-Player Online lv.3
|Flee Knowledge L3
|Flee Knowledge L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Club ZECA|Club ZECA - Area 1]]
|Stealth lv.4
|Flee Knowledge L4
|Flee Knowledge L4
|Treasure: the golden top LE · area 4
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Leanbox|Golden Summit Leanbox - Area 4]]<br/>Colosseum: Tokimeki Memory [S]*, True Campanions [S]*
|Strategy lv.5
|Flee Knowledge L5
|Flee Knowledge L5
|Koh: I is Futari only cure [B]
|Colosseum: We are Dodgy Cure [B], Unconfirmed, But In Progress [S]*
|Sports lv.1
|Critical Take ↓ L1
|Critical Take ↓ L1
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|rowspan=5|Probability of taking a critical hit decreases.
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Infrared Comm.
|Infrared Comm. lv.2
|Critical Take ↓ L2
|Critical Take ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Battle Strategy
|Battle Strategy lv.3
|Critical Take ↓ L3
|Critical Take ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/DreamPass Area|DreamPass Area]]
|Fighting lv.4
|Critical Take ↓ L4
|Critical Take ↓ L4
|Treasure: EX Puraneteyunu
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/EX Planeptune|EX Planeptune]]<br/>Colosseum: White Winged Chocopiman [S]*
|Barrage shooting
|Bullet Hell lv.5
|Critical Take ↓ L5
|Critical Take ↓ L5
|Koh: G Saado shine [B]
|Colosseum: Gold Third's Shine [B], Sniper Specialized Aircraft [S]*
|Rearing lv.1
|Lily Power L1
|Lily power L1
|rowspan=5|Amount of affection gained increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Histy's Extermination Request 1 [E]
|LAN Party
|LAN Party lv.2
|Lily Power L2
|Lily power L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Player 2 Park|Player 2 Park - Entrance]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Database lv.3
|Lily Power L3
|Lily power L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Board Games
|Board Games lv.4
|Lily Power L4
|Lily power L4
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/DreamPass Area|DreamPass Area - Area 1]]<br/>Colosseum: Magigirl Rom and Ram! [S]*
|Treasure: Doripasu area, entrance
|Novel lv.5
|Lily Power L5
|Lily Power L5
|Hidden: westerly wind Blowing valley-east
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Westwind Ravine|Westwind Ravine - East]]<br/>Colosseum: You're Forever ˜ Green Demon˜ [S]*
|Party lv.2
|colspan=2|Null Knockback
|Null Knockback
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Puzzle logic
|Puzzle/Logic lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Poison
|Null Poison
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Inner]]<br/>Colosseum: Ultimate Fusion! Dark Orange [S]*
|Treasure: Maryorando-deep
|Pachinko lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Virus
|Null Virus
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Depths of the Heart|Depths of the Heart]]<br/>Colosseum: Charge on Titans [S]*
|Treasure: Kokorono the deepest part
|Hunting lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Apathy
|Null Lethargi
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Gralange Point|Gralange Point]]<br/>Colosseum: Nice Green and Yellow Coupling! [S]*
|Treasure: Goulart point
|Pretty game
|Pretty Girl Game lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Stun
|Fainted invalid
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Senmuu Labyrinth|Senmuu Labyrinth - Area 1]]<br/>Colosseum: Invading Squeed Aliens [S]*
|Treasure: Senmu Labyrinth - 1
|Fan disk
|Fan Disc lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Paralysis
|Disable paralysis
|Colosseum: Mid-Dogoos Assemble [E], Magigirl Rom and Ram! [S]*
|Koh: During Surainu set [E]
|Browser lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Confusion
|Confusion invalid
|Colosseum: Nostalgic Hardware [E], White Winged Chocopiman [S]*
|Koh: Omoi out of Haado us [E]
|Mahjong lv.4
|colspan=2|Null Shadow Bind
|Shadow sewing invalid
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Smash Box Stadium|Smash Box Stadium Arena]]<br/>Colosseum: Train Man [S]*
|Hidden: Pawasuma stadium Arena
|Baseball lv.4
|Round guard
|Round guard
|Koh: Regular seat [D]
|Getting attacked from the sides or rear will not increase the damage during battle.
|Colosseum: Regular Status [D], Train Man [S]*
|Rhythm Action
|Rhythm Action lv.3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Nulls Back Attacks
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: My Rod! [D]
|Remake lv.3
|T. Recover EX
|T recover EX
|Recover from status effects when transforming.
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Racing lv.3
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Recieves experience even without participating in battle.
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Delusion Planeptune|Delusion Planeptune - Entrance]]
|Strategic intelligence
|Strategic Scouting lv.5
|colspan=2|Null Debuff
|Null Debuff
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Coral Station|Coral Station - Area 4]]<br/>Quest: Sniper Specialized Aircraft [S]*
|Hidden: Coral Station Area 4

===System (Blue)===
===System (Blue)===
{| class="style_table"
{| style="padding:.2em, 1em; width:100%" class="wikitable"
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Idea chip
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Lv
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Name
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |effect
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Effect
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Terms of availability
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Explanation
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Purchase price
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Location
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Sale price
|DLC lv.1
|Wind Resistant ↑ L1
|Wind resistant ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Wind element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Sci-Fi lv.2
|Wind Resistant ↑ L2
|Wind resistant ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Lowee|Golden Summit Lowee - Area 1]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Item collection
|Item Collection lv.3
|Wind Resistant ↑ L3
|Wind resistant ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Idol lv.4
|Wind Resistant ↑ L4
|Wind resistant ↑ L4
|Colosseum: >>inb4 I Love You! [D], Tokimeki Memory [S]*
|Koh: >> 1's love! [D]
|Anime lv.5
|Wind Resistant ↑ L5
|Wind resistant ↑ L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Club ZECA|Club ZECA· Area 4]]<br/>Colosseum: "That" Ball [S]*
|Hidden: Club ZECA · area 4
|Handsome Man
|Handsome Man lv.1
|Lightning Resist ↑ L1
|Lightning-resistant ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Lightning element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Rawr Rawr! (Help!) [E]
|Weird Sidekick
|Weird Sidekick lv.2
|Lightning Resist ↑ L2
|Lightning-resistant ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Auto-Save lv.3
|Lightning Resist ↑ L3
|Lightning-resistant ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: This is Bad... Real Bad... [C]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Open World
|Open World lv.4
|Lightning Resist ↑ L4
|Lightning-resistant ↑ L4
|Quest: Oh, CPUs of Little Faith! [C]<br/>Colosseum: Ultimate Fusion! Dark Orange [S]*
|Subdivision: Faith is for the goddess Transient [C]
|All-Star lv.5
|Lightning Resist ↑ L5
|Lightning-resistant ↑ L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Lowee|Golden Summit Lowee - Area 2]]<br/>Colosseum: Nice Green and Yellow Coupling! [S]*
|Hidden: Golden top LO · Area 2
|School Life
|School Life lv.1
|Ice Resist ↑ L1
|Ice-resistant ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Ice element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc<br>
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Datoyna Cave|Datoyna Cave]]
treasure: Detoina cave
|Color Editor
|Color Editor lv.2
|Ice Resist ↑ L2
|Ice-resistant ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Older Man
|Older Man lv.3
|Ice Resist ↑ L3
|Ice-resistant ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Sakura Tree Row|Sakura Tree Row - Inner]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc<br>
treasure: cherry trees, deep
|Combined lv.4
|Ice Resist ↑ L4
|Ice-resistant ↑ L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Entrance]]<br/>Colosseum:Train Man [S]*
|Hidden: Purane stadium entrance
|Gorilla lv.5
|Ice Resist ↑ L5
|Ice-resistant ↑ L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Channel Space|Channel Space - Entrance]]<br/>Colosseum: Older Sister Team [S]*
|Hidden: channel space entrance
|Combo Focus
|Combo Focus lv.1
|Light ↑ Dark ↓ L1
|Light-resistant darkness tolerance ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Light element increases, but resistance to Dark decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Histy's Extermination Request 2 [E]
|Surprise Encounter
|Surprise Encounter lv.2
|Light ↑ Dark ↓ L2
|Light-resistant darkness tolerance ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Seamless lv.3
|Light ↑ Dark ↓ L3
|Light-resistant darkness tolerance ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Entrance]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Photorealistic lv.4
|Light ↑ Dark ↓ L4
|Light-resistant darkness tolerance ↓ L4
|Quest: For CPUs the Bell Tolls [C]<br/>Colosseum: Invading Squeed Aliens [S]*
|Subdivision: Bell Tolls of the goddess [C]
|Jump lv.5
|Light ↑ Dark ↓ L5
|Light-resistant darkness tolerance ↓ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Inner]]<br/>Colosseum: Unconfirmed, But In Progress [S]*
|Treasure: Maryorando-deep
|Juvenile Game
|Juvenile Game lv.1
|Light Resist ↑ L1
|Light-resistant ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Light element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: I'm Here With You! [E]
|Shot lv.2
|Light Resist ↑ L2
|Light-resistant ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Don't Want Quests [E]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Silhouette lv.3
|Light Resist ↑ L3
|Light-resistant ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Sakura Tree Row|Sakura Tree Row - Inner]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc<br>
treasure: cherry trees, deep
|Life Game lv.4
|Light Resist ↑ L4
|Light-resistant ↑ L4
|Quest:('ω'`) Quests... [B]<br/>Colosseum: Charge on Titans [S]*
|Click :( 'ω'`) Quest Muu ··· [B]
|Rumble lv.5
|Light Resist ↑ L5
|Light-resistant ↑ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Entrance]]<br/>Colosseum: Sniper Specialized Aircraft [S]*
|Treasure: Maryorando-entrance
|Symbol Encounter
|Symbol Encounter lv.1
|Fire ↑ Ice ↓ L1
|Fire-resistant ice-resistant ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Fire element increases, but resistance to Ice decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc<br>
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Haneda City Station|Haneda City Station]]
treasure: Hanedashiti Station
|Stage Editor
|Stage Editor lv.2
|Fire ↑ Ice ↓ L2
|Fire-resistant ice-resistant ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Slot lv.3
|Fire ↑ Ice ↓ L3
|Fire-resistant ice-resistant ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/AffimaX Base|AffimaX Base - Hangar 2]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Voice actor
|Voice Actor lv.4
|Fire ↑ Ice ↓ L4
|Fire-resistant ice-resistant ↓ L4
|Quest: As Soon As Possible [B]<br/>Colosseum: You're Forever ˜ Green Demon˜ [S]*
|Clock: As Soon As Possible [B]
|Zombie lv.5
|Fire ↑ Ice ↓ L5
|Fire-resistant ice-resistant ↓ L5
|Colosseum: Good-For-Nothings [C], Gamindustri's Dark Demon [S]*
|Co: They not a good [C]
|Versus lv.1
|Fire Resist ↑ L1
|Fire-resistant ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Fire element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Touch Controls
|Touch Controls lv.2
|Fire Resist ↑ L2
|Fire-resistant ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Arena]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Charge lv.3
|Fire Resist ↑ L3
|Fire-resistant ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Long-running series
|Long Series lv.4
|Fire Resist ↑ L4
|Fire-resistant ↑ L4
|Quest: Oh, CPUs of Little Faith! [C]<br/>Colosseum: Gamindustri's Dark Demon [S]*
|Subdivision: Faith is for the goddess Transient [C]
|Ultra Special Moves
|Super Secret Move lv.5
|Fire Resist ↑ L5
|Fire-resistant ↑ L5
|Quest:(\'ω`) No Motivation [A]<br/>Colosseum: Cross Jammer [S]*
|Click :( 'ω`) motivation out Naimuu [A]
|Pretty 3D CG
|Pretty 3D CG lv.1
|Wind ↑ Lightning ↓ L1
|Wind resistant ↑ Lightning resistance ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Wind element increases, but resistance to Lightning decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: [Urgent] Fascinating Title [E]
|Super Real
|Super Real lv.2
|Wind ↑ Lightning ↓ L2
|Wind resistant ↑ Lightning resistance ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Quest-ish [E]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Kinda Pervy
|Kinda Pervy lv.3
|Wind ↑ Lightning ↓ L3
|Wind resistant ↑ Lightning resistance ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/AffimaX Base|AffimaX Base - Hangar 1]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Deformed characters
|Altered Character lv.4
|Wind ↑ Lightning ↓ L4
|Wind resistant ↑ Lightning resistance ↓ L4
|Quest: For CPUs the Bell Tolls [C]<br/>Colosseum: Dragon Heroes [S]*
|Subdivision: Bell Tolls of the goddess [C]
|Animal lv.5
|Wind ↑ Lightning ↓ L5
|Wind resistant ↑ Lightning resistance ↓ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Stealth Ark|Stealth Ark - Bilge]]<br/>Colosseum: Challenge From Vermili Gym Delegate [S]*
|Treasure: stealth arc bottom
|Special Controller
|Special Controller lv.1
|Dark Resist ↑ L1
|Darkness Resist ↑ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Dark element increases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Special Peripheral
|Special Peripheral lv.2
|Dark Resist ↑ L2
|Darkness Resist ↑ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Special Gauges
|Special Gauges lv.3
|Dark Resist ↑ L3
|Darkness Resist ↑ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Anyway Nagure a physical
|All Attacks lv.4
|Dark Resist ↑ L4
|Darkness Resist ↑ L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Lastation|Golden Summit Lastation - Area 2]]<br/>Colosseum: Freelance Job Starting with "Y" [S]*
|Hidden: Golden top LA · Area 2
|Crying game
|Emotional Game lv.5
|Dark Resist ↑ L5
|Darkness Resist ↑ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Stealth Ark|Stealth Ark - Floor]], [[Dungeon/Victory II/Delusion Planeptune|Delusion Planeptune - Entrance]]<br/>Colosseum: Cross Jammer [S]*
|Treasure: stealth arc floor <br>
Takeshi dispute Puraneteyunu-entrance
|Rat lv.1
|Dark Light ↓ L1
|Darkness Resist light resistance ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Dark element increases, but resistance to Light decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/First-Gen CPU's Sanctuary|First-Gen CPU's Sanctuary]]
|Stupid Game
|Stupid Game lv.2
|Dark Light ↓ L2
|Darkness Resist light resistance ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Storage]], [[Dungeon/Victory II/Tangram Road|Tangram Road - Area 3]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Bearded Italian
|Bearded Italian lv.3
|Dark Light ↓ L3
|Darkness Resist light resistance ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Channel Space|Channel Space - Entrance]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Fantasy lv.4
|Dark Light ↓ L4
|Darkness Resist light resistance ↓ L4
|Quest:('ω'`) Quests... [B]<br/>Colosseum: Unconfirmed, But In Progress [S]*
|Click :( 'ω'`) Quest Muu ··· [B]
|Free scenario
|Free scenario lv.5
|Dark ↑ Light ↓ L5
|Darkness Resist↑ light resistance ↓ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Uncharted Canyon|Uncharted Canyon]]<br/>Colosseum: It's Hard for Unpopular Men [S]*
|Treasure: Uncharted Canyon
|Horror lv.1
|Ice ↑ Fire ↓ L1
|Ice-resistant fire resistant ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Ice element increases, but resistance to Fire decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Oh, Crap [E]
|Polygon lv.2
|Ice ↑ Fire ↓ L2
|Ice-resistant fire resistant ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Deprived Domain|Deprived Domain - Area 2]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Uses Mic
|Uses Mic lv.3
|Ice ↑ Fire ↓ L3
|Ice-resistant fire resistant ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/ABXYLR Grasslands|ABXYLR Grasslands]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Metafiction lv.4
|Ice ↑ Fire ↓ L4
|Ice-resistant fire resistant ↓ L4
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Senmuu Labyrinth|Senmuu Labyrinth - 3]]<br/>Colosseum: Mouse Kingdom [S]*
|Treasure: Senmu Labyrinth - 3
|Motion Control
|Motion Controller lv.5
|Ice ↑ Fire ↓ L5
|Ice-resistant fire resistant ↓ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Ario Plateau|Ario Plateau]]<br/>Colosseum: Mechamiso Technique [S]*
|Treasure: Ario Plateau
|Monster lv.1
|Lightning ↑ Wind ↓ L1
|Lightning-resistant wind resistant ↓ L1
|rowspan=5|Resistance to Lightning element increases, but resistance to Wind decreases.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc <br>
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Sakura Tree Row|Sakura Tree Row - Entrance]]
treasure: cherry trees, the entrance
|Random Encounters
|Random Encounters lv.2
|Lightning ↑ Wind ↓ L2
|Lightning-resistant wind resistant ↓ L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|History lv.3
|Lightning ↑ Wind ↓ L3
|Lightning-resistant wind resistant ↓ L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Entrance]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Love lv.4
|Lightning ↑ Wind ↓ L4
|Lightning-resistant wind resistant ↓ L4
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Senmuu Labyrinth|Senmuu Labyrinth - Area 4]]<br/>Colosseum: Tokimeki Memory [S]*
|Treasure: Senmu Labyrinth-4
|Robot lv.5
|Lightning ↑ Wind ↓ L5
|Lightning-resistant wind resistant ↓ L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Otori Cave|Otori Cave]]<br/>Colosseum: Gamindustri's Dark Demon [S]*
|Treasure: Otorii cave

===Other (Red)===
===Other (Red)===
{| class="style_table"
{| style="padding:.2em, 1em; width:100%" class="wikitable"
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Idea chip
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Lv
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Name
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |effect
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Effect
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Terms of availability
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Explanation
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Purchase price
! style="background:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Location
! style="background-color:#8A2BE2; color:white" |Sale price
|Death is The End
|Death is The End lv.1
|B Recover HP L1 (5%)
|B recovery HP L1
|rowspan=5|During battle, recover HP while in the back.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|DL Only
|DL Only lv.2
|B Recover HP L2 (7%)
|B recovery HP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Port lv.3
|B Recover HP L3 (10%)
|B recovery HP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|one road
|Linear lv.4
|B Recover HP L4 (15%)
|B recovery HP L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Nameless Ruins|Nameless Ruins]]<br/>Colosseum: Silent Whirlpool [S]*
|Hidden: Name unexpected also known ruins
|Uho' ... A'!
|Inzane! lv.5
|B Recover HP L5 (20%)
|B recovery HP L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/ABXYLR Grasslands|ABXYLR Grasslands]]<br/>Colosseum: Mouse Kingdom [S]*
|Treasure: ABXYLR grassland
|Includes Videos
|Includes Videos lv.1
|B Recover SP L1 (2%)
|B recovery SP L1
|rowspan=5|During battle, recover SP while in the back.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Epic Making
|Epic Making lv.2
|B Recover SP L2 (5%)
|B recovery SP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: With My Friends!!! [E]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Orthodox lv.3
|B Recover SP L3 (7%)
|B recovery SP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Channel Space|Channel Space - Entrance]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Soon die surprisingly
|Die So Fast lv.4
|B Recover SP L4 (10%)
|B recovery SP L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Player 2 Park|Player 2 Park - Inner]]<br/>Colosseum: Older Sister Team [S]*
|Hidden: two tail Park deep
|Kyakkya Hoho
|Wahahahaha! lv.5
|B Recover SP L5 (12%)
|B recovery SP L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Maryo Land|Maryo Land - Inner]]<br/>Colosseum: It's Hard for Unpopular Men [S]*
|Hidden: Maryorando-deep
|Industry First!
|Industry First! lv.1
|B Recover W L1 (HP 2%, SP 1%)
|B recovery W L1
|rowspan=5|During battle, recover HP and SP while in the back.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: I Don't Like Them [E]
|Killer Aim
|Killer Aim lv.2
|B Recover W L2 (HP 5%, SP 2%)
|B recovery W L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Near Future
|Near Future lv.3
|B Recover W L3 (HP 7%, SP 3%)
|B recovery W L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|In more details, WEB
|Refer the Internet lv.4
|B Recover W L4 (HP 10%, SP 5%)
|B recovery W L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Games Vision|Games Vision - Area 4]]<br/>Colosseum: Mechamiso Technique [S]*
|Hidden: Games Vision area 4
|No experience earn
|Don't Grind lv.5
|B Recover W L5 (HP 12%, SP 6%)
|B recovery W L5
|Quest: I'll Become a Pro-Gamer! [A]<br/>Colosseum: Mechamiso Technique [S]*
|Subdivision: I become a professional gamer! [A]
|Famous Voice
|Famous Voice lv.1
|End Heal HP L1 (5%)
|End heal HP L1
|rowspan=5|HP recovers after battle.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Arena]]
|Core User-Oriented
|Core User-oriented lv.2
|End Heal HP L2 (10%)
|End heal HP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Wide Market
|Wide Market lv.3
|End Heal HP L3 (15%)
|End heal HP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Children are still no good!
|Not For Kids lv.4
|End Heal HP L4 (20%)
|End heal HP L4
|Quest: As Soon As Possible [B]<br/>Colosseum: Invading Squeed Aliens [S]*
|Clock: As Soon As Possible [B]
|For children
|Child-oriented lv.5
|End Heal HP L5 (25%)
|End heal HP L5
|Quest: I Won't Forgive [A]<br/>Colosseum: Evil Goddess ˜Dark White˜ [S]*
|Subdivision: never forgive [A]
|Broadcast-Friendly lv.1
|End Heal SP L1 (2%)
|End heal SP L1
|rowspan=5|SP recovers after battle.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Spirit Extermination [E]
|Auto-map Dungeon
|Auto-map Dungeon lv.2
|End Heal SP L2 (5%)
|End heal SP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Deprived Domain|Deprived Domain - Area 1]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Limited Edition
|Limited Edition lv.3
|End Heal SP L3 (7%)
|End heal SP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: An Old Man's Nosiness
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|For Women
|Female-oriented lv.4
|End Heal SP L4 (10%)
|End heal SP L4
|Quest: Please Help With Extermination! [C]<br/>Colosseum: True Campanions [S]*
|Subdivision: Please cooperate with eradication! [C]
|Dead Oboero
|Learn by Dying lv.5
|End Heal SP L5 (12%)
|End heal SP L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Senmuu Labyrinth|Senmuu Labyrinth - Area 3]]<br/>Colosseum: Freelance Job Starting with "Y" [S]*
|Hidden: Senmu Labyrinth-3
|Investigative lv.1
|End Heal W L1 (HP 2%, SP 1%)
|End heal W L1
|rowspan=5|HP and SP recovers after battle.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: [Urgent] Can't Forgive Jellys [E], [Urgent] Secret Request [E]
|All Luck
|All Luck lv.2
|End Heal W L2 (HP 5%, SP 2%)
|End heal W L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|War lv.3
|End Heal W L3 (HP 7%, SP 3%)
|End heal W L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Planepark|Planepark - Entrance]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Jargon lv.4
|End Heal W L4 (HP 10%, SP 5%)
|End heal W L4
|Colosseum: Large Dogoos Assemble [C], Older Sister Team [S]*
|Koh: Surainu large set [C]
|Tie-up lv.5
|End Heal W L5 (HP 12%, SP 6%)
|End heal W L5
|Quest: Hya ha ha ha ha!! ![A]<br/>Colosseum: Evil Goddess ˜Dark White˜ [S]*
|Subdivision: Ahhyahyahyahya! ![A]
|Character Creation
|Character Creation lv.1
|T. Performance L1 (5%)
|T performance L1
|rowspan=5|Decreases SP consumption after transformation.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Sword Dance of Star Spirits [E], This is All Their Doing [E]
|Male-oriented lv.2
|T. Performance L2 (10%)
|T performance L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Middle-Schooler lv.3
|T. Performance L3 (15%)
|T performance L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Please, Cheer For My Love! [B]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Transcendence degree of difficulty
|Crazy Difficult lv.4
|T. Performance L4 (20%)
|T performance L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Golden Summit Leanbox|Golden Summit Leanbox - Area 4]]<br/>Colosseum:Arfoire Δ [S]*
|Hidden: Golden top LE · area 4
|Low Price
|Low Price lv.5
|T. Performance L5 (25%)
|T performance L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Depths of the Heart]]<br/>Colosseum: Mouse Kingdom [S]*
|Treasure: Kokorono the deepest part
|Drill lv.1
|T. Recover HP L1 (5%)
|T recover HP L1
|rowspan=5|Recover HP from transforming.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Muddy lv.2
|T. Recover HP L2 (10%)
|T recover HP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Player 2 Park|Player 2 Park - Entrance]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Niche lv.3
|T. Recover HP L3 (15%)
|T recover HP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Games Vision|Games Vision - Area 3]]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Popular painter
|Famous Artist lv.4
|T. Recover HP L4 (20%)
|T recover HP L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Virtua Forest|Virtua Forest]]<br/>Colosseum: Dragon Heroes [S]*
|Hidden: Virtua Forest
|That's A Good Look
|That's A Good Look lv.5
|T. Recover HP L5 (25%)
|T recover HP L5
|Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/AffimaX Base|AffimaX Base - Hangar 2]]<br/>Colosseum: White Winged Chocopiman [S]*
|Treasure: Affi-based second hangar
|Harem lv.1
|T. Recover SP L1 (5%)
|T recover SP L1
|rowspan=5|Recover SP from transforming.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: I Won't Ever Forgive Him [E]
|Journey lv.2
|T. Recover SP L2 (10%)
|T recover SP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Hover Movement
|Hover Movement lv.3
|T. Recover SP L3 (15%)
|T recover SP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Request For Asistance! [B]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Million aim
|Million Aim lv.4
|T. Recover SP L4 (20%)
|T recover SP L4
|Colosseum: Bad Vibes [C], Nice Green and Yellow Coupling! [S]*
|Koh: malicious Zanko [C]
|Media mix deployment
|Mediamix Stragtegy lv.5
|T. Recover SP L5 (25%)
|T recover SP L5
|Quest: As Expected of Lady Nep [A]<br/>Colosseum: You're Forever ˜ Green Demon˜ [S]*
|Subdivision: It is indeed, Nepuko like [A]
|Burnin' Moe
|Burnin' Moe lv.1
|Regenerate L1 (2%)
|Regenerate L1
|rowspan=5|HP gradually recovers during battle.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: Test Your Strength? [E]
|Moe Burnin'
|Moe Burnin' lv.2
|Regenerate L2 (5%)
|Regenerate L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Treasure: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Daze Station|Daze Station - Area 3]]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc<br>
treasure: Daze Station area 3
|Famous Creator
|Famous Creator lv.3
|Regenerate L3 (7%)
|Regenerate L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Open-Ended lv.4
|Regenerate L4 (10%)
|Regenerate L4
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Tacan Road|Tacan Road]]<br/>Colosseum: Freelance Job Starting with "Y" [S]*
|Hidden: TACAN highway
|Yuriyuri lv.5
|Regenerate L5 (12%)
|Regenerate L5
|Quest: I Remembered! [A]<br/>Colosseum: It's Hard for Unpopular Men [S]*
|Subdivision: remembered! [A]
|Casual lv.1
|Regenerate SP L1 (1%)
|Regenerate SP L1
|rowspan=5|SP gradually recovers during battle.
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: A Normal Guy's Not Enough! [E]
|Many Resets
|Many Resets lv.2
|Regenerate SP L2 (2%)
|Regenerate SP L2
|Shop: Hyper Dimension Arc<br />Quest: My Heart's Nepped Up^˜ [D]
|Shop: Hyper-Dimension Arc
|Launch lv.3
|Regenerate SP L3 (3%)
|Regenerate SP L3
|Shop: Heart Dimension Arc<br />Quest: An Old Man's Regret [B]
|Shop: Heart-Dimension Arc
|Worldwide lv.4
|Regenerate SP L4 (5%)
|Regenerate SP L4
|Quest: To End My Love [A]<br/>Quest: Duel Shock [S]*
|Subdivision: In order to end the love [A]
|Japanese Taste
|Japanese Taste lv.5
|Regenerate SP L5 (6%)
|Regenerate SP L5
|Hidden: [[Dungeon/Victory II/Otori Cave|Otori Cave]]<br/>Colosseum: Magigirl Rom and Ram! [S]*
|Hidden: Otorii cave

==Related Pages==
==Related Pages==
*[[Disc Developer/Blank Disc/VII]]
*[[Disc Developer/Blank Disc/Victory II]]
*[[Disc Developer/Godly Game/Victory II]]
*[[Disc Developer/Sucky Game/Victory II]]
{{Neptunia VII}}
[[Category:Megadimension Neptunia VII]]
[[Category:Megadimension Neptunia VII]]
[[Category:Idea Chips]]
[[Category:Idea Chips|{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]